Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1924 1924 [Where are the Rum people? 】Ask for monthly ticket

On the other side, for Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka, tonight is also a sleepless night.

Inozuka Saburo holds a photo of his idol, mourning his lost youth.

Maya Hashimoto was leaning against the window, lamenting that she had survived another case. At this time, looking at the deep well in the yard, he suddenly remembered something.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." When he was on a desert island before, Inozuka Taro wanted to find something from the theater to smash Jiang Xia to death, pretending to be an "accident." However, Jiang Xia did not die. Instead, Inozuka Taro was hit in the head by the murderer first and died suddenly on the spot.

Later, Inozuka Jiro wanted to avenge his brother, and still pointed the finger at Jiang Xia, intending to turn this unfortunate detective into a murderer and ruin his reputation... Then Inozuka Jiro assumed the identity of "the mastermind behind the scenes" and was trained as a subordinate for many years. He was shot to death, but in the end it was Jiang Xia who helped him wash away this unfair injustice.

There is also Kurosawa Kazuma. In my impression, when they were on the desert island, Kurosawa Kazuma wanted to do something at the hanging site of the second victim, causing Jiang Xia to break his neck and die. As a result, Jiang Xia is still fine. Only Kurosawa and Kazuma were hit by crossbows and hospitalized. In the end, they were unlucky enough to be hanged by the murderer in the bathroom and silenced.

...Why are all the people who targeted Jiangxia dead?

Moreover, the deaths are so dramatic, so appropriate to the occasion, so relevant to the topic, as if they were tailor-made.

I heard that Uzo is a vengeful person. And every time he knew about a case related to Wu Zuo, Jiang Xia was nearby. Could it be that these two seemingly unrelated people are actually the same person...

Maya Hashimoto: "..." No, no, no, it's impossible!

Ahaha, I am still too tired! He actually picked up this boring hypothesis that he had ruled out countless times and thought about it over and over again... If he had nothing to do, he might as well go for a few prayers, it would be better than making up random stories here.

Maybe his expression changes at that moment were too complicated. Saburo Inozuka, who was silently mourning his idol next to him, couldn't help but glance over.

"What are you thinking about?" Saburo Inozuka thought the guy under guard was unfathomable at first, but now he doubted Maya Hashimoto's mental state. "Didn't I tell you, 'that thing' is a A curly-haired man wearing a black suit and sunglasses, please stop guessing."

Maya Hashimoto said solemnly: "But don't forget, that man's aura is terrifying, but he looks like he is only in his early twenties - whether it is the previous silver coin case or today's case, the time span is too long. It doesn't match his age at all. This must be a cover-up for that thing. The curly-haired man may just be one of his subordinates."

As he spoke, he fell silent again: "..." If a subordinate looks so scary, what will he look like in person?

Saburo Inozuka: "Who else could he be? Are you still doubting Naoko Tormaru?"

"It's very possible." Maya Hashimoto took a deep breath and suddenly a thought came to her mind, "Naoko Tormaru is actually very beautiful. Maybe she and the curly-haired man in black are in love and form a combination like a male and female robber. ——If you think about it carefully, Uzo can almost trigger murders anywhere he wants. The amount of work required for this kind of advance preparation is simply not something that one person can handle."

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Crazy, this person is crazy.

But it seems that he is not completely crazy - judging from Maya Hashimoto's forced expression, maybe even he himself does not believe the nonsense he said. Eighty percent of the time, I just want to say something nice and wish for good luck.


Saburo Inozuka scratched his head: "You don't want 'that thing' to be too powerful, so you keep forcing yourself to think this way - but if he is actually two people, wouldn't it be more terrifying than fighting alone?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Maya Hashimoto: "!!"

Jiang Xia was concentrating on studying the newly acquired Liangpi, temporarily forgetting about her new little brother who was about to break down.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that everyone was preparing to leave for Tokyo. Jiang Xia accidentally caught a glimpse of this extremely haggard can of iced black tea, and then he realized the problem belatedly.

He walked over and said worriedly: "Mr. Hashimoto, I don't know if you have noticed it. You seem to be always involved in various incidents recently, and you are often regarded as a murderer."

Maya Hashimoto looked blank: "..." I discovered it, how could I not have discovered it.

He turned around and glanced at Saburo Inozuka, who was far from "reliable", and suddenly realized that this time, Curacao didn't send anyone over, and he obviously didn't care about watching over him.

And every time, Uzo can accurately find his whereabouts... Could it be that Curacao and Uzo are actually on the same team? And it seems that Curacao is extremely cooperative with Uzo's actions.

Being targeted by a cadre is already a very fatal thing. And now he is being jointly murdered by two cadres...

Maya Hashimoto touched the cross on his chest, looked at Jiang Xia, and showed a pale smile that looked like it would rise to the sky in the next second: "Yes, I have been having bad luck lately, maybe this is the last time we meet."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He didn't do much, he just took Conan to pick up some murderous intent near Maya Hashimoto. Before he entered the police station, he even escorted the younger brother considerately. Even with a flashlight in the entire organization, he couldn't find anyone more considerate than him. Good boss...Why did Maya Hashimoto's desire to live suddenly drop so low?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia understood: It was all because of Rum's delay. I have been working under Ireland, and there is nothing I can do to become haggard like this. I can just wait until I can work under him.

...So when will his poor little brother get the money?

Jiang Xia felt that he couldn't wait any longer: If things still remained silent after returning to Tokyo, it would be better to go directly to Rum and ask about the situation.

Jiang Xia: "..." Although Rum's whereabouts are a mystery, the second-in-command seems to have a little hobby of making sushi. When the time comes, take Conan around to various sushi restaurants. Maybe you will have a sudden and wonderful encounter?

If you really can't find it, you can also ask Noah. Although the organization seemed to have hidden a lot of tricks, and the information about the top and second-in-commands was not as easy to browse as he imagined, but if Rum took the initiative to go to a place with many cameras, he would be able to find him smoothly.

Of course, the iced black tea in front of you cannot be left alone. I have experienced a lot of summer recently, and ghosts like this taste very much, and consume a lot of it.

Thinking about this, Jiang Xia wondered: "Why did you suddenly say such negative words? Are you being threatened?"

After a pause, he seemed to remember something and lowered his voice a little, "Is he the 'that person' I mentioned before?" (End of Chapter)

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