Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1925 1925【I did not rebel】

In the past, Maya Hashimoto would have said nothing for fear of leaking the news and being silenced.

But at this time, he nodded numbly: It doesn't matter, whatever, living is too tiring. He doesn't want to think about anything now, he just wants to quietly wait for his fate.

Jiang Xia sighed: "Don't be so pessimistic. As long as you are willing to face it bravely, there are solutions to all problems - and since I heard your request, of course I can't ignore it. On the way back to Tokyo, you come with us Bar."

Maya Hashimoto was startled, she didn't expect him to say such a thing: "Aren't you afraid that I will harm you?"

After a pause, he suddenly felt something was wrong: "..." When staying with Jiang Xia, when encountering a murder case and being watched by Uzuo, it seems that it is not certain who will be implicated.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." But thinking about it carefully, it is true that the detective Jiang Xia reached out to him several times recently when he was in trouble.

And...Jiang Xia is a detective!

Maya Hashimoto suddenly felt that she had discovered a blind spot, and the stagnant eyes came to life: "..." He is a detective, which means that Jiang Xia will only collect evidence that exists around him and arrest criminals, and will not do nothing. The poor citizens took action.

In the recent period, I have not committed any crime at all. I am so law-abiding that I only went to the roadside to help the old lady who fell. Under this premise, as long as I can withstand the pressure of being scrutinized by detectives, then Jiangxia will be a rare place. Safe island.

A series of thoughts passed by like lightning. When looking at the detective again, Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but her eyes lit up: "Can I really go with you?"

Jiang Xia smiled: "Of course, if you need me in the future, you can come to me at any time."

Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but show a slightly moved expression: "..." He actually suspected Jiang Xia - what kind of Uzo suspect, this is obviously my good comrade-in-arms! Even more reliable than Mr. Ireland.

Maya Hashimoto stretched out her hand and shook Jiang Xia's hand tightly.

With a click, this memorable scene was recorded by a camera in the distance.

This case that happened in Hokkaido was not only a detailed serial murder case in a drama, but also involved a police officer. It was quite a topic. To this day, there are still some reporters squatting outside, wanting to take pictures. Click on the next material.

Therefore, the scene where Jiang Xia and Maya Hashimoto were talking was also captured from a distance and posted as gossip on those scattered small pages.

Although it is a piece of news with not many views, it has made it onto the Internet after all.

Almost immediately, they were captured by someone's program and put together.

corner of Tokyo.

Vodka looked at the photo and felt that the unlucky man standing opposite Jiang Xia looked quite familiar.

After taking a closer look, he recognized it: "Isn't this the unlucky henchman from Ireland? It's so pitiful that he followed the wrong brother. And..."

Vodka carefully recognized Maya Hashimoto's expression, and her mood suddenly became more complicated: "And when this man looked at Uzo, his eyes were actually shining... Hiss, judging from this posture, he will follow soon. Even more wrong."

Gin couldn't help but glance over here, took a few seconds to memorize Maya Hashimoto's face, and mentally labeled him as "completely manipulated."

If you see this person again in the future, you don't need to think too much, and you know that there may be Uzo's hands or feet nearby.

But these two people standing together made Gin remember one thing.

"Rum assigned the person to Uzo?" Gin felt something was wrong, "The one-eyed monster has been coveting this so-called good prospect for a long time, and he will definitely not give up so easily. Could it be that he has contacted Uzo in private recently? , reached some consensus?”

"That's not true...probably not." Vodka integrated the information he had collected, "Uzo found it himself. Maya Hashimoto seemed to hide deliberately, but Uzo was able to accurately catch the person every time." Look up, Curacao seems to be responsible for the custody of Maya Hashimoto. She has had a lot of contact with Uzo recently. Could it be that she has..."

Gin: "..."

He didn't say anything, he just silently added Curacao to the marked list. From now on, you must be more careful around such people and no longer speculate on their actions based on common sense.

However, thanks to Rum's unnecessary behavior, Tokyo has been a lot calmer in the past few days after Uzo went to Hokkaido, and the murder rate has obviously dropped. Sure enough, although Uzo always said that those cases had nothing to do with him. Relationship, but this kind of intuitive feedback is the most real and ironclad evidence, but no one usually pays attention to it.

Vodka secretly mourned for Maya Hashimoto for a while, but his mood silently became better: with such a new subordinate at hand to toss, Uzo will definitely not have time to come to him again! It seems that I can spend the past few days peacefully. When traveling at night, I no longer need to pay attention to avoiding those screeching motorcycles.

The thought flashed through his mind.

The next moment, Vodka's phone vibrated and received an email.

Vodka: "..."

In fact, he didn't hate emails coming from his mobile phone before. After all, he wasn't the one who made the decision. He just had to do some mindless organizing work and leave everything to Brother Gin.

Of course, no one would use this kind of organization-specific email address to chat with him.

But now, after receiving some malicious harassing emails one after another, Vodka felt a thump in his heart when he heard the news.

...As a civilian employee of an organization, it is impossible to leave emails unread.

After a while, under Gin's peripheral vision, Vodka was full of reluctance, but he could only silently take out his phone.

The screen opens with another corpse.

But this time...

Vodka felt something strange in his heart: Wait, this person doesn't look like himself, nor does he look like the brothers from the Inozuka family before... So who is this? It seems to be that Kurosawa?

Before he could think of anything, his hand had already turned down the page and saw the text below.

[Remember that Mr. Saburo Inozuka I mentioned? It's really surprising that he managed to survive in this complicated case. ]

Vodka: "..." Surprised? Tui! Act like it's real. Who lives and who dies in this kind of case, it's not just you who is secretly tampering behind the scenes.

But this made him even more confused: Since Saburo Inozuka was not dead, why did Uzo send him that photo of the corpse?

This question is quickly answered later in the article.

Uzo seemed to have started his abominable proposition composition again. As if he were telling a story, he continued what he had just said:

[This Mr. Saburo Inozuka has a partner named Kurosawa. ]

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