Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1926 1926 [Vodka, the end of the road]

[Mr. Kurosawa is physically strong and mentally agile, possessing all the qualities that a qualified organizational member should have.

[Originally, I planned to ask Curaçao to transfer him to my command after the matter was over, but I didn’t expect that he would die tragically in a place like this.

[According to my understanding, he had a chance to survive. Unfortunately, Mr. Saburo did not convey the news to him in time after hearing my reminder. Instead, he hid alone because of fear at the critical moment. Poor Mr. Kurosawa was dragged down by his unqualified teammates due to lack of information and was eventually killed.

[This is an unfortunate accident. As a failed pairing, I think it is very instructive. What about you? ]

Vodka stared at the accident report-like email, his eyes twitching wildly, and his expression instantly synchronized with Saburo Inozuka in the photo: "..." Kurosawa was killed because of Saburo Tanesuka?

...What does this little Yin ratio imply? ! Might as well speak more clearly!

...Forget it, it’s better not to say it.

Although I consider myself not a pig teammate... well, although I consider myself not a pig teammate who dares to hide information, this kind of thing that is not conducive to the harmony of the partners and is obviously sowing discord, of course, must be eliminated when it first appears.

Thinking of this, Vodka moved his fingers and viciously deleted the email, deciding that it would never reach Brother Gin.

The next moment, it was as if something was deliberately against him. There was a buzz next to him, and Gin's cell phone vibrated - an email was accurately delivered to him.

Vodka: "..."

Vodka stiffly turned his head inch by inch.

Gin noticed that the email had arrived, took out his phone, and then clicked on the mailbox...


Vodka broke out in a cold sweat and decided to strike first, not letting the first impression of that bastard Uzo take the initiative: "That guy is just sowing discord! I will never do the kind of thing that conceals key information and harms teammates just because of fear. Stupid thing!"

Gin glanced at Vodka while scanning the email Uzo sent to him, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes. He didn't know why this stupid assistant suddenly said this.

But remembering that the email Bodega just received happened to be from Uzo, he suddenly understood: "What did Uzo send you?"

Vodka was stunned, and for some reason he instinctively felt bad.

He said dryly: "Just those insinuations and words to sow discord... didn't he also send you a copy?"

Gin sneered, turned around the phone, and showed him his screen.

At the moment, they are waiting for a transaction in an abandoned factory, but they don't have to drive. Vodka was able to carefully turn his head to see the message Gin received.

After seeing the content above clearly, the corners of Vodka's eyes twitched wildly.

Completely different from what he imagined, what Gin received was not the same complaint email at all, but another photo and another unrelated paragraph.

——Uzo sent "Kurosawa"'s photo to him with vodka, and then sent, his photo of Saburo Inozuka to Gin.

Therefore, the photo that Gin received was a snapshot of Saburo Inozuka holding the deceased photo of his idol with a sad and angry look on his face.

The accompanying text is just some seemingly ordinary complaints.

[This Mr. Saburo Inozuka not only looks similar to Vodka, but also has exactly the same hobbies, and is equally keen on chasing stars.

[Unfortunately, in this case, the idol of Mr. Saburo Inozuka passed away. But I think this may not be a bad thing for him personally - no matter how you look at it, the hobby of chasing stars is incompatible with the members of the organization. I hope that Mr. Inozuka Saburo can change his useless habits after he comes to my staff. A little hobby, turned into an emotionless killer, doing something serious. ]

The more Vodka watched, the angrier he became: "..." What's wrong with chasing stars! This kid Uzo must be trying to cut off his way to relieve stress in this way, so that he can lose control of his mentality and become more easily controlled and exploited!

Speaking of which, unlike the first two Inozuka who died unluckily, Inozuka Saburo actually survived Usa...

Vodka suddenly had a flash of inspiration: Is this the reason why Inozuka Saburo survived successfully? Because rather than letting Inozuka die without knowing anything, Uzo would rather see him lose his spiritual support and become numb like a walking zombie?

The idol turned out to be a disposable shield... Inozuka was so lucky, otherwise he would definitely be the one who died this time.

This thought briefly flashed through his mind. After coming back to his senses, Vodka was instantly alert: "..." As a star-chaser for many years, he had already devoted all his entertainment time to his lovely idol, but now, for a moment, He actually had the despicable idea of ​​relying on idols to protect himself.

...It's so terrible. Uzo is killing people and destroying their spiritual beliefs, so that people will eventually become shameless and vicious cannon fodder in order to survive.

According to experience, this kind of cannon fodder has the highest mortality rate among any type of script. There will be no sympathy after death, only applause!

Vodka's mind was racing, and in just a short period of time, a long list of reports had been generated about this incident - all of them were attributed to Uzo who was persecuting him, and Uzo was very angry.

Suddenly he felt that he had forgotten something.

Until the next moment, Ginjiu, who had seen enough of the complicated changes in his expression, said quietly: "Insinuations? Sowing discord? What did he send you? Let me see."

Vodka: "!!"

I just said that I would not hide the news, but in the blink of an eye I secretly deleted the email in order not to let Gin see it...

Vodka looked back at his silky actions just now and broke into a cold sweat.

Although it is normal to delete harassing emails. But that email mentioned "Kurosawa" after all, and looking back to the present, the situation suddenly became unforgivable.

Vodka faced Gin's scrutinizing gaze, and his vision went dark.

Fortunately, perhaps the credit accumulated over the years played a small role. Or maybe Gin was aware of Uzzo's bad nature and was deliberately taking precautions against it.

In short, in the end, Vodka was extremely moved to find that the elder brother did not kill him with one shot, but magnanimously gave him a chance to explain.

Vodka immediately recited the email he had just received - fortunately, his memory was not bad, and coupled with some instinctive fear of Uzo, when he read the email, his energy was unprecedentedly concentrated, and in the end, he was almost a word Not bad either.

Gin stared at him silently, suddenly a little distracted: "..." Vodka Uzo said these insinuations in a guillotine-like tone... The whole scene had a weird and funny sense of dislocation.

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