Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1932 1932 [Curaçao Game Ends]

Chapter 1932 1932"

Curacao stretched out his hand and grasped the handle again with great tangle: "Only by having a normal ending can we use a normal plot to cover up those bad memories."

After logging into the game, Curacao skillfully repeated the previous steps, closing her eyes and fast forwarding through the scenes that made her uncomfortable. Finally, the game advanced to the finale.

"It's better to prepare carefully." Curacao sighed haggardly, "I finally understand. Unless you only have career in mind, there is no way to get rid of the relationship with that bastard detective."

This time, she carefully laid out traps for the prisoners, doing everything she could to do the best she could... Then she was too serious and had no time to evacuate, and was unfortunately kidnapped by the prisoners.

The criminal tied her up in the middle of the warehouse. Bombs were hidden everywhere in the warehouse, waiting for the detectives to fall into the trap.

Curacao always felt that this scene looked familiar. She became vigilant and carefully asked the character to scan around. The more she looked, the more frightened she became: "..." This, this is exactly the same as the water line in the previous scene, especially those bombs. s position. Could it be...

The intuition of an excellent organizational cadre is indeed not easy to fail.

In Curaçao's numb eyes, a series of old-fashioned and familiar operations appeared in front of her like a flowing stream - rescuing people, explosions, building collapse, being trapped in a corner, and then she held the detective's face...


The handle hit the screen hard, and at the same time Curacao turned off the power, staring at the black screen with a pair of mandarin duck eyes, in shock.

——Just like there was no "defeat the detective" ending in the little gangster route, there is no option to part ways with Jiang Xia in the detective route.

Curacao: "..." The promised battle game is here!

Also, it's no wonder that this game wasn't released normally - if it had been, someone might have murdered the development team and the game would have been discontinued, so she wouldn't have gotten this damn thing.

Curacao inserted his fingers into his hair and combed it back hard, trying to wake himself up with the pain of his scalp and clean out the messy garbage from his mind.

A whole day of precious "vacation" was wasted on this kind of thing.

Curacao washed his face with ice water and calmed down: "Add the development team of this game to the assassination list."

But then I thought about it, and felt it was inappropriate: unless the organization had a mission, she usually didn't do anything to innocent people.

Curacao: "..." But is this team really innocent?

There was a fight between angels and demons in my mind, and Curacao was a bit confused.

At the end of the fight, reason finally gained the upper hand: "No, we can't do it. Let's not talk about whether they are innocent or not. I am now involved with Uzo. In this state, any unnecessary killing Any thought may lead to death. This has been verified by countless people one after another.

Curacao: "..." But she was still curious about who could make such a shocking garbage game.

Curacao took the notebook, opened it on his lap, and entered working mode in the blink of an eye.

Then after searching again and again, she discovered that this game was nominally released by a small and unknown studio, but in fact it was produced by a technical team under the name of the Suzuki Foundation.

...Suzuki Consortium?

Curacao thought of the chestnut-haired female high school student who often appeared around Jiang Xia, and almost cracked her mouse again: "..." Sure enough, the sense of familiarity that chestnut-haired blood-returning monster gave her was not an illusion.

It turns out that few people who can appear next to Uzo for a long time are sane.

Curacao: "..." Speaking of which, when Maya Hashimoto was first found, the island he was on seemed to be an asset in the name of the Suzuki family.

...Don't think too deeply about this matter. The more you think about it, the more people feel that Uzo's power has expanded again.

Speaking of which, Uzo actually used this method to lure the rich man of the consortium, making the ignorant young girl's hands covered with blood, and willingly providing him with information and resources... This guy is really dark to the core. No wonder everyone in the organization appreciates him so much.

Uzo couldn't move for the time being, and the Suzuki Consortium certainly couldn't move because of personal vendettas... After thinking about it, Curacao found that he could only make changes on his own and stay away from these bad guys.

"Everything related to Suzuki can no longer be used."

Thinking of this, Curaçao stood up and prepared to count the items around him and throw away everything that needed to be thrown away.

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that many things are related to it - the Suzuki consortium has a big business, and even if an item is not entirely produced by them, there are probably some key parts they handle mixed in.

...In other words, if this strategy of refusing to be Uzuo's accomplice is really implemented, her living standards and habits will definitely fluctuate significantly in the future.

Curacao had just been tortured for a long time by the game that the female high school student devotedly created. He was already extremely exhausted. Now he thought about the huge workload of doing this...

After a few seconds, she silently decided to lie down.

"Forget it, life is hard enough, why bother to torture yourself anymore." Curacao had obvious dark circles under his eyes, "The only comforting thing is that the Suzuki couple are not too old, and they look like they can live for a long time... … I hope they live a long life and never let that horrible daughter inherit the family business.”

Ignoring the cracked screen, Curaçao went straight to the bedroom, took a hot shower and prepared to take a good rest.

Just as I closed my eyes, my phone rang: there was an email.


Curacao almost threw her phone away, but her good professionalism made her resist the urge. In the end, she just unlocked her phone and checked the messages as usual.

Then the sender's code name, which made people's eyes darken, hit her sight.

"Is this guy really not spying on me?" Curacao's whole body has been wrapped in a giant cocoon with murderous aura. "He always sends emails to disturb me when I am resting or busy."

She became alert and thought about this possibility seriously.

Then she comforted herself, maybe she was overthinking: Uzo might really be innocent in this matter. After all, she didn't seem to be in much other state besides resting and being busy.

This thought made him feel more at ease. Curacao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and clicked on the email to check.

Then there was a brief silence.

Sure enough, he was asking her for Maya Hashimoto again. The only difference from before was that this time, he also asked for one more person by name - Saburo Inozuka.

Curacao: “…”

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