Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1933 1933 [Sorry, Rum]

Curacao: "..." Inozuka Saburo and the like don't matter. As long as she can get rid of the annoying Uzo, she is willing to give him whatever he has.

In comparison...why is Uzo still thinking about that Irish subordinate?

He kept asking questions for three days, but the organization's debt collector team didn't have any trouble with him.

And she didn’t ask the right person: it wasn’t her decision. If it was really under her control, she would definitely throw Hashimoto Maya as far away as possible the first moment she got it, so as not to leave Uzo with an excuse to get entangled.

Every wrongdoer has his head, and every debt has his own owner. This thought flashed through, and for a moment, Curacao really wanted to send Rum's contact information.

...But after all, Rum is the second-in-command of the organization, and this behavior is not much different from betrayal. Curacao closed his eyes and struggled to endure this rebellious thought.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, her phone vibrated again, and a new email appeared in her mailbox - it was from Rum, asking her when she would return to Tokyo tomorrow and that she had a new task for her.

Curacao: "..." Why are you sending me a message at this time? Can you please stop causing trouble?

What you think in your mind is one thing, but what you do with your hands can only be another thing. Curacao first used all his patience and politely replied to Rum.

Then he sent another message to Uzo: "About Hashimoto Maya, I will ask your superiors for you. Please do not contact me before receiving a reply."

She quietly hinted that this matter was not her business.

After replying to the two annoying people's messages, Curaçao threw the phone aside and retreated into the quilt again, hoping that no one would disturb him again.

But she couldn't sleep for a while, and couldn't help but think: Why did she ask for Saburo Inozuka? What was it about that guy that attracted Uzo's attention?

After thinking about it, there seems to be only one possibility-Inozuka Saburo looks a lot like Vodka.

Curacao: "..." Just because of this, he wanted to treat a living person as a toy. Uzo is really a scary and hateful guy.

In addition, it seems that Uzo is probably very interested in vodka, but for some reasons he couldn't do it directly, so he made a lookalike to tease his subordinates.

"In other words, if necessary, you can push the vodka out. Uzo must be more interested in him than me." Curacao's conscience ached slightly, while a glimmer of a dead Taoist friend flashed in his eyes. .

On the other side, on the way back.

Jiang Xia received a reply from Curacao.

"Ask the superior..." he thought, "This superior must be referring to Rum. This transfer, which should have been extremely simple, was indeed stuck with him - not even a peripheral member was willing to let go. This second-in-command is really stingy, but now it seems that Curacao actually told me directly the reason why I couldn’t be transferred... It seems that even she agrees with my idea of ​​asking Rum directly for someone."

With that said, Jiang Xia rubbed Noah's crystal ball-like head: "Have you found him?"

Noah was chewing the murderous smoke smelling of gasoline while working hard: "I'm looking for it, I'm really looking for it."

Jiang Xia patted its flexible head from an angle invisible to others, then withdrew her hand and continued to look at her phone, trying to find if there was anyone else who could harass, who could connect with her emotionally.

In order to create a sense of mystery and ritual for the multiple identities of the organization members, Jiang Xia still maintains the habit of carrying two mobile phones with him.

But with Noah here, these can actually be completed on the same mobile phone. At this time, I was on the return train, and there were companions sitting across from me. In addition, there was a frightened Maya Hashimoto nearby. Jiang Xia therefore did not use the organizer, but used his daily mobile phone to browse various things that he should and should not see.

Other people in the car occasionally looked over and saw Jiang Xia holding her cell phone while typing, but they didn't think there was anything wrong: Well, as a famous detective, wouldn't it be normal to have more emails?

What's more, Jiang Xia has to give out a lot of business cards wherever she goes. They used to wonder where Jiang Xia found the time to deal with so many emails, but now they know - the time is indeed squeezed out.

Jiang Xia is so outstanding and yet so diligent. No wonder he has become such a well-known detective in such a short period of time.

Suzuki Sonoko has always had the intention to develop into the detective industry. It is not that she yearns for a male and female hero or a close partner, but she simply wants to relieve the worries of Tokyo citizens.

At this time, she looked at the young detective opposite and couldn't help but mutter to Mao Lilan: "But the most important thing is that Jiang Xia always encounters all kinds of bizarre murder cases. Otherwise, if he has no reasoning ability and no cases, there is nothing he can do." Solving the case - this shows that Jiang Xia's luck is also very good, uh, very bad, no, very good..."

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin, briefly confused.

Conan poured water and passed by, and couldn't help but justify the incident: "This shows that we can turn bad luck into good luck, and at the same time, the victim can be avenged."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly understood and nodded.

Then Bang punched Conan on the head: "Little brat, don't imitate adults. What kind of detective are you? Study hard."

Conan: "...?"

When high school students chatted about their ordinary daily lives.

Beside him, Maya Hashimoto tried his best to reduce his sense of presence and did not want to hear such topics.

——Initially, Jiang Xia may have encountered some cases due to her own bad luck.

Whether the latter cases were accidental or not is not certain.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Uzo seems to be a person who pays great attention to fun and ritual. For example, if he wants to cause trouble for Mr. Ireland, he will keep chasing him. Another example is that after Mr. Ireland disappeared, he successively hunted down his innocent henchman. He also continued to use various bloody cases to convey terrible hints and threats to him...

Maya Hashimoto shook his head and shook his tragic experience out of his mind: In short, it should be very reasonable for such a person to deliberately let the case happen near Jiangxia in order to have a powerful enemy.

...So where did I get the courage to agree to go with Jiang Xia?

Maya Hashimoto: "..." However, facts have proven countless times that even if he avoids Jiang Xia, he still cannot escape Usa's terrifying cobweb, and will instead become a suspicious person in Jiang Xia's eyes.

In this case, it’s better not to think about it. Otherwise, before the body is killed, his soul may have reached the grave first.

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto took a deep breath, held the cross in both hands and bowed out the window, then took the cross and drew a figure in his hand, raised his head and swallowed it, doing a small ritual to avoid nervousness.

Conan, who had been quietly observing him: "?"

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