Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1934 1934【Missionary Uzo】Please vote for me oo

Although Uzo himself had no intention of persecuting his subordinates, and was even quite friendly to his subordinates, he couldn't bear his subordinates to think too much.

Jiang Xia was on her way back from Beihai.

In Tokyo, two young women, whom he had almost forgotten, were staying in a simple safe house, preparing for plastic surgery in a few days.

"No need to work, no need to go to work, no need to control your figure, no need to worry about what to do in the future because worrying is useless..." Masumi Takamori threw herself on the bed, looked at the ceiling and sighed, "I really don't know how I am now. , is it a good thing or a bad thing?”

Unlike this heartless junior, on the sofa next to her, Naoko Tormaru flipped through her phone and browsed the news. Her eyes went through the plain lenses and took in the shocking cases one after another. The more she read, the more shocking cases she saw. The more I felt alarmed.

The two of them have been hiding here since they escaped from the police.

During this period, Naoko Tormaru thought that her movements would be greatly restricted, that she would lose her freedom completely like a prisoner, and that some professionals might even come over to brainwash them... However, that didn't happen.

Let alone a brainwasher, there is not even a caretaker. Naoko Tormaru and Masumi Takamori are still here today, all thanks to self-discipline.

In short, during this period, except for the plastic surgeon who sent them some surgical precautions and chatted with them from time to time, everyone else seemed to have completely forgotten about them.

In addition, the only person in the organization who had communicated with them was a very mysterious woman - the woman actually used a voice changer when she called to conceal her gender, but Naoko Toriyama still learned from the subtle details. In his tone of voice, he could discern some real information about the other party.

The mysterious lady asked them some questions that needed quick answers over the phone. To Toriyama Naoko, this sounded very much like the fixed process of HR recruitment. However, she could vaguely feel that the lady contacted them not just because of the process, but more like she was slightly curious about them.

And for some reason, the other party was still slightly defensive.

This made Tormaru Naoko even more worried about her situation - her wealth and life were completely in the hands of others, and she knew nothing about that existence. Even the highest-level people she could come into contact with were not interested in that existence. The person who saved them kept secret...

There is no such thing as a free lunch. What on earth does that person want to do?

Anxiety can sometimes be more motivating.

So these days, Tormaru Naoko spent all her time on that plastic surgeon. While the other party was working on the project of "creating artificial twins" and was in a state of excitement, she made some insinuations and finally got some sporadic information.

At first, Naoko Tormaru didn't know which angle to start from in order to find out the information she wanted.

Unexpectedly, when she talked about their case, she unexpectedly gained something.

"You are quite powerful. You look young, but you understand people's hearts so well and can manipulate them like this." The plastic surgeon admired Naoko Toriyama's behavior, "But if I were you, after the face transplant, , I will definitely hide this skill so as not to attract the attention of 'that person'."

"'That person'?" Toriyama Naoko's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat, and she intuitively felt that this matter was very important, "Who is it?"

The plastic surgeon always cherishes his work, and he doesn't want the twins he just created to be on the news in the blink of an eye, so he hesitated for a moment, lowered his voice and whispered: "Since you have become a peripheral member of Tokyo, as long as you are well-informed, , sooner or later you will hear some rumors. In this case, I will not hide it from you..."

After a while of lying, Naoko Tormaru's pupils dilated slightly and her breathing stopped.

...Is there really such a miraculous killing method in the world?

Although she seemed to have accomplished the same thing, Naoko Tormaru knew in her heart that it was pure luck that she was able to achieve this situation - but if Masumi's life experience was different from hers, her murder plan might be the same. No way to succeed.

Naoko Tormaru: "..." Of course, strictly speaking, it has failed now. The whole process was retold exactly as if it was seen by the detective.

But at this moment, she suddenly noticed something in hindsight - when the mysterious lady called her, there was a hint of sympathy in her words, as if she was just a string on the stage. Just puppets.

"Am I being manipulated? How is this possible?"

Naoko Tormaru was shocked and confused: "It is true that I was restless during that time and made extreme choices impulsively. But it was all out of my own will, all by myself, myself... "

"Is it really me who wants to kill someone?"

A thought suddenly flashed through her mind, then froze, becoming clearer and clearer.

Everything is accidental, and there is also the necessity of human advancement. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the two, and people who are thoughtful will inevitably overthink it.

"Speaking of which, I obviously moved many times to stay away from my ex-boyfriend, but he still came to blackmail me. That's why I couldn't help but kill him."

Naoko Tormaru is a smart person. A smart person can peel off the cocoons to find the truth when there is enough evidence. You can also construct a "hypothesis" that has sufficient basis and looks the same as the truth even when there is insufficient evidence.

"Could it be that just like I instigated Takamori Masumi's boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend was also instigated to come to me?"

Naoko Tormaru looked ugly and thought quickly in her mind: "By the way, I remember that in the recent case I committed, the police found photos of my ex-boyfriend who dumped his body from Rokujo afterwards - that year I The apartment we live in is so remote, and Rokujo doesn’t live nearby, so why did he appear in that place at that time?”

Everything suspicious seems to point to an end point:

Like Takamori Masumi, he is just a poor canary who is completely controlled by others.

She thought she had escaped and became the planner and controller, but in fact, she was just following other people's instructions and unconsciously became an involuntary actor in the murder case.

And the manipulator behind the scenes is much better than her - Takamori Masumi, who is being controlled by her, at least knows that there is a manipulator behind the scenes, but she is suffering from the fact that no one believes her, but she, the person being controlled, is almost... I didn’t know there was another figure behind me!

"What are you talking about in your sleep?" After returning home, Masumi Takamori suddenly got goosebumps after listening to her story.

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