Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1935 1935【Friends】

Takamori Masumi instinctively refuted Toriyama Naoko's words, and then she had time to think seriously.

After thinking about it, he immediately retorted even harder.

"Impossible! Don't exonerate yourself. I, the unlucky victim, don't even bother to pursue the case. Why do you have to use such a terrible way to clear your name?"

Masumi Takamori couldn't accept such horrific things in the world: "Besides, haven't you seen Jiang Xia's collection of solved crimes? He is so powerful that even you, the real culprit behind the scenes, was successfully discovered. If we had that case at that time There are other people standing behind the scenes, and he will definitely be able to find out!"

Torimaru Naoko pursed her lips tightly, unable to restrain the trembling in her heart: "But what if there really is such a person, a person who even Jiang Xia cannot find and convict."


Takamori Masumi was silent, his expression extremely ugly.

But after a moment, after thinking about it carefully, she suddenly relaxed.

"It's okay if you have it. If even a detective as powerful as Jiang Xia can't find him, why are we two still struggling?"

Takamori Masumi feels that the problem is big, but when the problem reaches a certain level, it is not that big anymore, because there is no point in rushing:

"Let's just pretend that that person doesn't exist and live our lives quietly. Otherwise? Can you still find him and ask him why he wants to harm you?

"I don't even feel unwilling. What do you have to be unwilling to do? Even if there is such a person, a guy like you who manipulated me to kill someone can only be regarded as deserved. In this way, he can even be regarded as revenge for me. He is my benefactor."

Naoko Tormaru: "I'm not exonerating myself, but if I was really manipulated by someone else to commit the crime, then I would just be a knife used by him. Your enemy is actually the mastermind behind the scenes. How can you Do you think he is kind to you?"

"What you said seems to make sense..." Masumi Takamori blinked, feeling a little dizzy.

But anyway, they have already killed people, anyway, they have all escaped, anyway, they are all wanted, anyway, they have all fallen into the hands of the mastermind... So what else can be done?

"Aren't you tired from thinking so much? Our lives have become like this, so don't pursue those details."

Although Takamori Masumi and Toriyama Naoko have similar personalities, they have many fewer years of working experience in the workplace than the latter. She has never been the second-in-command in the company, nor has she lived a very stable life.

If you have never owned something, you are not afraid of losing it. Masumi Takamori decided to ignore those small flaws and face the reality calmly: "In short, even if there is a mastermind behind the scenes, just pretend you don't know it for now. If you really can't swallow this breath, earn enough money." , and then entrust a detective to investigate him - I have never seen a better detective than Jiang Xia, he will definitely help you find out the truth."

Torimaru Naoko didn't expect that the topic would return to Jiang Xia. She sighed and said helplessly: "You believe in that detective too blindly. Because he is your classmate?"

Masumi Takamori: "Because he is the one who found you, the 'mastermind', and restored my innocence. Without him, let alone the mastermind behind the mastermind, I wouldn't even know you, the first-level mastermind." ——Of course I trust him, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to trust you more.”

Naoko Tormaru was silent for a moment. It would be better to talk about detectives than to talk about her manipulation of murder.

So she took the initiative to change the subject: "I checked some of the detective's case-solving experience. He is a cautious person and always likes to keep silent until he has found all the evidence. If he can never find substantive evidence, then even if He was aware of it and would not reveal the existence of that person."

While talking, Naoko Tormaru took out her phone, clicked on the browsing history that she had checked, and refreshed it.

Then a brand new case emerged - Hokkaido's "Red Bearded Santa Claus".

The reporters who write case reports are all veterans, and the titles and openings are more exciting than the last. Naoko Tormaru was stunned after taking one look at it. She couldn't help but click in and read it one by one.

Then his face gradually turned uglier.

She pursed her lips and stared at the screen for a long time. She sent those reports to Takamori Masumi. After she read them, she asked, "What do you think?"

Takamori Masumi read it as if he were reading a story, and when he heard her ask, he said with emotion: "Jiang Xia is really amazing."

Toriyama Naoko: "..."

Takamori Masumi realized that this was not what she was asking. After thinking for a while, he added: "Even high-ranking officials like the police may be serial killers. This world is really dangerous."

Naoko Tormaru: "...What else?"

"..." Takamori Masumi felt for a moment that she was back in school again, and the person sitting opposite her seemed to be her strict and rigid teacher.

She instinctively straightened her back and sat up a little straighter: "No, it's gone. What else is there?"

Naoko Tormaru took a deep breath: "Don't you think this case has too many overlapping elements with our recent experiences?"

Takamori Masumi thought for a while: "You mean, Jiang Xia and two of my classmates were involved in the two cases, and they were both serial murder cases? - What's so strange about this? Jiang Xia is a detective, and when he encounters a case Isn’t it very normal?”

"Besides that detective, can you think of anything else in your mind?" Naoko Tormaru couldn't stand these young girls anymore. She could only say bluntly, "It's not just them, there is also Maya Hashimoto in this case. And—this person.”

She turned her phone around and pointed to a photo related to the case. In the photo, there is a stainless steel kettle. The shiny wall of the kettle reflects the upper body of a person. Because the wall of the kettle is irregularly spherical, the face of the figure is elongated in a weird way, making it impossible to distinguish the appearance.

Takamori Masumi stared at the deformed face: "..." Who is this?

Naoko Tormaru sighed. She opened the editing software and compressed and stretched the figure. After such processing, although it is still difficult to distinguish the appearance, some features are much more obvious.

——With his wide chin, burly figure, and sunglasses that never leave his body, he looks somewhat similar to their unlucky boss Jiro Inozuka at first glance.

Takamori Masumi finally recognized it and lost his voice: "This is... the guy who chased us on the way to the police?!"

Naoko Tormaru nodded.

"There is also the deceased and the murderer - they are also twins, and one of them happens to be a 'costume designer'."

Masumi Takamori: "...too? We haven't had plastic surgery yet. Have you adapted so quickly?"

Torimaru Naoko: "Didn't you just say that we can only comply with him first?" After a pause, she leaned into Takamori Masumi's ear and lowered her voice, "This case may be that person's reminder and warning to us. ."

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