Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1936 1936 [It would be a pity not to be Uzo]

When Masumi Takamori heard what Toriyama Naoko said, he remembered the reason why Fuwa Police turned over, and felt that there was a hint of ridiculousness and horror in the absurdity:

"You don't mean to say that that person was using the 'twins' as a metaphor for the two of us. And he killed four people in a row and knocked down a policeman just to remind us that we are 'twins' , you should always pay attention to the consistency of your voice when speaking, act well, and not expose yourself?"

Naoko Tormaru nodded, then shook her head: "His most important targets may be drug dealers or police officers, but this does not prevent him from beating us up."

She looked at Masumi Takamori and said, "The two of us have a grudge against each other. After plastic surgery, we will become twins. Fuwa Narumi and Fumizuki Karin are sisters who were separated from each other and became different people after plastic surgery. In the end, one of them died and the other went to jail. And My sister was killed by her own hands..."

Naoko Tormaru took a deep breath: "Those two poor women are like a kind of mirror for us - that person must be using this to warn us not to abandon ourselves, even if we are patient, we must comply with his requirements. , to be a pair of model twin sisters who love each other."

Takamori Masumi didn't think so much at first, but after Naoko Tormaru analyzed it like this, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was really the case.

Takamori Masumi suddenly thought of the unfortunate sister who was killed by her sister, and said with emotion: "If I make a mistake, will you kill me?"

Toriyama Naoko: "Yes."

Takamori Masumi: "?" Although I have known for a long time that you are not a good person, you are still a teammate after all, so why don't you just pretend!

Naoko Tormaru sighed: "If it is based on my own wishes, I definitely don't want to kill you. But I also know that if you really make an intolerable mistake, that person will definitely take you out. Erased from the world, just as he mercilessly used the hands of murderers to eliminate one person after another."

Under the increasingly horrified gaze of Takamori Masumi, Toriyama Naoko lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then began to read Usa's belly with Toriyama's heart:

"He will definitely silence you by then, and according to his evil taste, if your twin sister dies, I will no longer have the value of living. So he will control me like before and let me kill you, so that we can The 'twins' exerted their last wave of value and staged the last scene of heart-wrenching tragedy.

"At that time, we will also be published in the newspapers as the deceased or the murderer. But since we already know too much. He should not leave us alive, but let us both die miserably before going to prison. The momentum of the report at that time may not be It will be smaller than this case in Hokkaido.”

As she spoke, Tormaru Naoko couldn't help but clenched her fists: "I thought I had escaped from the cage, but now I realize that I am still just a powerless bird who can only live in someone else's cage. Inside, like a pathetic plaything for people to watch."

Takamori Masumi trembled: "I...has our situation gotten so bad?"

Toriyama Naoko nodded heavily.

After hesitating for a long time, she suddenly stood up and looked around the room carefully.

Not finding any eavesdropping equipment, she closed the curtains, came to Takamori Masumi, and whispered: "Do you want to do something big with me?"

Takamori Masumi raised his head suddenly and said warily: "What do you want to do?!"

Naoko Tormaru's voice was very soft, as if she was talking in her sleep: "We are still young now, but sooner or later we will grow old, and the appearance of plastic surgery may not last for many years - people who raise canaries only like their beautiful figures. , soft singing voices, who would want to raise a pair of poor ugly birds that are too old to fly and have lost their feathers."

Takamori Masumi vaguely understood what she meant: "You mean, it won't be long before that person gets tired of playing this twin game, and then turns us into the dead in his murderous drama?"

Toriyama Naoko nodded: "To work for one person without any reason, to run around for many years, and finally to die ugly at the moment when youth is exhausted... This is definitely not the life I want."

Takamori Masumi imagined the scene in his mind and felt cold all over: "Indeed, this is not the life I want."

As a rice flower person who had been threatened by scum, she guessed what Naoko Tormaru meant and lowered her voice: "You don't want to find 'that person' and kill him, right?"

Naoko Tormaru: "Why not."

After a pause, perhaps he felt that the chance was really slim, and even his own resistance might be within the opponent's control. She sighed and rubbed her forehead as if she was giving up on herself: "I just don't want to die so unclearly - even if I die next moment, I still want to see his face clearly. I want to know who that person is." who."

Takamori Masumi was startled, and then realized what the problem was: "Yes, first of all, we don't know who he is! How are we going to find him... Wait, depending on your level of cunning, propose this You should have thought of this before making the proposal."

Toriyama Naoko nodded.

After a moment of silence, she finally made up her mind: "I want to force him out."

After all, Masumi Takamori was still a passionate young man. After being told this by Naoko Toriyama, her mind was full of thoughts on how to uncover the mystery of that person before she died. It is better to die vigorously in a confrontation with the mastermind behind the scenes than to have your youth drained and then be tragically published in the newspaper in the form of a corpse.

Takamori Masumi's eyes became serious: "What are you going to do?"

Naoko Tormaru: "Don't you think that as a high school student only one year older than you, Jiangxia has encountered too many cases?"

Masumi Takamori really didn't think so: "He is a detective. How can a detective not encounter a case?"

Naoko Tormaru shook her head: "Don't you think the description of 'that person' in the organization is a bit like 'Moriarty' that has been amplified and distorted by rumors."

Takamori Masumi nodded blankly.

Naoko Tormaru: "If I had Moriarty's talent and was doing the same thing as him, then I would definitely strangle all Sherlock Holmes in the cradle. But that person is different.

"He is so bold, he dares to let his rumors spread in the organization without worrying about his true identity being revealed, he dares to murder police officers openly and then exit peacefully, he dares to leave behind carefully planned cases in front of the detectives... like this People who are not afraid of their opponents will only worry about not having enough fun."

Takamori Masumi vaguely understood something: "You mean..."

Naoko Tormaru: "Esuka, the person who can always solve his mysteries, is probably his favorite 'Sherlock Holmes' at the moment - as long as I appear next to Eka, 'that person' will definitely notice me, Noticed me as an 'actor' trying to deviate from his script."

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