Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1937 1937 [The event is popular]

Chapter 1937 1937

——Unlike the letters from suspicious persons that Jiang Xia had been looking forward to, the people who came to him this time were actually the Metropolitan Police Department and the Mumu Police Department: This police department came to him to talk about the police's routine safety lectures.

"No one listens to dry preaching. It will also appear that our work is rigid and will increase the public's resistance to the police."

The Memu Police Department told him the cause and effect of the incident: "So we plan to launch a food event at the same time as the announcement, and the two will be jointly held - isn't the event location in the square? Then we will send invitations to various restaurants. , let them drive a food truck to the square that day and set up stalls in the square.

"Then we will have a band from the Metropolitan Police Department. Citizens who come to the Rice Flower Food Festival will be able to listen to music and information sessions while browsing the food stalls. It will be like a temple fair and the publicity effect will be great! "

Jiang Xia echoed: "It sounds really why are you looking for me?"

The Mumu Police Department sighed and expressed bitterness: "The original plan was for me to be the speaker on the day of the event, but the Metropolitan Police Department's schedule was not done well, and the event day happened to fall on a working day.

"Now the publicity department says that the publicity effect is too poor. Not many restaurants have agreed to use their cars. In the leaflets distributed to citizens, not many people are interested in participating. It is impossible to hold the event if this continues.

"So those guys asked me to come and ask you to see if you are free that day. If you are free, why not just let you preach... Well, of course, I will also use your reputation to promote it."

Jiang Xia checked his schedule and found that although the invitation came in a hurry, he really didn't have any commissions or travel plans with his classmates that day.

So he decisively agreed: "Okay, I will go when the time comes."

The food festival sounds very lively, and you will definitely meet a lot of interesting people.

…If you really don’t have any, then bring some interesting people with you.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia recorded a promotional video and took photos to be used on the flyers with a level of cooperation that moved the police to tears, and then quietly waited for the festival to begin.

After all, he is a detective from Mikawa Town, and Eka's name is particularly useful in Tokyo, especially in Mikawa Town and Cupido Town.

Therefore, although the publicity period was short, the final effect was still so good that it made the Metropolitan Police cry. They re-planned the stalls. Originally they were worried about how to arrange the few food trucks to create a grand effect, but now they were worried about how to arrange the food trucks in an orderly manner so that traffic would not be blocked.

That night, the Memu Police Department, as a former speaker, looked at the latest progress of this propaganda event and sighed in a complicated way.

He took a puff from his pipe and said with emotion: "It has finally become the world of young people."

Mrs. Mumu happened to pass by: "As you said, were you very popular when you were young? Like Jiang Xia?"

It seemed like he was complaining, but also like he was testing.

Mumu Police Department: "..." No matter what the situation is, based on experience, he can only have one answer in the end.

His desire for survival exploded, and he said seriously: "That's not true. When I was young, I kept myself as safe as jade, just waiting to meet you in the future."

Mrs. Mumu smiled happily: "Funny words."

But at the same time, she did not forget to clear up the name of the cute little detective in her eyes: "Next time, remember to change your words. It seems like Jiang Xia is very carefree. It is really repaying kindness with hatred and ruining his reputation."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

I almost forgot, my wife seems to have made a collection of newspaper clippings of Jiangxia.

"Oh." Mu Mu Police Department waited for her to leave and sighed again, "As expected of Brother Jiang Xia, how many fans has he gained without even realizing it."

Not long after the promotion was released, Jiang Xia received another unexpected surprise.

——He received an anonymous letter, which was placed in the mailbox of Amuro Detective Agency at some unknown time.

"The sender is very attentive." Jiang Xia praised the ghosts a few times. "Not only did he choose a rare envelope color so that I could notice it at a glance when picking up the mail, but he also specifically chose the time when I go there most - —In this way, when I open the cabinet door, I can see the letter from this person first."

As he spoke, he opened the envelope and saw a printed letter inside.

The letter used the tone of a helpless little girl to express a tactful condemnation of Jiang Xia, but did not explain the specific reason - as if Jiang Xia was the butterfly flapping its wings in the butterfly effect, and the sender was because of that. A hurricane caused by him caused heavy losses.

At the end of the letter, she said she hoped to take some time to talk to Jiang Xia, but she did not indicate the time or place.

"If this letter is full of contradictions and abnormalities, if it is sent to Conan, he will be filled with curiosity and start to wait impatiently for this person to come to his door."

Jiang Xia tried to figure out the mental process that a serious detective might have, and after imitating his example, she began to look forward to that person's arrival.

But this letter reminded him.

——Speaking of expectations, it would be too boring to go alone to such a lively event as the Food Festival.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia flipped through her address book, planning to randomly grab lucky friends and reunite with them in the square of the food festival.

The top ones are of course his good classmates who like to travel and join in the fun.

"Unfortunately, it was a working day, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi were in class. They have missed too many classes recently. This kind of food party held in front of their home may not be attractive enough to make them miss another day."

Jiang Xia sighed. As a considerate and good detective, I can't pester my classmates and make them miss class because of this. That would be too deliberate.

Without the two female high school students taking the lead in skipping classes, Conan, a primary school student, would of course have no choice but to attend Didan Elementary School.


"Elementary school ends very early. Conan might be able to come over in time... Anyway, send him an invitation first."

Jiang Xia sent an email to Conan.

After thinking for a moment, he thought of the Youth Detective Team again - after all, the strength of an individual is not as good as that of a team, and he hadn't seen those children for a long time, so it was weird to think of them when he mentioned them like this.

It's a pity that those children seem to be a little biased against him. If he really sends an invitation, those children will not come... Fortunately, the food court is not far from their route home from school. I hope those children will see it by then. If there's a lot of fun, take the initiative to come and join in.

When Jiang Xia mentioned the schedule, she thought of another person.

"Maya Hashimoto has also returned to Tokyo. It's easy to get sick if you hold it in hiding every day, so let's find him to come out and relax."

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia opened the address book and found Maya Hashimoto's name.

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