Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1938 1938【Appointment】

Chapter 1938 1938

"Theoretically, it seems that he is being detained by the organization. In this case, it is useless to find him, and you have to find Curacao."

Jiang Xia thought for a while and started typing an email to Curacao. By now he was quite adept at emailing his new colleague, typing in the address as quickly as he was emailing gin and vodka.

"Maya Hashimoto and the others are related to the case in Hokkaido. He came back with me in a hurry the day after the case. No notes have been taken yet. These can be made up at the local police station..."

Jiang Xia recalled the location of the police station and found that it happened to be near the food court. She suddenly felt that things were much simpler.

"As long as they go to the police station to cooperate with the police in taking notes during the promotional activities, I can easily meet him near the square. If we meet by chance, of course we have to chat together, and then let him enjoy the food event together..."

So, along with an email sent to Curacao, another invitation letter was also sent out.

Jiang Xia counted the participants and frowned: "It's still a little small."

At this time, Matsuda Jinping passed by, thought for a moment, and gestured towards him like a cup.

How about asking Amuro to come over? ——The coffee-flavored murderous spirit hasn’t increased its inventory for a long time, and it misses its old classmate a little bit.

"Yes, it's been a while since I had a good communication with my boss. Having said that, I also miss him." Jiang Xia found that he had almost forgotten Toru Amuro, "I'll send it to him... No, wait a minute."

Before sending the invitation, Jiang Xia stopped typing the email.

He touched his chin, remembering the unscrupulous boss's attitude towards him recently, and sighed sadly: "It's always been the employees who hide from the boss, but I didn't expect that it would be the other way around when I invited him. I'm afraid he won't come if I invite him. In this case, I can only Try sending the invitation tactfully."

Soon, with the ghosts watching curiously, Jiang Xia recalled her boss's recent work schedule and thought of a store.

He pulled out his client address book, asked Noah to screen it, and then sent a group invitation letter - as a Tokyo detective who had just been invited by the police, wouldn't it be very reasonable to cooperate with the police in promoting their activities.

"Okay, that's almost it." Jiang Xia put away her phone and picked up the scissors to trim the potted ghost mint plant, "I hope one or two of the people I made an appointment with will come.

Early the next morning.

Toru Amuro went to work in a restaurant according to his schedule, and by the way, he stayed near the restaurant to keep track of his recent mission goals.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the door of the store, I saw that the door was closed. Instead, there were constant clanking noises coming from behind the house.

Amuro Toru was startled and walked around to look curiously. I saw the investor of the restaurant, a female owner with a small fortune, opening the warehouse at the back and pushing out a dilapidated dining cart that had been idle for a long time.

Toru Amuro quickly used his professional instinct and went to help. At the same time, I couldn't help but ask: "This is it?"

"I bought the dining car when it opened." The female boss patted the car and said with a smile, "We are closed today. I'm giving everyone a day off."

Toru Amuro: "Then I..."

"You stay and help me." The female boss has worked with Toru Amuro several times and knows that this magical temporary worker is versatile and can do everything well:

"I plan to participate in the food festival in the afternoon. You can help me repair the food truck and bring the semi-finished products in the cold storage. You don't need to bring too much. I just want to open it for a while."

Toru Amuro: "...Food festival event? Why do you want to participate in this all of a sudden?"

"Oh, do you still need to ask this question?" The boss smiled happily, "I am a Mihua person, so of course I have to contribute to food activities and regional promotion in my hometown - it is rare that I can help with something, so of course I have to support it. .”

"It's almost time, I'll tell you in detail later." The female boss looked at her watch, handed the dining cart to him with confidence, and then walked away with the wind at her feet, "I have an appointment to have my hair done, so I have to go first if the time is almost up. Let's go and meet you again at noon."

Amuro looked at her whirlwind back: "???"

As an intelligence agent closely related to the police, Toru Amuro had of course heard about the food festival.

It's just that what he heard was the previous version - because this event was too cool and it was a common promotion every year, Amuro Toru just heard it and didn't take it to heart. After all, there was too much information circulating around him, and none of it was more important than whether the group of colleagues succeeded in publicizing it.

"Didn't the boss of Kawasaki complain that there were too many things going on in Yoneka Town before? He planned to move to the countryside in a few years. Why did he suddenly have to contribute to regional activities? Did my stupid colleagues think of something good to promote? idea?"

Toru Amuro felt strange.

But the Kawasaki boss had already checked it out, and everything was normal. Rather than exploring these, the most important thing at the moment seems to be the food truck in front of me.

"Is this thing really still usable?" Toru Amuro tapped the car body suspiciously, "Forget it, it's not far from the square anyway. If it really can't be repaired, you can push it over."

After all, he is a dedicated part-time worker, and Toru Amuro quickly got into his busy work.

After hammering away all morning, by noon, Toru Amuro finally had the dining car in order.

He took a long breath, took the time to go back and take a shower, then ran to the store to carry the needed semi-finished ingredients to the car, just waiting to set off.

When Toru Amuro was busy preparing the dining car.

The other side of Mikka Town.

A slightly famous sushi restaurant is doing the same thing.

Rum has many businesses in his hands, including a wide variety of restaurants from large to small.

And this sushi restaurant in Mikkacho is one of them.

I passed by this place when I came back from a business trip in Curacao. Although I have been quite critical of Lang Mu recently, after all, it is a restaurant run by my own people, so it is not easy to have problems with the food.

So she drove here and wanted to order some food to take away.

Unexpectedly, before she reached the door of the store, she saw a food truck parked in front of the store in the distance, and her immediate boss, Rum, the mysterious second-in-command of the organization, was busy busy like a real store owner. Prepare items for the dining car.


Curacao turned around and wanted to drive away. Who wants to meet their boss while strolling out? She didn't want to anyway.

However, this road is really narrow. Although it is not impossible to drive out even if you try hard, the movement will be too much.

And it was obvious that as soon as she entered here, Rum glanced over following the sound of the engine - this cunning... no, this keen boss must have discovered her existence long ago.

Thinking of this, Curacao had no choice but to pretend that he had no intention of leaving at all, and drove the car to the front of the store and stopped.

Then she lowered the window and greeted her as if she had just met by chance: "Boss, what are you...?"

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