Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1943 1943 [Weird Bards Added]

Just at this time, on the other side of the bush, the three suspicious people seemed to have discussed the outcome of their shopping: "Let's get ready to go each. Meet here in half an hour - don't miss out on buying anything."

Then they high-fived each other and left energetically.

"Okay!" The three children were also gearing up, "We happen to be one after another - they must be preparing things for the crime, and those are the conclusive evidence!"

Moto Kojima followed the timid long-haired man all the way to Mihua Home Furnishing Center. He saw the long-haired man putting a lot of salad oil and gas cans in the shopping cart.

Ayumi Yoshida followed the only woman among the three and saw the woman entering a Singaporean restaurant.

She quietly slipped into the kitchen and heard the sound of sharpening a knife. Then there was another thumping sound. Ayumi Yoshida endured the numbness in her scalp and looked around. The next moment, the thumping sound suddenly stopped. OK.

Her heart skipped a beat, and when she looked up, she saw the woman holding a heavy kitchen knife, her apron stained with blood, turning her head and looking straight at her.

On the other side, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya followed the tall man to the tobacco shop. The man quickly left holding a paper bag. Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya chased after him out of curiosity, but bumped into the man at the corner.

The tall man looked at him gloomily: "Kid, why are you following me?"


There were many people on the street, and the two of them entangled themselves all the way back to the food venue.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya looked at the police around him and became a little bolder. He snapped: "Are you trying to cause an explosion here! Stop pretending, I heard it just now!"

Just at this time, the long-haired man and Motoya Kojima came back one after another.

Hearing Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's words, the long-haired man smiled honestly: "Haha, kids, you misunderstood - look, this car next to us is our food truck, and we plan to sell our signature chicken rice here."

"...Signature chicken rice?"

The tall man nodded: "Yes, that's a famous dish in Singapore. The three of us work at the Marina restaurant nearby. What we just said about 'making this place explode' actually means making our chicken rice a big seller." , meaning to cause a sensation—haha, the flexible use of this kind of vocabulary is a bit difficult for you elementary school students."

"..." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya didn't like being treated like a primary school student, "What did you buy at the tobacco shop just now? Such a big pack cannot be a sample distributed to customers."


The tall man weighed the paper bag in his arms, took out a stack of thick leaflets, and explained patiently: "This is a leaflet that my friend in the printing factory helped me rush to produce, because the order time is very tight. Today I just finished printing this morning.

"Originally we made an appointment to meet at the coffee shop, but today we are both very busy and couldn't make time to go together, so he left his things at the tobacco shop he often goes to."

At this moment, there was a clicking sound of a cart nearby.

The four of them turned around and saw that it was the fashionably dressed woman who came back pushing a cart. Next to her was Ayumi Yoshida.

Yoshida Ayumi lowered her head and said to the two classmates: "We seem to have made a mistake. They are not bad people. Just now the sister went back to the store to prepare chicken for later. I was shocked by the way she was holding a knife. , she wasn’t angry and comforted me patiently.”

When six people were discussing this.

A stooped old woman was sitting on a bench more than ten meters away, seeming to be distracted as she stared into the distance.

The skin on her face was withered and gray, and she looked like she was sixty or seventy years old. But she accidentally exposed a wrist, which was very smooth, and she looked like a young person.

Naoko Tormaru adjusted her pale wig, pulled her sleeves to cover the parts that should not be exposed, and listened to the goings on here with her ears perked up.

The plastic surgeon not only knows how to do plastic surgery, but also has good makeup skills. And Toriyama Naoko has been working in a design company for so many years and worked as a model. She picked up the skills very quickly and learned everything in a short time.

Tomorrow is the scheduled time for plastic surgery. From then on, her life will never belong to her, and her tragic fate seems to be visible at a glance.

So today, on the last day of her life as "Torimaru Naoko", she just wanted to make one last struggle regardless of the outcome.

"Jiang Xia has already received the letter I left in the detective agency. With that as a foreshadowing, if he receives another invitation to go out on the spot, whether it is out of sympathy or the detective's curiosity, he will definitely agree."

"I don't know if my plan will succeed, but it is better to die within one's control than to become a plaything for others' amusement."

Toriyama Naoko silently arranged the things she carried, secretly deciding in her heart:

"I am not anyone's caged bird, nor will I act according to anyone's script. My thoughts and life belong only to me. I want that person to see my independent thoughts, even if he disdains it. He can easily crush my vitality with just a lift of his finger. This is also proof that I have lived as a 'human being'. Otherwise, the gloomy life in the first half of my life and the struggle in the next ten years would be completely meaningless. ."

He is different from the artistic young woman in the distance who is competing with him.

A few elementary school students were still keeping their feet on the ground, struggling with the explosion.

The explanations given by the three adults were reasonable, but Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya always felt that some details were not quite right. He suddenly remembered something: "Then why do you buy so many oil and gas cans? These things are too dangerous in crowded places."

The long-haired man laughed loudly: "Flame is very dangerous for children, but it is a good helper for us chefs - our rice is already made into semi-finished products in the store, but if we want to sell it in the dining car, , it still needs to be heated on site, and the sauce needs to be prepared fresh, all of which require salad oil and fire.”

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya still looked suspicious.

He suddenly said: "Since you are a restaurant staff, you must know how to cook. Can you sell us a few copies?"


The three people's movements subtly froze.

After a moment, their peripheral vision glanced at the policemen who occasionally passed by in the distance, and they smiled again: "Of course. I didn't expect the first guests to be three cute children - wait a moment, the chicken rice will be ready soon."

The three people returned to the dining car, took out the simple folding table and chairs, opened them, and asked the children to sit down.

Then they returned to the car and carefully turned on the fire to cook.

"These three kids look familiar." The three of them whispered, "Do they know the detective?"

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