Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1944 1944 [Plan to murder Uzo] Please vote for me

Chapter 1944 1944 [Plan to murder Uzo] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

Another person nodded: "It's too dangerous. The people who often hang out near the detective are really different. Even children can't take it lightly - fortunately they came by themselves and not with the detective."

Several people looked through the dining car at the chirping children outside, and their murderous intentions gradually arose.

"Be patient, we are already very close to our goal." The tall man said, "When I was shopping just now, I saw the location of the Jiangxia dining car from a distance. When the time comes, we will set the car on fire and let the car rush past—— It’s time to kill that bastard detective and avenge my brother!”

"Food is ready."

The fashionable woman brought the prepared chicken rice to the three elementary school students with a smile, trying hard to keep smiling, not wanting to make the three people and the detective behind them suspicious.

As soon as the three children smelled the aroma of rice, they immediately forgot what they were worrying about just now.

They swallowed and looked down eagerly. The lunch box was simply divided into two parts, with neatly chopped chicken on one side and steaming rice on the other. The whole meal looked... monotonous and unremarkable.

The three children became suspicious again: "Is this chicken rice?"

"Yes." The woman brought two bottles of sauce and put them on the table. "The chicken rice you usually eat is probably the kind of chicken rice seasoned with tomato sauce. Our chicken rice in Singapore is different - this kind Singaporean chicken rice, rice is cooked in chicken soup, served with pre-steamed chicken, and topped with your favorite sauce. Even though it looks inconspicuous, it tastes very good. This is a classic in Singapore One of the dishes.”

The three children were hesitant and took a bite.

Then his eyes suddenly lit up and he no longer had any doubts: "It's so delicious!"

The three adults looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

After dispatching the three troublesome children, they packed up the tables and chairs and returned to the dining car.

"What a nuisance, the naughty kid. Fortunately, the chicken rice has been prepared a long time ago, and they have also prepared the sauce. We only need to heat it up and serve it out."

The fashionable woman threw the remaining lunch box into the trash can and snorted: "That little girl actually followed me to the store. Fortunately, she was attracted by the sound of me chopping meat and didn't notice those few people were tied up in the warehouse. The unlucky clerk inside. Otherwise things would be in trouble."

The tall man took the paper bag he had just taken from the tobacco shop. He grabbed the flyer inside and threw it aside. Then he reached into the paper bag again, dug deep into it, and carefully took out a heavy bomb.

He put the bomb together with the gas that the long-haired man had just bought. Thinking of something, he laughed evilly: "That idiot boss of the tobacco shop, if he knew that a bomb had been placed in his shop for so long, he would be afraid. It will make you wet your pants, hahaha!"

"Keep your voice down." The long-haired man looked around warily.

After that, he lowered his head and looked at the bomb on the table again, with hesitation on his face: "The bomb you bought is too small. Can it really kill people? - I heard that the detective was good at it. My eldest brother was killed. He was trampled and knocked down until he was unable to fight back. What if he reacted too quickly and ran away."

The tall man glared at him: "Don't embarrass us criminals - don't forget that the salad oil and gas I asked you to buy are very good accelerants. And we also have this dining car, etc. Detonate the fuel tank and it will turn itself into a huge bomb."

The fashionable woman also smiled coldly: "Even if this car is not enough, aren't there two other cars? I went over there and looked at it from a distance. Jiang Xia seemed to have met an acquaintance and stayed in one of the dining cars. A car was very close."

"I have modified this dining car so that it can travel a certain distance without a driver. Then we will let this car crash into the middle, and the three cars will explode together. Boom -" She raised her hand and gestured with a big firework excitedly shape, "That detective is totally screwed."

The three people looked at each other and smiled up at the sky.

On the other side, Tormaru Naoko watched the car drive away from a distance.

Then she turned around and took a shortcut to the dining car.

Although she decided to look for Jiangxia as a ticket to meet the mastermind behind the scenes, Tormaru Naoko actually had no specific plan.

In the past, she always planned everything well and made her work seamless and orderly, but this time, Naoko Toriyama decided to take it one step at a time - even she didn't know what she would do next, so that person also Must not know.

Not long after, Toriyama Naoko really found an opportunity.

——She accidentally learned the plan of the three bombers.

"There happens to be no surveillance at the location where Jiang Xia is now, and the area immediately behind the dining cart is a bush. As long as he leaves the dining cart at the right time, he can avoid attracting anyone's attention.

"If I call Jiang Xia away just before the explosion, create the illusion that he was killed, and then take the person away and hide him, will 'that person' come to me and ask for his old enemy?"

Naoko Tormaru thought seriously: "The only difficulty in this plan is how to take Jiang Xia away quietly. He seems to have good skills, and he doesn't look like someone who can be easily knocked unconscious from behind and dragged away. guy."

"But Jiang Xia is a high school student after all, and he has a righteous heart. If I can't be tough, I can be soft and try to trick him away.

"...Well, to take a step back, even if I really can't take Jiang Xia away and I am punished by that person on the way, then I can at least provide Jiang Xia with all the information I know before I die.

"The stronger the enemy, the more constrained 'that person' will be... Even if I die, I will let him know that I am not some poor little bird who is unable to resist and will quickly accept his fate."

A set of desperate plans quickly took shape in his mind.

Naoko Tormaru took out the note and wrote a few words on it hastily. Then he maintained his old man's attire and walked towards the dining car where Jiang Xia was.

On the other side, Amuro Toru opened the dining car.

This food truck is parked side by side with Rum's. "Proximity" in the physical sense seemed to be an opportunity that quickly brought them closer to each other.

So the scene quickly turned into Eka and "Wakida Kanenoori" having a happy conversation, while Toru Amuro was selling items from two dining carts by himself while sipping coffee, and sometimes had to interrupt tactfully depending on the situation. their communication. Lest Rum really have a whim and forcefully take Jiang Xia away from him.

——Although this kind of behavior of robbing subordinates is a bit unscrupulous, and a face-conscious person like Rum would not do it in person, but it is still worth guarding against.

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