Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1947 1947 [Newcomer Undercover]

Toriyama Naoko didn't expect that Jiang Xia actually knew this, and could even say key words like "manipulation" and "drama".

Her hands trembled instantly, and a thought that made her hair stand on end passed through her: "...Who the hell are you!?"

Could it be that Jiang Xia is the terrible person behind the scenes?

Jiang Xia seemed to hear the complicated emotions in her words and laughed: "You actually mistaken me for him. It seems you know less than I thought."

Torimaru Naoko bit her lip tightly, her mind racing: "..." Indeed, although he said the word "drama", Jiang Xia described it as "boring and sad" - this It doesn't seem like a proper evaluation of oneself by a lover of murder dramas.

On the contrary, it is more like... the complaints of the audience who were forcibly dragged to watch one show after another.

——What's more important is that the age is not right.

The tragedy that happened to her began so long ago. If those were really all done by Jiang Xia, wouldn't it mean that the mastermind behind this "drama" was just a primary school student?

This is too ridiculous. Impossible, absolutely impossible.

In short, everything now points to the fact that Jiang Xia is not the planner, he just keenly sees through the truth behind these cases.

But even so, the few words just now overturned Tormaru Naoko's understanding: "You actually know that there are people behind these cases?"

Jiang Xia leaned on the back of the chair and touched the place where she had been stabbed by the anesthesia needle. She seemed to regard her as that person's accomplice:

"Criminals are all equally arrogant and stupid. There is no evidence so I don't speak out. It doesn't mean that I am unaware of everything - do you think your actions are very hidden? Those malicious spider webs are like snow-white walls. The ink line is clear to the eyes of the detective, and there is nowhere to escape. Even if the line breaks if you pull it lightly, I will be able to find your lair sooner or later, and then it will be you and your... huh? "

Jiang Xia seemed to realize something belatedly: "You created such a complicated case and successfully escaped while being sent to the police. I thought this was a small surrender on your part, but now it seems that you There doesn’t seem to be much loyalty.”

Toriyama Naoko's mind was in confusion. Perhaps it was Jiang Xia's words from the same literary youth that evoked some resonance in her heart. Naoko Tormaru thought she was a lonely puppet, but she didn't expect that outside the stage, there were audience members who had seen through the spider threads hanging above their heads and were always ready to overturn the stage.

She suddenly felt like she was trekking in the wilderness and suddenly met an ally.

Naoko Tormaru blurted out: "If one day, when you find enough evidence, can you really bring him to justice?"

"Of course." Jiang Xia said unceremoniously, "In addition to him, it also includes you and your pitiful and hateful companions."

Naoko Tormaru heard her heart beating violently, as if a dying person had found a straw.

"I can help you." She heard her own voice. The young woman's voice was no longer as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but instead seemed to have found the meaning of life and came to life:

"I can't stand the police jail, and I can't stand it, even though I seem to be free, but my body and mind have become someone else's puppet. Compared to that, I would rather go to the ending I set for myself - if I am still alive after today, as long as I still have one breath left. , I will provide you with all the news I know."

Jiang Xia seemed a little surprised, and paused for a few seconds before saying: "I don't mind having one more ally, but..."

Toriyama Naoko's heart skipped a beat as she followed the turn of his words.

She waited with bated breath for the next step, guessing that Jiang Xia might be disgusted with villains like her who touched human lives with their hands, and didn't want to be associated with them.

However, the next moment, Jiang Xia didn't move his mouth, but took action - he grabbed Tormaru Naoko's arm, and skillfully tugged it. Toriyama Naoko's whole body was instantly weightless, and she turned over the back of the bench. , fell down next to Jiang Xia.

Almost at the same time, a football passed by where she had just been standing, and hit the tree behind her with a thud. Then, in Toriyama Naoko's shocked eyes, the waist-thick tree looked like it had been hit hard. The hammer hit and broke at the waist with a click.

Naoko Tormaru: "..." Football? ! Where did the football come from? This thing is too powerful!

"Let's go." Jiang Xia's voice came from the side, pulling her back from the shock, "I am very interested in the cooperation you proposed, but you are still too weak to be a helper of justice. "

After saying that, he let go of his hand, like letting a bird he picked up return to the deep forest: "In order to win, sometimes I am not so bright. If you have really made a decision, then try to adapt to the current situation, I believe One day you will grow into a powerful enough eagle under that person's command - the light will definitely come, and victory is on our side. But before that, you have to survive first."

Naoko Tormaru came back to her senses, nodded vigorously, and suddenly took out a smoke bomb from nowhere, threw it on the ground, turned around and ran away.

Jiang Xia silently covered her mouth and nose: "..." Where did the smoke bomb come from? Having said that, the gun she was holding was actually a real gun, but it was not loaded with bullets... Naoko Tormaru's life as a fugitive was so good that he wanted to give it a try.

Not long after, the smoke cleared and the woman disappeared.

There is another person in front of Jiang Xia.

Conan held the precious book he had just bought and ran over across the street: "What happened just now? Which way did that woman run!"

"..." Jiang Xia looked at the detective books in his arms and knew that Conan was back from shopping. To be able to catch up with the excitement despite being so late is indeed a tribute to this beautiful thing... this troublesome neighbor.

He coughed a few times and raised his hand to fan the smoke: "I can't see clearly in such thick smoke."

Conan didn't believe that he couldn't tell the difference. He frowned and said, "Did you let her go on purpose? I always felt that that woman looked very similar to the wanted criminal who escaped not long ago."

"It is indeed her." Jiang Xia sighed, "It is easy to catch her, but in that case, what will happen to Takamori Masumi who was arrested by her? The police cannot torture to extract a confession, what if the unlucky guy who was easily deceived is somewhere What if the corner starves to death?”

Conan thought of Masumi Takamori, who had also disappeared until now, and sighed.

Thinking of Jiang Xia's behavior of beating prisoners evenly, Conan knew that this young man was not consistent with some of his own ideas. Now that everyone has run away, there is no point in arguing about right and wrong.

Conan had no choice but to ask another thing: "By the way, I saw her pointing a gun at you but never fired. What did she do here?"

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