Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1948 1948 [Bourbon Alert]

Jiang Xia's expression changed slightly when she heard his question.

Conan's eyes suddenly lit up, feeling that he could hear some key clues from Jiang Xia.

However, the next moment, Jiang Xia's face became solemn and she said deeply: "This is an adult's secret."

"?" Conan didn't expect him to deal with him so confidently, "You said it as if you were an adult!"

Jiang Xia yawned: "I'm almost there."

Conan: "Then I'll be quick too. I'm your classmate."

"But you are now a classmate of Bumi and the others." Jiang Xia looked at his height, "So now, you still have more than ten years."

Conan: "...So what exactly did she come to see you for?"

"Ask me for help." Maybe his questioning was too persistent, or maybe he thought it was not a big deal. Jiang Xia sighed, "Aren't you curious why she was able to escape from the police so smoothly - she She got help from a criminal, but she was dissatisfied with the control that person had over her, so she wanted to provide me with clues so that I could catch that person."

"Superior? It's actually a criminal gang..." The word "criminal gang" suddenly flashed the image of a black organization in Conan's mind.

But he quickly shook his head: If it was that organization, I heard from Haihara Ai that they attached great importance to confidentiality. Even senior code members will be killed if the secret is leaked. In that harsh environment, how could Naoko Tormaru escape and report the news to Jiang Xia?

"But this is too dangerous." Conan came back to his senses and looked at Jiang Xia, "If I read it correctly, she was holding a gun just now. This means that it is at least an evil gang involved in gun smuggling. You You can't go there with bare hands or just a swing stick... huh? What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Xia: "I suddenly remembered...she seemed to have taken away my stick and didn't give it back to me."

Conan: "..."

This is not the point of the discussion now!

...but it is undeniable that this is indeed a problem.

If I remember correctly, Jiang Xia's swinging stick was custom-made and covered with some materials that can increase cushioning and reduce damage. It hurts but is not easy to hurt. Its creator, Dr. Agasa, is on a business trip recently. What if Jiang Xia wants to knock someone out again during this period, but doesn't have a suitable stick, and accidentally knocks someone out and causes problems.

Conan: "Don't you have a spare?"

Jiang Xia sighed: "Before... when I was running the night before, I didn't put the swing stick properly, and it fell out and was run over by a car."

Conan: "..." So you haven't given up your bad hobby of riding motorcycles in the middle of the night!

He didn't know what to say for a moment: "What should I do?"

Jiang Xia glanced at Noah who had just finished his work next to him, and felt that the problem was not big: "Since she wants to cooperate with me, she should have a certain degree of sincerity. She must have taken away my stick just in a hurry. Forget about this, maybe she will take the initiative to return it to me when she discovers this problem."

Conan felt that there was little hope: "She is a wanted criminal. She must be worried about you calling the police when she invites you to such a remote place. It would be too dangerous to take the initiative to send you something at this time..."

Before he finished speaking, Conan looked at the path next to him and was suddenly startled.

——Jiang Xia’s mysterious and unscrupulous boss, Toru Amuro, walked over from there holding something.

Conan's gaze fell on his hand, his pupils trembling slightly: "..." Is that... Jiang Xia's stick? !

Could it be that "that person" behind Naoko Tormaru actually refers to Toru Amuro? !

Two minutes ago.

Toru Amuro was slowly looking for Jiang Xia here when his phone suddenly vibrated and he received an email.

He took out his cell phone, opened it, and saw clearly written inside:

[My new subordinate is heading in your direction at a speed of approximately 30 kilometers per hour, and is expected to meet you by the park pool in 20 seconds.

[She is sensitive and introverted and does not like to communicate with strangers. Please keep a safe distance and watch without disturbing her.

[If she throws something at you on the way, please pick it up and bring it to your subordinate who is good at solving crimes.

[PS: The detective is on the bench that turns right 500 meters ahead. Please go there in time. ]

Toru Amuro: "..."

This seemed relaxed and interesting at first glance, but in fact it had a tone of control and malice, giving him a vague sense of instant recognition. After a quick glance, Toru Amuro instinctively frowned.

He continued to scroll down, and then in the signature part in the lower right corner, he saw a few letters that impressed him extremely - Ouzo

...If I remember correctly, the last time he received an invitation with such a signature, it wasn't long before he was trapped in the burning twin skyscrapers.

If the manufacturer hadn't generously placed a sports car in the lobby, things would have ended very differently that day.

Toru Amuro suddenly became alert. If there is currently anyone in the organization who is the most dangerous in his mind and needs targeted investigation the most, then it is undoubtedly the guy codenamed "Uzo".

"His subordinates actually appeared in this park?" Toru Amuro's heart moved slightly: one of the important ways to uncover the veil of a mysterious person is to start with the people around him.

If that subordinate can be caught...

This thought flashed through his mind, making his heart beat silently faster.

But soon, Toru Amuro came to his senses calmly: Rum was not far from here. And his existence may mean that there are people from other organizations hiding in the dark around him, ready to go out for some purpose at any time.

In addition, there are many police officers nearby, not to mention the large number of citizens. The environment is too chaotic. No matter how you look at it, it is not a good time to arrest people.


Toru Amuro: "..." Every time that Uzo appears, nothing good will happen.

Maybe this time, this is another trap for myself.

It would be fine if we could catch Uzo himself. It would be worth taking the risk, but for a so-called "new subordinate" who may have been brainwashed by Uzo and could only ask for Uzo's customized information, he risked exposing himself. Obviously not worth it.

There was almost no need to make this choice, and Toru Amuro reluctantly gave up the plan to take action.

He raised his head and looked ahead. Not long after, he saw a man in disguise and a gray wig jumping out of the bushes and rushing out.

The woman was startled when she saw him, but then she seemed to remember something, pulled out a stick and threw it towards him with all her strength.

She looked slender, but she was very strong. The stick was thrown out with a whining sound, like a deadly hidden weapon.

Amuro raised his hand and caught it steadily. He observed the woman carefully, and after she hurried away, he lowered his head and looked at the stick in his hand.

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