Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1949 1949 [You are an undercover agent] Please vote for me

Amuro Toru lowered his head and checked the stick, and saw that it was indeed Jiang Xia's.

Looking at the light, it was smooth, with only a few fingerprints scattered on it. But there were no traces of where the woman had just grabbed hold.

"I didn't see her wiping it just now. It seems that she had applied a coating on her hands to prevent fingerprints." Toru Amuro clicked his tongue, feeling a little regretful. But after all, it was related to that person, so this result was not unforeseen.

After this very short meeting, Toru Amuro vaguely felt that he had made the right decision not to order the arrest just now.

It can be seen that the woman is in an extremely tense state, which can be called frightened. Judging from the way she is holding on to the phone tightly but keeping the phone at a distance from her body, I am afraid that it is not the same as the one he received. The email from Uzo was the same - the woman also received a similar message while escaping just now.

"It's just the word 'puppet' on his face. Even if such a person is captured, I'm afraid he won't be able to tell any useful information. Even if he does provide information, 80% of it was deliberately released by Uzo for use." Misleading.”

When Toru Amuro thought of this, his eyes fell on the stick in his hand. He realized something belatedly and was slightly startled.

Toru Amuro: "..." Speaking of which, why is this woman related to Uzuo holding Jiang Xia's stick?

Various speculations flashed through his mind, his face changed slightly, and he walked quickly in the direction of Jiang Xia.

the other side.

Naoko Tormaru was still running wildly, and in the corner where no one was paying attention, her hand holding the phone was trembling slightly.

Just a minute or two ago. Under the cover of smoke bombs, she rushed out of the area and avoided the terrifying so-called enemy who almost hit her in the head with a football. Her phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that an email was coming.

Naoko Tormaru had clearly set the mute setting, but her phone seemed to no longer belong to her. It was vibrating blindly, as if she would not stop until she checked it.

This terrifying and clinging feeling of entanglement gave Naoko Tormaru a certain premonition for a moment. Somehow, she seemed to know who was looking for her at this juncture.

For a moment, she wanted to throw the phone as far away as possible, and then let the vehicle crush the phone and the people inside... But instead of futile escape, now she had a necessity things to do.

Naoko Tormaru mustered up her courage, quickly unlocked her phone, clicked on the email and glanced at the screen.

Perhaps because he knew she was busy running around, the email didn't contain much pleasantries. It only said the serious things the sender wanted to say, concisely and concisely:

[Looking forward to your future development.

But since you are my subordinate, I hope you will listen to my instructions now - go through the food venue, leave from the southwest door, and get into the first black car you meet there. Don’t worry about admitting your mistake, the door will be opened to you by then. Welcome.

Don't take other people's things back to me. Remember to return the stick to him before getting in the car. ]

The email just filled the screen of a page, but it carried a huge amount of information. Just looking at these words, Toriyama Naoko felt as if her head was buzzing. That’s the reaction people can’t help but have when faced with huge crises and stressors.

——That person knew everything about what she did today, knew about her appointment with Jiang Xia, and even knew that she had taken away Jiang Xia's stick... Then he must also know that she had reached an alliance with Jiang Xia, and knew that she wanted to get from him Steal information and help Jiang Xia bring him to justice.

Even judging from the escape route he mentioned, that person was fully aware of the plans of the three stupid bombers.

That is to say...

"Today's completely random, all-or-nothing struggle, in that person's eyes, is just a script that has been written long ago without any surprises or twists."

A trace of despair surged in Toriyama Naoko's heart: "'Looking forward to my future development'... What is that person really looking forward to?"

She recalled the first sentence of the email, but she didn't feel the slightest murderous intention from it. She just seemed to see an absolutely confident person standing in front of a huge bird cage, smiling at the desperate struggle of the bird in the cage. Not only did they not stop it, but they gave it plenty of room to struggle, using it as a little entertainment after dinner.

Panic hit my heart like a tide, but what followed was the unwillingness to be controlled by others, and the anger that my life was being played with by others.

"No wonder Jiang Xia didn't seem too surprised when I proposed to send information. Instead, he just asked me to work hard to survive. Did he already know that things would turn out like this?"

The young detective's tolerant and encouraging smile flashed through her mind. Naoko Tormaru raised her lips, struggled to suppress all negative emotions, and tried to make herself look forward.

"I am not alone now. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I cannot give up my efforts. Although my freedom and life now are just a malicious charity from that person, but even so, this is the only bargaining chip in my hand - as long as I Diandian holds enough things and hands them all to Jiang Xia... Are there not many big shots who are so confident that they overturn their fortunes?"

Anger and hope burned like fire in her eyes. Naoko Tormaru slowly clenched her fists: "Victory belongs to me and Jiang Xia. This hateful manipulator who uses other people's lives as a toy is waiting to go to hell. !”

However, since he has decided to be an undercover agent, even though he is an undercover agent who has been exposed from the beginning, in order to make that person relax his vigilance, he still has to pretend as he should.

"Let's start by listening to him. There seem to be only two orders in the email. They are to escape and get in the car according to the route, and to return the stick to Jiang Xia... The former is easy to handle, but how to return the stick? You can't turn back. Let’s go to Jiangxia.”

Thinking of the pitiful big tree that was broken at the waist, and then thinking about how she almost followed in the same footsteps, Toriyama Naoko felt lingering fear.

"The football that broke the tree just now, I didn't even see where it came from. The person who kicked the ball must also be Uzo's minion. He didn't let me have too much time to communicate with Jiang Xia. , and that seems to be an option for Jiang Xia.

"If Jiang Xia didn't pull me away at that time, even if I'm not dead now, I'm afraid I would have lost my ability to move and be taken away by the police... Jiang Xia is right. If I want to knock that person down, I am indeed too weak now. Even The identity of this undercover agent also depends on the help of that 'Holmes'."

But things have come to this, and while I feel depressed, I can only look forward.

Torimaru Naoko was thinking about finding someone to hand over the stick to Jiang Xia. At this moment, when she was about to run to the pool, a dark-skinned and blond figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

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