Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1951 1951 [Uzo Legion Gathers]

Saburo Inozuka glanced at Maya Hashimoto and murmured in his mind: What subordinate? As a witness who was forced to take photos, he felt that the man in black with curly hair was obviously "that thing" himself.

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Is Maya Hashimoto still obsessed with Naoko Toriyama being "that thing"? This guy can't be secretly in love with that woman.

Of course, Inozuka Saburo only thought about it quietly in his mind and did not say these things out loud: every time he tried to deny this, Hashimoto Maya's reaction was so strong that it was terrifying.

So in the end, Inozuka Saburo only refuted what Maya Hashimoto said: "No, you are too exaggerated."

Through the rearview mirror, Maya Hashimoto, who was sitting in the back seat, glanced at him sympathetically, and showed a subtle "Don't take me with you when you are taken to the police station for training."

Saburo Inozuka: "..." I'm so angry, why don't we all discuss Naoko Toriyama.

This thought flashed across his mind, and he suddenly remembered the comparison of strength between himself and Maya Hashimoto, and Saburo Inozuka immediately became alert.

He secretly dismissed the dangerous idea and sighed tiredly. Although he was consciously trying not to be affected, it was undeniable that the topic just now dragged him back into the painful memories of his idol and his companions, encountering terrible things in person, and even being forced to take photos with them. .

Saburo Inozuka was eager to get out of this bad low pressure. Suddenly he looked out the window and saw people and cars passing diagonally in front of him, which was very lively.

Saburo Inozuka's eyes lit up: "What a coincidence, the park in front seems to be holding an event, let's go and join in the fun."

"I don't want to hear the word 'coincidence', and I don't want to join in any fun." Maya Hashimoto leaned on the relatively safer back seat, with a look of numbness that her soul had ascended to heaven, "Speaking of which, do you still remember you?" Are you detaining me now?"

Saburo Inozuka: "..." I really forgot.

"Compared to being detained, I don't know why, I always feel more like an unlucky sacrifice." Inozuka Saburo whispered, "Speaking of this, even the superior no longer sends people over, obviously he has treated the guard like this Don’t worry about things anymore. In this case, what do you still care about? - Escape is useful, anyway, everyone will die in the end, and if you don’t have ‘that thing’, you will die of old age, so you might as well live for one day and enjoy life for one day.”

Maya Hashimoto: "..." It's obviously such a stupid and unrewarding statement, but why does it sound so reasonable?

Forget it, it's better to mess with your teammates than backstab them. Sometimes he was afraid that the people around him were too motivated--such as the Irish gentleman who was dedicated to killing Ouzo and Gin. If you count them in detail, that is the source of the disaster.

In any case, perhaps because of the infection from his teammates, Maya Hashimoto's buried heart actually poked its head out of the soil again.

He looked at the congested road: "I remember this road was not so congested before. What happened today?"

Saburo Inozuka: "Have you forgotten? There is a police lecture in the park in front of us. It seems that Jiang Xia is in charge of explaining it. The lovely policewoman just now told me that I can come and support when I pass by."

"Jiang Xia's preaching?!" Maya Hashimoto's heart thumped and she instinctively said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier and take a detour!"

Saburo Inozuka wanted to follow his instructions, but unfortunately the place was so crowded that he couldn't even turn around. He then left the car unmoved and looked at Maya Hashimoto in confusion: "Didn't your relationship with that detective get better? We all came back together from Hokkaido to Tokyo, and nothing happened on the way. Why are you here again today?" Are you starting to avoid him?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Oh, I almost forgot. There is no need to hide. Jiang Xia has nothing to hide. On the contrary, he is the safest around him. At least there is no need to worry about being forcibly labeled as a murderer, as was the case in Hokkaido not long ago.

Maya Hashimoto leaned back in her seat as if nothing had happened: "I said it smoothly. Just keep walking and don't worry about me."

"Oh." Saburo Inozuka was still thinking about the request the policewoman made to him casually, "Then let's go to the park to join in the fun?"

"No." Maya Hashimoto's mouth spoke faster than her reason.

Saburo Inozuka: "..." What is your attitude towards Jiang Xia now? Can you make it clear?

But since Maya Hashimoto said so, he didn't insist anymore, who made him unable to beat others.

Inozuka Saburo continued to follow the slow flow of traffic. He thought that today would pass in such a dull way. Unexpectedly, he had just started, and his eyes suddenly stopped and stopped at the rearview mirror in the middle. Looking at Maya Hashimoto.

Maya Hashimoto noticed it immediately and said alertly: "What are you looking at me for?"

The possibility of Saburo Inozuka killing him is very low, but it is not impossible and cannot be taken lightly.

But it turned out that Inozuka Saburo seemed to have just seen something strange: "Why is there a cat behind you? When did you sneak into the car, I didn't see it at all."

"Cat?" Maya Hashimoto turned around quickly, and actually saw a cat lying on the headrest behind him, stretching out its claws to fish for something around him.

Seeing Maya Hashimoto turn around, the black cat's snow-white claws paused for a moment, then continued to claw as if nothing had happened.

"Where did the cat come from? It looks familiar." Maya Hashimoto stretched out her hand to pick up the cat and take a closer look. As a sneaky member of the organization, his first reaction, rather than whether it looked familiar or not, was to see if the cat had any surveillance equipment on it. Although he had already scanned it when he got in the car, but what if?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached out his hand, the cat actually held the back of his hand and politely pushed him away.

Maya Hashimoto: "...?"

How dare a mere cat rub against a car so confidently?

After all, it was just a cat that was less than the length of a forearm. Maya Hashimoto had his hands on it and checked the cat. He found nothing wrong with it, so he opened the car door and planned to throw the cat into the green belt aside.

Unexpectedly, the moment he opened the door, a figure passed in front of him, rolled and landed on the seat inside.

Maya Hashimoto's hand holding the cat was knocked back hard, and the car door was also closed by the uninvited guest.

In the chaos, the cat disappeared. Maya Hashimoto rubbed her hands, shocked by what had just happened: Forget the cat, why did people start rubbing against the car randomly?

Maya Hashimoto looked over with vigilance and condemnation, fearing that a bomber with bombs all over his body would get into the car.

However, when he raised his head and saw the man's makeup-covered face, Maya Hashimoto suddenly froze, and there was a buzzing sound of blood flowing in his head.

However, what was unexpected but not so unexpected was that the woman who got into the car did not sit upright, adjust her clothes, and then turn her head to show him a gentle and scary smile.

She looked more alert than Maya Hashimoto, more like a frightened bird. The moment she sat down, she raised the muzzle of her gun and pointed it at him warily.

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