Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1952 1952 [Okiya Subaru, where are you? 】

Chapter 1952 1952

Then before Maya Hashimoto spoke, she said coldly: "Are you that bad scriptwriter?"

Maya Hashimoto: "You..." How did you steal my lines? !

After Tormaru Naoko finished speaking, she saw Hashimoto Maya's face and his expression clearly, and a flash of disappointment could not help but appear in her eyes, but at the same time there was a kind of instinctive relief. "It's not you," she asserted.

She thought the man would appear in the car and ask her to meet him. But now it seems...she really thought too much.

Speaking of which, why did this guy named Maya Hashimoto have such an expression? It was so complicated that even she couldn't figure it out for a while.

But now it seems that Maya Hashimoto must have had a lot of contact with "that person", so she changed her words and asked: "Are you a subordinate of 'that person'?"

It was just a normal question at first, but Maya Hashimoto was so excited that she almost jumped up and covered her mouth: "Don't talk nonsense!"

...What if Uzo hears it and really gets interested!

Whoever wants to be a subordinate of that kind of devil will not live long at first glance. Moreover, he is Mr. Ireland's subordinate. If this word reaches Ireland's ears, Mr. Ireland will think that he has betrayed him, which will also be a problem.

However, Naoko Tormaru was doubtful: "If it wasn't you, why did he let me get into your car, and you even opened the door to greet me..."

Under the increasingly horrified gaze of Maya Hashimoto, Naoko Tormaru belatedly remembered one thing: Speaking of which, although Maya Hashimoto did take the initiative to open the door, he didn't look like he was opening the door just now. It was more like he thought it was too slow to open the window, so he quickly tried to throw something out of the car door.

Toriyama Naoko: "..."

She was silent for a moment, and when she looked at Maya Hashimoto again, her eyes suddenly turned sympathetic.

She vaguely understood - judging from various circumstances, Hashimoto Maya, the "subordinate" or "accomplice" she thought was probably just an unlucky guy written in the script.

What's even more tragic is that he is the same as himself.

Others struggling with the script have no idea they have a web hanging over their heads, so they can live what they think is a free life without knowing anything. But she and Maya Hashimoto clearly knew the truth behind all the coincidences, but they could not escape and could only struggle painfully in the palm of that person.

"Although we are not colleagues yet, we should be soon." Naoko Tormaru sighed. She originally wanted to shake hands with Maya Hashimoto and establish some friendship with this fellow sufferer, but seeing Maya Hashimoto's attitude From the look on his face, you knew he probably wasn't in such a mood.

She eventually just put down the gun and said sympathetically: "Let's face it."

Maya Hashimoto did not receive any comfort, and her eyes gradually lost their brightness.

The information hidden in Tormaru Naoko's words was no less than a ton of bombs exploding in his heart.

No wonder he has paid attention to all the news about objects or people falling from high-rise buildings recently, but he failed to see the shadow of Mr. Ireland in them. Instead, he was haunted by Uzo, and he could encounter terrible cases caused by him wherever he went... It turned out that That person's purpose, or rather the target at this stage, is no longer Mr. Ireland, but his innocent henchman?

Maya Hashimoto: "..." What is so good about him that Uzo takes a fancy to him? Can't he change it?

After thinking about it for a long time with dull eyes, Hashimoto Maya didn't feel that there was anything special about herself.

But there's one thing: for Uzo, the only difference between Maya Hashimoto and him is probably that he is Mr. Ireland's subordinate.

"It turns out that I am just a small link in Uzo's plan against Ireland. An unimportant confrontation between the two of them meant the collapse of my entire life... Heh, is this the tragic fate of the peripheral members?"

Maya Hashimoto murmured in her heart: "And what happened today, this is definitely not an ordinary coincidence."

He reviewed the whole day's experience today, and soon discovered the source of everything: "It's because of Curacao, that woman asked me to come out today to make up for the record. It must be for this moment... That woman has indeed rebelled. ”

Thinking of this matter, Maya Hashimoto still felt incredible: "She seems to have a high status. Even Mr. Ireland is a little polite and afraid of her. Why...why even such a person has defected to Uzo's side?" ."

Naoko Tormaru was quiet and did not disturb. But with such an unlucky guy next to her, she suddenly felt a subtle sense of happiness - as expected, happiness still depends on comparison, and she was not the only unlucky person. Compared to her, the man next to her seemed to have a harder time accepting the fact that he had become "that person's" subordinate.

And the two brothers in distress were sitting side by side, each thinking about his own time.

Inozuka Saburo quietly looked at the two people in the rearview mirror, not daring to say a word.

Although he was confused, his intuition told him that the two people behind seemed to be involved in some serious organizational secrets.

Don't talk too much at this time, otherwise bad luck might envelope the innocent driver like him.

With this in mind, Inozuka Saburo continued to maintain small movements, braked, and followed the congested traffic, pretending that he was just a matching ornament in the car.

On the way, they passed by a camera. The cold lens recorded this harmonious scene and transmitted the picture to someone's eyes.

Jiang Xia took time out of his busy schedule to glance at the picture Noah presented, and couldn't help but nod secretly: "They get along really well, they should have a common language, and they are indeed the subordinates I value."

After a pause, he felt that there was a fly in the ointment: "There is obviously still an empty seat, it would be great if Subaru Okiya was also in the car. Unfortunately, I am too late today, maybe next time."

In the distance, in an ordinary apartment in Tokyo but with very good security measures, a graduate student who had just returned to Tokyo after missing a few days of classes to run away failed and had just returned to Tokyo, the main door was closed tightly and there was a loud knock on the door. Hitting the keyboard.

Okiya Subaru was finishing his paper when suddenly the tip of his nose felt itchy and he turned around and sneezed.

He looked at the window suspiciously, then stood up and walked to the curtain, glanced out through the gap, and muttered to himself: "No one is talking about me."

"Is it Uzo, Mr. Akai, or the tutor who wants me to do more topics?"

After briefly going over the candidates in his mind, and thinking of the terrible shadow of the organization and the FBI, Subaru Okiya decided to give up thinking: no matter which one was too heavy, he would just empty his mind and pretend that he didn't know anything.

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