Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 180 Don’t arrest Jiang Xia randomly

We are all criminal police officers from the First Investigation Section, and we often go out on the field, so we have seen Jiang Xia at crime scenes.

The Mumu Police Department just heard Shiratiao's cry and felt happy. He thought that the clues had found the door on his own initiative.

When he saw it was Jiang Xia, he sighed immediately - how could Jiang Xia be the criminal who kidnapped Sato? It was probably just that the two of them happened to buy the same wallet.

The Mumu Police Department originally wanted to disperse their subordinates so that they would not surround innocent citizens.

However, at this time, Jiang Xia slowly hid the bag behind her. His eyes drifted to the side, and although his expression was calm, no matter how he looked at it, "I have encountered something, but I can't tell you" was written all over his body.

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Other police officers: "..."

Shiratori Police Department was still immersed in the drama of "hero saving beauty" at this time. He rushed over and grabbed Jiang Xia, saying sadly: "Where is Sato?!"

"...Don't be impulsive." Mumu Police Department pushed aside his colleagues who were carried away by the imaginary script, and turned to Jiang Xia again.

He didn't think Jiang Xia was the kidnapper, he just thought there was another hidden story: "Did you pick up this wallet, or is the kidnapper threatening you with Sato?"

Jiang Xia looked at him and quickly lowered his gaze without saying a word, looking very embarrassed.

The Mumu Police Department found that although Jiang Xia was hiding something, he didn't look anxious, so he guessed that the current situation was okay - the kidnapper may have had contact with Jiang Xia, but now, the kidnapper is not nearby.

Thinking of this, the Mumu Police Department felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time: "Get in the car first." We had to find a place where the kidnappers would not easily see...

Sato Miwako hid in the alley with the suspect, waiting for Jiang Xia to send him a disguise.

As a result, after waiting for a while, Jiang Xia didn't wait, but he vaguely heard a commotion.

Officer Sato hesitated for a moment, then stuck his head out suspiciously and alertly, and took a look outside.

Then she was surprised to find a group of police officers surrounding the clothing store near the street.

Under her gaze, the police circle gave up a small exit, and Jiang Xia was surrounded by the police. The police seemed to want to take him to the car.

Officer Sato: "!!!"

She was shocked for a while, then suddenly remembered the wallet she had just given to Jiang Xia, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

——She usually leaves her wallet on her desk for easy access, and many colleagues have seen it. And her colleagues are all police officers, and their observation skills are better than ordinary people.

Maybe they saw Jiang Xia holding her wallet and thought Jiang Xia was the kidnapper who took her away, so...

Sato thought of the extremely oppressive dark room in the police station, and of the menacing and scary looks of his colleagues when they interrogated prisoners. He also thought of how he had just saved her and had to help her buy clothes, only to be tricked by her wallet. Jiangxia...

Seeing that the police car was about to drive away, Sato gritted his teeth and rushed out quickly: "Stop! I gave him the wallet on my own initiative, he didn't steal it!"

The car stopped.

The other police officers looked at Sato who was unharmed, then at the haggard suspect who was dragged behind Sato like a pendant, and finally looked at the Shiratori Police Department who swore "Sato must have been kidnapped!" and fell into a trap. meditation.

On the other side, Conan and others immediately started investigating the case after receiving the investigation commission from Officer Sato.

After a while, because there were three children in the team and they couldn't leave home for a long time, Conan checked the time and called Dr. Ali and asked him to help fool other parents.

Dr. A Li agreed: "Okay, there happens to be an event tomorrow. I was planning to take you there to see it, so I just used this as an excuse."

Conan was startled: "Tomorrow's activities?"

"That's right! My 'Tropical Rainbow' can finally serve the countryside." Dr. Ali was a little proud. "The colorful light after the explosion will become a precious memory for the citizens. If you are free, be sure to come and take a look. , the start time is tomorrow morning.”

Conan was not interested in Dr. Agasa's activities, but the words "explosion" and "colorful light" made some impression on him.

——Isn’t this the bomb sample that almost blew up Jiangxia?

If I remember correctly, after that, Haibara Ai replaced all the doctor's snacks with vegetable salads, the kind without sauce.

In addition, there was no trace of meat in the doctor's dishes, and Conan was also dragged down. He had no snacks to eat. He had to go to Jiang Xia to get Haiyuan Ai's handmade snacks...

Conan always felt bad when thinking about that bomb - if I remember correctly, the doctor seemed to have mentioned once that Tropical Rainbow was built to demolish a certain well-known building.

Just in case, Conan asked: "Where is the building you mentioned that is about to be blasted?"

"In Acupido." Dr. Agasa said nostalgically, "Acupido Museum of Art, I remember you went there when you were a child."

Conan was shocked when he heard this familiar name... Isn't this the building where Officer Sato and the suspect were? !

If they fail to solve the case on time tomorrow, then the two people trapped inside...

Conan hung up the phone and hurried to the building that was about to be detonated, while dialing the number for Officer Sato.

The call was quickly connected, and Conan shouted anxiously: "The building you are in will be detonated tomorrow! You can't hide in it, find a way out first..."

Officer Sato interrupted him weakly: "I understand, don't worry, Jiang Xia has just brought us out. Well, instead of this, you should come to the Metropolitan Police Department first."

She paused and whispered in an unspeakable voice: "...Our plan has been discovered."

Conan stopped in a daze: "...?"

There is a lot of information in this sentence. it an illusion? Why does Jiang Xia seem to be everywhere?

This old classmate can't really smell the legendary "smell of death"...

Thinking of this, Conan slapped himself in the face skillfully, interrupting this unscientific train of thought.

Then he paid homage to the "theory of materialism" that he had kept at home from a distance.

Half an hour later, a group of people gathered at the Metropolitan Police Department.

Officer Sato silently wrote a letter of apology. When Takagi came, he was also handed a stack of papers and wrote them together with her.

Jiang Xia sat on the reception chair next to him, holding the teacup and taking a leisurely sip of hot tea.

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