Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 181 Gin Textbook

After hearing the ins and outs of the incident, the Mumu Police Department ultimately did not reject the subordinates' request for "reinvestigation."

Since the suspect had to catch a flight tomorrow morning, the police department had to work overtime.

But relying on himself to re-investigate the case in such a short period of time, he always felt lack of confidence.

Mu Mu Police Department then took a peek at Jiang Xia: "Ahem, there are not many people at night. Do any of you want to go with us?"

Jiang Xia was about to nod, but at this moment, the young detective team in the office rushed to raise their hands: "Me! We also want to..."

Several children were excited when they suddenly noticed a very presence in their eyes.

——Jiang Xia turned around and glanced at them.

The moment their eyes suddenly met, the three children were stunned, as if the pause button had been pressed.

A second later, they stopped talking at the same time, then hugged each other and shrank into the corner, skillfully pretending that they didn't exist.

Previously, when Jiang Xia was raping prisoners in front of the young detective team, Huihara Ai had not joined yet and did not know the inside story.

At this time, she turned her head and looked at the three shrinking naughty children, thoughtfully - it can be seen that the children's intuition is still very accurate, and they can be so keenly aware of the danger of Jiang Xia...

However, Haiyuan Ai soon thought unhappily. Strictly speaking, Jiang Xia could not be considered a dangerous person at all. Although he is a member of the organization, he is only a peripheral member who was forced to join and has not done many bad things.

...The kids are too much.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Jiang Xia turn around and walk to a few children.

As Jiang Xia got closer and closer, the three children hugging each other began to tremble like a dryer.

Jiang Xia actually doesn't hate these three people. He mainly likes them for triggering the case...well, mainly because he likes their cute appearance.

But it's also true that kids can cause trouble.

Jiang Xia wants a case, but doesn't want to be interfered with by naughty kids.

In Jiang Xia's eyes, these multiple-choice questions that have nothing to do with ghosts and murderous intent are all multiple-choice questions - he wants them all.

Jiang Xia turned her back to the others and faced the child with a cold smile like when she was beating someone.

The three children's faces instantly turned pale, and they looked like they were scared to death.

Jiang Xia bent down and said in a friendly tone: "If the police department is willing to take you there, I will also be happy to have a few more helpers. However, the crime scene is a very important place. When the time comes, if I say 'no running around'..." "

Ayumi Yoshida bravely answered in a low voice: "Then we are all idiots."

"Yeah." Jiang Xia touched their heads, "How good they are."

He retracted his hand, stood up again, and walked towards the Megure Police Department.

Behind the scenes, three children breathed a sigh of relief with tears in their eyes.

Mitsuhiko and Genta unconsciously touched their necks, and then felt a little moved: That's great, their heads are still there, and they weren't twisted off while they were touching their heads.

Memu Police Department may have always been involved in cases with all kinds of strange people, and he has developed a tolerant heart as broad as the sea. He did not refuse the request of several children to "go together".

Before departure, due to lack of manpower at night, the Megure Police Department picked up Takagi and Sato and allowed them to submit for review later.

Children actually have some unique uses. Previously, they collected some clues from relevant witnesses by acting cute.

Jiang Xia borrowed their notebooks to check and walked through the process.

Next, as long as you go around the crime scene and see the real thing, you can drag the progress bar as you like.

Judging from the information, the deceased this time was named Muranishi Mio, who forced the real murderer to marry herself.

The real culprit then strangled her to death, then made Higashikata - the unlucky suspect who was handcuffed with Sato - drunk and took her to the deceased's house. He then coaxed Higashiyama to lock the door and frame the crime.

During this process, the real murderer made some arrangements in the room in order to make the drunken Dongshan mistake the deceased's home for his own. Therefore, many evidences that he committed the murder are still left in this room.

One of the key points was a pot of cactus - when the murderer moved it, he was pricked by its thorns and his blood was stained on it.

Jiang Xia looked around the room and was about to go to the balcony to step on the map and call it a day.

At this moment, a panicked scream suddenly came from the balcony, which sounded like Ayumi Yoshida's.

Immediately afterwards, Hui Yuan Ai's anxious voice calling to his teammates came again: "Jiang Xia!!"

Jiang Xia pushed open the balcony door and saw Yoshida Ayumi hanging outside the railing, and Haihara Ai was holding her tightly.

Jiang Xia walked to the railing and reached out to carry the person back from outside.

He thought that if someone really caused trouble, it would most likely be Genta or Mitsuhiko. Unexpectedly, this time it was Yoshida Ayumi who took the lead.

Jiang Xia lifted the naughty child in front of her like a cat and stared at her, wanting to condemn this untrustworthy behavior.

But before he could speak, Yoshida Ayumi suddenly hugged his arm and said incoherently: "...Dead people, there are dead people over there! A lot of blood was shed!!"

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