Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2055 2055 [Organizing Scavengers]

Cohen: "..." Fortunately, they were cautious enough. Otherwise, with the intensity of the investigation at the first murder scene, even if only half a fingerprint was left, the two of them would immediately become suspects and be put on the organization's list to be silenced.

Uzo is indeed very good at trapping his colleagues within the rules: yesterday he did not take the initiative to bring anyone into the tower, and it seemed as if he was complying with the rules prohibiting infighting. But in fact, he attracted a wave of police the next day.

If at this time, the police discover traces left by members of the organization in the tower, then the responsibility will naturally be passed on to the members of the organization in the tower. Uzo was certainly at fault by then, but the one who made more mistakes was obviously the fool who left his own traces.

Insidious, really insidious.

In the past, he always felt that Gin was harsh enough, but now it seems that at least Gin will not use these "tests" to deceive people. If he finds any mistakes, he will just find trouble in person, which is not scary.

The really scary thing is those guys who don't give others a chance to make mistakes. In front of them, one mistake is equivalent to sending themselves to hell.

Cohen held up the hat on his head, made some comments that were completely inconsistent with the person involved, and then left silently with a cold sweat on his back.

On the five-story pagoda in the distance.

The police knew nothing about the two lawless gangsters who slipped away from under their noses with sniper rifles on their backs. They were standing opposite several other lawless gangsters who were close under their noses and briefly introduced the situation. .

"We were unable to extract any useful footprints or fingerprints from the tower. In addition, there was no obvious trauma on the deceased's body. His cause of death should be death on the spot due to neck compression.

"The time of death was roughly 3:00 to 4:00 in the morning. We went to the hotel and office where the deceased stayed to make inquiries. The hotel receptionist on duty last night said that the deceased left the hotel alone at 2:30 in the morning.

"Including the time spent on the road, the deceased should have come directly to the five-story pagoda as soon as he left the hotel, and died here immediately."

The Mumu Police Department was hopeful: "Have you found the suicide note?"

The policeman shook his head.

Jiang Xia said tactfully: "I just had dinner with the deceased last night, and he didn't look like the kind of person who planned to commit suicide."

The Mumu Police Department had no choice but to wipe his face, cheer up, and said to his subordinates who were as tired as him: "Continue the investigation!"

The little police officers took the order and ran away.

At this moment, another person ran over quickly and shouted sadly: "President——!!"

Jiang Xia was almost hit by him and dodged to avoid it.

The wind-like man passed by him. The visitor lowered his head and saw the deceased on the ground. He stayed for a moment and knelt down beside him with a bang: "How could this happen..."

The Mumu Police Department was stunned for a moment before reacting: "Hey, don't get too close to the body! Who are you?"

Jiang Xia glanced at the man: "It seems to be Manager Kajimura."

Manager Kajimura stood up, nodded and took out his business card: "My name is Kajimura Yosuke. I am an employee of President Oda. I currently serve as the manager of Oda Hotel."

Sounds like an acquaintance of the deceased.

And most of the murderers are acquaintances.

The eyes of the Mumu Police Department suddenly became suspicious: "Where were you last night?"

Manager Kajimura always behaves like a submissive worker to everyone: "I'm on a business trip to Shizuoka."

Mumu Police Department: "Going on a business trip early in the morning? Are you so busy?"

Manager Kajimura nodded and said hesitantly: "Normally, I don't have to work overtime like this, but I have been busy raising funds recently, so my schedule has been very full - if we don't raise enough money by the end of the month, our club will be in trouble."

Tatsuma Seimaru felt something was wrong when he heard what he said. He looked away from the dead idol on the ground: "Raising money for the club? President Oda is so rich, but he still lacks this? He alone has more than one million in cash."

"More than one million?" Manager Kajimura glanced at him, as if laughing at his naivety, "More than one million won't be of much use to a club like ours. And even if the president is in trouble, he won't do anything. He will let others know that the worse the situation is, the more he likes to show off his financial resources. If he hadn't made purchases everywhere..."

He realized that he had confided his secret, and his voice became softer as he muttered.

However, the Memu Police Department caught the keyword: "Is your company in trouble?"

He didn't want to admit that the temple he chose was of no use to Jiang Xia, so he inevitably harbored some suicidal expectations: "He was about to be sued by the temple, and he was short of funds. I heard that the deceased said yesterday that he wanted to use his death to make the temple a bomb. The money... In this case, the motive for suicide is sufficient."

Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at the body, as if he suddenly thought of something: "Speaking of money, where is the deceased's bulging wallet?"

Maya Hashimoto discovered another thing: "The 5-carat diamond on his tie was also missing."

The Mumu Police Department was startled: "What kind of diamond?"

Jiang Xia: "When the deceased had dinner with us yesterday, he had a large diamond on his lapel pin and a lot of cash in his wallet. He is still wearing the clothes he wore last night, but nothing valuable is gone."

Miwako Sato: "It sounds like another robbery..."

When Jiang Xia heard her voice, she turned around and saw that the policewoman had brought three familiar people.

Sato Miwako noticed his gaze and pointed back: "These are all the staff of this temple."

A nagging abbot, the abbot's son who broke into the hotel yesterday and cursed the deceased, and the sweeping monk who took them to visit the temple yesterday.

Jiang Xia: "..." In such a big temple, the sweeping monk is actually sweeping alone, and he still sweeps it so clean. It's really hidden.

But now is not the time for small talk. He collects clues in a business-like manner: "What were you doing between 3:00 and 4:00 this morning?"

Abbot Danhai snorted coldly: "Are you suspecting that I, a monk, committed murder? That will disappoint you - I didn't see him at all last night. I had been chanting sutras in the main hall and praying for God to do something good to that guy. Curse."

Sato Miwako took out a small notebook and took notes: "Are you the only one? Can anyone else prove it?"

"Does this still need proof?" Abbot Danhai waved his sleeves confidently, "If I hadn't been chanting sutras all night long, how could the divine punishment have come so quickly - you can see from the way that guy died that I had been chanting sutras all night , never stopped at all.”

Sato Miwako: "..."

She gave up communicating with the old monk and went to see the young monk: "Master Chunhai, right? What were you doing at that time last night?"

Harumi: "I'm sleeping. I usually don't get up until 5 o'clock." He looked at the temple administrator and said, "Not long after I got up this morning, I heard Okabe say something happened to the five-story pagoda."

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