Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2056 2056 [Where are you Bourbon? 】

Police Department Mumu touched his chin and looked at the temple administrator: "So you are the first person to discover it?"

The temple administrator nodded.

The eyes of the Mumu Police Department suddenly became sharp: "But I remember that you didn't seem to be the one who called the police. Why didn't you call the police as soon as possible?"

The temple manager was still frightened: "I was shocked at that time. I just remembered that Jiang Xia had been here yesterday, so I called the detective."

The Mumu Police Department felt more and more weird about this guy: "Shouldn't normal people call the police first? Is it possible that detectives are more reliable than police officers?"

After a pause, he silently changed his words: "Anyway, normal people would call the police first, including the detective himself!"

Abbot Danhai suddenly snorted coldly and looked at the temple manager: "Although this guy is in my temple by name, his heart has already flown to the Oda Society. So when this happened, he panicked I want to find a detective."

The temple manager was shocked: "I didn't!"

Abbot Danhai stared at him angrily: "If you hadn't introduced that scumbag Xiaotian to me, how could our temple have ended up in this situation! How dare he slide the slide on top of the Buddha's head? What a shame!"

The manager of the temple said nonchalantly: "I didn't expect him to be so... uh, so creative. I just want to increase the number of tourists in the temple." Then hire more people. Otherwise, he would be the only one sweeping the entire temple, which would be really tiring.

However, the Mumu Police Department caught another key word: "Deceived by the deceased? So, you three are also suspected."

Abbot Danhai was angry again: "How dare you slander anyone?! Allowing ordinary people like you to come to my temple is already an open policy. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kick you out now!"

Mumu Police Department: "..." It's really difficult to communicate with the old monk.

When the Megure Police Department was dealing with a troublesome suspect.

Jiang Xia went around and caught a person from behind the tree.

"Although you are just a detective assistant now, sooner or later you will become a detective on your own." Jiang Xia pushed Maya Hashimoto towards the body, "Observe carefully and don't get distracted."

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

From all aspects, Jiang Xia is a perfect boss who is good at cultivating his subordinates. But he is just an undercover person sent by the evil organization, and he does not want to be involved in the case!

Maya Hashimoto resisted loudly in her heart, but she could only look very motivated and devoted herself to observation like a true detective.

Curacao glanced here from the corner of his eye, as if he had already seen the scene where Hashimoto Maya, as an "eye-catching new detective star", was pushed to the front to greet the wave of flash lights after the case was solved.

Curacao: "..." Fortunately, I am not Uzo's subordinate, so I don't have to be dragged into being a detective.

Fortunately, the stubborn Rum relented in advance and agreed to assign Maya Hashimoto to Uzo.

Otherwise, if there was no Maya Hashimoto in this encounter, Uzo would have focused all his attention on her... and would definitely have to make trouble even if nothing happened.

While thinking about it, she silently hid behind Mrs. Xun.

Curacao is now nominally the lawyer of the Sundanese family, and he is protected by his employer.

Maya Hashimoto had nowhere to hide.

He walked to the corpse with a grimace, not daring to be too outstanding, but also daring not to be too secretive, for fear that Jiang Xia would cancel the subscription in anger, and his mission with Wu Zuo would also fail.

Mistakes elsewhere could lead to dismissal, mistakes here at Uzo...

"There was some mud and grass clippings on the elbows of the deceased." Maya Hashimoto collected clues in a disciplined manner. "There was also some mud on the soles of the shoes. Maybe he stepped on the lawn before his death and fell on it?"

This conclusion is somewhat crude.

Fortunately, Jiang Xia seemed to be a lenient boss, and this clue already meant that Maya Hashimoto was responsible.

Jiang Xia nodded and added: "When I went to look for you under the tree just now, I saw something not far away."

He pointed over there, and Maya Hashimoto turned around and suddenly felt something shiny shaking in her sight.

He was stunned and suddenly understood: "Is it that diamond lapel pin?"

Jiang Xia responded: "So do you understand who the murderer is?"

Maya Hashimoto: "?"

...How do I know this!

He suddenly realized that he was overthinking: there was no need to hide his clumsiness, and he was completely unable to keep up with the standards of a rising star detective.

Jiang Xia sighed and patted him on the shoulder: "Forget it, take it step by step, and continue to work hard in the future - you first go to the police and let them take care of the lapel pin on the ground. That should be the real crime scene. "

Maya Hashimoto stood up and left with mixed emotions.

Curacao watched him pass by silently: "..." What is this man missing? Isn't it time to be thankful that we got through this?

...It seems that you have to stay away from him in the future. This guy may have been influenced by Uzo.

She turned back thoughtfully and suddenly found a figure in front of her.

Jiang Xia: "Miss Shirai seems to have been looking over there. Are you also interested in solving the case?"

Curacao casually changed the hand holding the folder, revealing the lawyer badge on his chest: "I'm just a lawyer." Don't look for me to solve the case, and stay away from the stage.

Jiang Xia: "Actually, detective is an interesting side job."

Curacao: "I'm really sorry. I get scared when I see the corpse and am not qualified for such a sacred position."

Mrs. Xun heard her conversation and nodded as if she understood.

Jiang Xia: "..."

It would be great if Curacao could be recruited as a subordinate. What a pity. I don’t know if he would be willing to let him go if he found Rum.

But Curacao is also a cadre, and the chance of being transferred to his staff is almost slim...

He looked longingly at the colleague in front of him who was wearing the fragrant aloe vera with murderous intent, and left with regret.

Curacao: “…”

She shuddered silently as she recalled the feeling of staring at prey just now.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling resentful in my heart: Where did that Bourbon guy go? Why didn't he follow him today? If he was here, Uzuo would most likely not have time to find her here...

The faint smell of aloe vera comes out faster.

The police quickly found the shiny diamond lapel pin under the tree and expressed their gratitude to the enthusiastic detective assistant who provided the clues.

But there are more question marks on the head of the police department: "It is a good thing to find diamonds. This means that there is no robbery factor, and the person most likely committed suicide-but the person died on the top of the tower, why is the lapel pin on the lawn? Could it be that he committed suicide?" Did it accidentally pop down when you were doing it?”

"It's not suicide." Jiang Xia pointed to the top of the tower, "The hanging noose is located relatively outside. Calculating the distance will reveal that the height of the deceased and the hanging noose are not long enough to fill the gap between the noose and the railing. distance. So he didn’t hang himself by standing on the railing or eaves, but someone else hung him up.”

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