Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2057 2057 [God’s Blessing]

The Mumu Police Department was stunned and asked the young police officer: "Why didn't you tell us such an important thing earlier!"

Police officer: "..." We didn't find it either.

They flipped through the information without realizing it, did some calculations on the calculator, and whispered: "Indeed, even if the deceased was pulled straight back, his feet would still be about 50 centimeters away from the railing."

The Mumu Police Department was silent: unless the deceased made a huge looper, then aimed at the looper and stepped on the railing to jump over, otherwise there would be no way to commit suicide successfully.

And no one should commit suicide in such a weird way. Even if they did, there would be no traces of stepping on the railings.

There was a burst of laughter from the side, and Abbot Danhai gloated: "What a bunch of incompetent guys. Do you want to know the truth?"

Miwako Sato looked at him in surprise: "Do you know who the murderer is?"

Abbot Danhai: "Didn't I say it before? This is divine punishment! You actually want to use human wisdom to interpret the trajectory written by the gods. It is simply wishful thinking! - I advise you to get out of my temple with your tail between your legs immediately. , otherwise you might be the next one to be punished by heaven."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Although the words are ugly, the old abbot is quite good at complimenting. Uzuo would be very happy to hear this. Isn't the old monk in front of him really one of Uzuo's subordinates who sneaked into the temple?

Next to him, the hotel manager wiped the sweat from his forehead and took advantage of the chaos and said: "Since it is suicide, can I leave? Because many policemen went to my hotel to collect evidence before, but now people in the store are panicked and the staff are scared. It’s not light. I have to go back and appease them.”

Of course, Mumu Police Department hoped that the crowd would be more peaceful. He nodded anxiously: "Then you go first. By the way, leave me your contact information."

Manager Kajimura responded repeatedly. He took out his business card from his wallet and handed it over.

Jiang Xia suddenly said: "Your wallet is quite thick, it is as thick as the deceased's wallet last night."

"?!" Manager Kajimura was startled, "This is my own wallet, not the president's! I brought so much money because I have to meet the manufacturer today, and these are all deposits."

When he mentioned the manufacturer, Abbot Danhai suddenly remembered something: "Hey, your president is dead, so our temple probably doesn't need to be renovated."

Manager Kajimura nodded humbly: "Our funds are actually somewhat insufficient. If we do not stop the renovation of the temple, the company may be on the verge of bankruptcy - I believe that the management rights of your temple will soon be returned to the original owner."

Abbot Danhai was overjoyed: "Hahaha, good!"

Manager Kajimura said: "It happens that the hotel and the temple are close to each other. I have the renovation contract here. I will return it to you later."

Abbot Danhai was even happier: "You are such a good person. In return, I will chant sutras and pray and ask God to bless you."

Manager Kajimura glanced at the gloomy five-story pagoda and felt that this blessing was not very auspicious. But now he just wanted to leave as soon as possible, and he couldn't care about this for a while, so he smiled and wanted to leave.

But just as he turned around, there was another person in front of him.

"You can't leave just yet." Jiang Xia said regretfully, "If you leave, where will we find the murderer?"


The police officers were startled. Although they were confused, they immediately gathered around and stopped Manager Kajimura.

Abbot Danhai was stunned: "Little detective, don't be slanderous! - Just look at the five-story pagoda in front of you and say it again!"

Jiang Xia looked at the tower in front of him with a lot of murderous aura, then turned around and said again: "This is a murder."

Abbot Danhai: "..."

He was still confused, but Officer Sato, who had experienced many battles, had already taken out a small notebook and was skillfully preparing to take notes: "What exactly happened?"

Jiang Xia: "The scene of the first crime was not only the top of the five-story pagoda, but also the lawn over there."

He pointed to the side, and then looked at Maya Hashimoto with admiration: "Thanks to Mr. Hashimoto for wandering in that area before, I was able to find the clues so quickly."

Maya Hashimoto looked blank: "..." Thank you for your kindness, but please leave it to those who need it more, instead of pushing an innocent organization member whose whereabouts should be hidden into the camera.

Jiang Xia did good deeds without leaving a name. Before Maya Hashimoto could thank her, she had already led everyone to the lawn.

Miwako Sato was startled: "The lawn you pointed at just now doesn't seem to be here."

Jiang Xia: "This is also a key location."

A group of people walked a little further into the lawn, and an ancient dry well appeared in front of them. There are a lot of debris piled behind the dry well, including some heavy steel materials.

Jiang Xia pointed to the bottom of the well.

Officer Sato took a closer look and said in surprise: "There seems to be something falling at the bottom of the well... It looks like a length of steel? Why are there so many ropes?"

Moreover, the scratches on the wall of the shaft are very new, and it seems that these steel materials have just fallen in not long ago.

Jiang Xia also walked to the well and took a look inside, and then said from the beginning: "Last night, the murderer came to the top of the five-story pagoda, hung a very long hemp rope on the protruding eaves, and then returned downstairs.

"He crossed one end of the hemp rope over the railing on the roof and pulled it to the side of the ancient well.

"He first put a steel bar across the wellhead, and then put a section of steel up there. One side of the steel was pressed against the edge of the well, and the other side was pressed against the steel bar. He tied the hemp rope hanging from the roof to the steel. In the middle section, another independent rope is tied to one end of the steel bar to serve as a mechanism.

"The hemp rope hanging from the other end of the roof was made into a looper by the murderer.

“In the early hours of this morning, the murderer made an excuse to invite the deceased to the lawn on the other side. Then while the deceased was wandering around waiting for someone, he quietly approached from behind and put a noose around the deceased’s neck.

"Then he pulled hard on the independent hemp rope, and the steel bar hanging on the well slipped. The heavy steel on top of the steel bar lost its support and fell to the bottom of the well.

"The dry well is very deep. The falling steel will pull the rope tied to it. The middle part of the rope goes around the top of the five-story tower. As the rope at one end tightens, the deceased's side will be pulled by the hemp rope and dragged Hanging high in the air by the neck.

"In order to leave a sufficient range of movement for the noose, there will be a period of time between the fall of the steel and the time when the deceased is pulled upstairs. In order to prevent the deceased from saving himself during this period, the murderer put a noose on the deceased and started walking in the dark. Then he gave the deceased a hard kick, causing him to fall to the ground and unable to break free in time.

"The mud on the elbow of the deceased was stained during this period, and the diamond lapel pin fell to the ground. Looking from the location where the lapel pin was found to the direction of the five-story pagoda, there was a drag mark on the lawn. The deceased The heels of his shoes were also stained with corresponding grass clippings and mud, which is evidence of the method of the case."

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