Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2058 2058 [Case closed]

Jiang Xia: "When the deceased was hoisted up, the hemp rope was dragged by the heavy steel and rubbed violently on the eaves and railings. That's why there were so many scratches on the railings, and there were also some burnt ones on the hemp rope that should have been brand new. Signs. In addition, if you explore the surface of the cornice, you should also be able to find signs of friction there."

Police Department Memu nodded while listening, but he always felt that something was not right.

Officer Sato frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the other suspects with suspicion: "But if that's the case, could there be more than one murderer? - The deceased weighed more than 200 kilograms. According to the method just now, he was hoisted to After the top of the tower, the murderer will cut off the hemp rope on the other side of the dry well, and then tie the broken rope to the railing to pretend to commit suicide.

"If you want to complete this step, you must ensure that the deceased will not fall when the rope is cut. Could it be that there was another person helping Manager Kajimura pull the rope, and that person could hold a body weighing 200 kilograms?"

As she spoke, her eyes passed over the thin Abbot Danhai and the temple administrator, and stopped at Monk Chunhai.

"!" Chunhai folded his arms, instinctively hiding the strong muscles on his body, "I don't have it, it's not me!"

Sato Miwako silently looked at the temple administrator: Although this man looks thin, I heard that the sweeping monks hide their secrets...

The manager of the temple was shocked: "It's not me either!"

Miwako Sato's eyes then turned to Maya Hashimoto.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." What? Is it my fault that I am tall?

Having said that, as a police officer, how can you judge a book by its appearance? Look at the Curacao next to you. Although she is a woman, she can probably hold 400 pounds with her bare hands, let alone 200 pounds.

Curacao noticed his malicious gaze: "?"

Although I don’t know what this new subordinate of Uzuo is thinking, it always feels like it’s not a good thing. Sure enough, there is no good thing around Uzo.

The two of them looked at each other with murderous intent for a while. When they got tired, the detective who was thinking next to him said, "A single person can actually do it."

Sato Miwako's eyes then fell back on Manager Kajimura, and she pictured in her mind the image of him dragging a 200-pound man with one hand and tying knots quickly with the other... As expected, people should not be judged by their appearance, this man clearly seems to be of average physical fitness. of social animals.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia took them back to the place where the corpse was placed and pointed to the slip knot placed next to the corpse: "When the murderer put down the long rope, he actually tied an armor knot at the appropriate position in advance. Let the rope There is a small rope loop in the middle.

"After the deceased was hoisted up the tower, the rope loop just hung on the outside of the railing. The murderer pulled the noose around the railing and put a steel bar on it. He could use the steel bar to jam the rope on the deceased's side. After that, he only had to cut off the rope under the rope loop. Hemp rope, pass the broken end through the rope sleeve and tie it to the rope on the other side, and the knot can be successfully tied. After doing this, remove the steel bar, and one person can complete the knotting work.

"Then the murderer only needs to return to the ground, gather up the broken rope, and throw them all into the well. This will erase his hanging technique and disguise everything as the suicide of the deceased."

Jiang Xia looked at the pale-faced Manager Kajimura: "If you want to complete this technique, you need to know the terrain of the temple and the distances between places. Although Manager Kajimura is in charge of the hotel, as an important cadre of the Oda Club, he is also responsible for the specific development of the temple. He could easily obtain the temple plans.

"The height of the five-story pagoda, the distance from it to the ancient well, the depth of the ancient well... As long as you want to know, you can always use the excuse of engineering to have it measured. Those steel materials next to the ancient well should be placed there specially for this murder. that is.

"Everything is going according to your plan. It's a pity that there was a mistake in the final calculation, which caused the hanging rope to be 50 centimeters shorter. It is these 50 centimeters that distinguish suicide from murder."

Manager Kajimura gritted his teeth: "But what you said can be done by others. The confidentiality of the project is not strict. Maybe other enemies of the president got the information and killed him - in short, it was not me who killed yesterday. I went on a business trip out of town tonight, so I’m not here at all!”

Jiangxia's recent harvest has been very good, so he is particularly patient in dealing with others: "Not long after you rushed to the temple, you said that the deceased had been in trouble recently, and one of the troubles was 'being sued by the temple.' The decision of the temple to sue came from the abbot. My son rushed back here last night. If you were really on a business trip last night, you probably didn't hear this news. You probably overheard this from the monk when you were ambushing the temple last night."

Abbot Danhai was startled: "I actually said this in the courtyard last night."

Manager Kajimura: "..." The fickle old monk, who just said he was a good person, has now started stabbing him in the back again!

He gritted his teeth and suppressed his murderous intent: "What kind of evidence is this! The legal dispute with the temple was something he accidentally told me when I was on the phone with the president - physical evidence. Physical evidence is what is needed to solve the case!"

Curacao: "..." That's stupid. At this time, you should pretend to admit it first, and then betray it immediately after the detective leaves and ask the police for evidence. If you succeed in confusing the police, you will have a chance of getting a certain amount of free time, and you can use this time to dispose of the physical evidence.

While she was strategizing with Wu Zuo in her mind, she shook her head secretly: I'm afraid these suspects don't even know where they have exposed their flaws. It's really pitiful.

Sure enough, Uzzo didn't look bothered at all. After all, it was his own script, and he just had to follow it by heart.

Jiang Xia: "Records of purchasing hemp rope, traces left on the steel at the bottom of the well, shoes that have stepped on the lawn, you can find a lot if you look for it, and there is also something more straightforward - that thick pile of money in your wallet Thick cash.”

Manager Kajimura instinctively covered his wallet, feeling something bad, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. In the end, he had no choice but to say harshly: "Oh, you don't want to say that the president's fingerprints are on the money - this is the fund that the president gave me before, and it is normal to have his fingerprints."

As he said that, to show that he had no guilt, he took out his wallet and threw it to the policeman aside: "Check it as you like."

Miwako Sato caught it and opened it: "..." It's really a lot of money! Running around with such a large amount of cash every day is actually not tiring.

Just as she was distracted, Jiang Xia came over and glanced at her hand: "Open it and take a look."

"Open what? This money?" Sato Miwako didn't know why, but she still took out the money as he said and flipped through the book with a bang.

The next moment, a receipt tucked into the money was revealed.

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