Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2059 2059 [The owner is furious] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2059 2059"

Manager Kajimura also glanced here. He also didn't know what kind of receipt this was, but for some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Jiang Xia read out the time: "Last night, 17:40."

Manager Kajimura: "?!"

Jiang Xia looked at him sympathetically: "Actually, not long after you left last night, the foreman came back with the cigars and the receipt that the deceased wanted. This receipt was also conveniently put into the wallet by the deceased - if you really You were on a business trip, why did this receipt appear in your wallet together with the cash in the deceased’s wallet?”

"After you killed the man early this morning, you accidentally found his wallet dropped on the lawn, so you took his money. If it was just one or two cash bills, you might not look down on it, but hundreds of thousands of yuan bills The temptation of the murder made you unable to help but the panic and excitement of killing made you ignore the receipt sandwiched between the banknotes.

"This receipt has the fingerprints of you, the foreman and the deceased, plus the evidence from the bottom of the well..."


Manager Kajimura hammered the ground hard. He gritted his teeth, his face full of reluctance: "I used to laugh at him like a nouveau riche who carries a lot of cash on his body every day. He has a net worth of tens of billions and still takes advantage of his reimbursement receipts with public funds... I didn't expect that I would be defeated by these stupid people in the end. behavior."

The Mumu Police Department watched all this in silence, a little unable to recover. In fact, after knowing that this was not a suicide, he had already cast suspicious eyes on the three people in the temple, but he did not expect that this time, the murderer turned out to be a confidant of the deceased.

The honest police officer found it difficult to understand: "Why did you kill him?"

Manager Kajimura smiled bitterly: "Actually, you can understand by looking at his appearance. How could Grandet, who loves money as much as his life and even takes advantage of his own club, resist the temptation of tax evasion?

"Our club has been walking this dangerous tightrope. Now that things are on the verge of being exposed, the president actually wants me to take full responsibility - although I did get some benefits from it, it was obviously done by two people, how could he? Put it on myself!

"When I think about how he usually bossed me around, but now that he saw that I was useless and immediately kicked me away, I couldn't bear to swallow it. And if he committed suicide because of tax evasion, I would naturally be safe. "

"It's actually involved in economic crimes. It seems like we have to contact the Search Section 2."

Mumu Police Department finished their work tiredly, and suddenly remembered something, and looked at Jiang Xia nervously: "You are not going to the amusement park again, are you?"

Jiang Xia didn't answer immediately. He looked at his two VIP customers with great professionalism and asked Mrs. Sunda and Sunda Seimaru: "What do you want to play?"

Curacao: "..." He didn't ask if he wanted to play, but directly asked people to choose projects. It was really cunning... Could it be that he also arranged other stages in the amusement park?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Xun Zhengmaru yawning, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes like a panda: "What are you playing for! I want to go back and sleep in the cage."

Although I went back to the hotel very early to rest last night, the day ended with murders, groups of beauties, senior mentors on the road to success, and finally an old monk telling ghost stories about the temple...all kinds of exciting elements. Doped in, Xunzheng Pill's brain was highly active, and he couldn't fall asleep for a long time after lying down.

Finally, he finally fell asleep due to sleepiness. Not long after his eyes closed, a murder occurred in the five-story pagoda, and they needed those who had come into contact with the deceased yesterday to cooperate with the investigation.

So during the process of solving the case today, Xun Zhengwan raised less arguments than before: he really didn't have the energy to argue.

Now that the case was over, he just felt like he could fall asleep as soon as he lay down on the ground, and all he could think about was going back to the hotel to rest.

Mrs. Xun seemed to want to continue playing, but seeing her son's resolute attitude, she couldn't hold on. So after the murderer was escorted away by the police car, the group returned to the hotel.

Entering the lobby, Tatsumi Seimaru shuffled forward, but when he was approaching the elevator, he suddenly paused - he saw a familiar person.

"Third uncle?" Xun Zhengwan blurted out.

A few steps away, Xunzhuang Plains was on the phone. Suddenly hearing movement, he frowned and glanced this way.

Jiang Xia quietly looked at the person who was stopped. This is a middle-aged man about 40 years old, with a resolute face, a dark beard, and wearing a crisp suit.

When Sunshengmaru called him, Sunshuanghei was holding his cell phone and saying something to the other side anxiously and angrily. At this time, Xun Sheng looked over, and his eyes fell on Jiang Xia. Suddenly he seemed to think of something, his anxiety subsided slightly, and his eyes became thoughtful.

The next moment, Xun Zhuangping picked up the phone and walked over.

When Xun Zhengmaru saw this third uncle approaching, he straightened his back instinctively.

Sunzhuanghei is his stepfather's third brother, and they have a normal relationship. In Xun Zhengmaru's memory, this third uncle did not get involved in the family business, but left the family when he was young and became a lawyer. Now he is considered a well-known authority and earns a lot of money.

However, Xun Zhuanghei attaches great importance to orthodoxy and blood origin. Xun Zhengmaru changed his surname to Xun after his mother remarried the head of the Xun family, so he seems to be an outsider in terms of blood relationship. Therefore, Xun Zhuangping always treated him politely. After hearing that this "outsider" had succeeded the family head a while ago, Xun Zhuangping was even more angry.

Therefore, when he saw him at this time, Xun Zhengwan couldn't help but feel guilty.

"No, what am I afraid of him doing? Think about it carefully, after the succession ceremony in a few days, I will be the legitimate head of the Xun family - no matter how powerful this person is, he still has to bow to me when he returns to his old house."

Xun Zhengwan thought about it and became happy again: "When the time comes, I will let him bring tea and water, and wait for him to wait for a while, so that this guy can see clearly who is the real master of the Xun family!

"And in the past, when I saw him outside, he would pretend not to know me and make it clear that he looked down on me as an 'unrelated outsider.' But this time he came over as soon as I called him. Ha, it seems that he has gradually recognized me. situation."

Thinking like this, Sunshengmaru straightened his waist, planning to take advantage of Sunshuanghei when he came to please him and make peace with him.

The next moment, Xun Zhuangping passed by him without looking away, stopped in front of Jiang Xia, and said, "Hello, I seem to have seen you on TV. Are you a detective?"

Xunzhengwan: "..."

Xun Zhengwan: "???"

Forget about those superficial beauties who only care about their faces, forget about those confused policemen who were commanded by detectives... But why do you, a lawyer who has nothing to do with him, do this!

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