Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2060 2060 [Uzo’s Evaluation]

Chapter 2060 2060

Jiang Xia replied easily.

Xun Zhuangping glanced at the profession above and smiled enthusiastically: "It is indeed you. You are also very famous in our legal profession."

Mrs. Xun looked at this scene in surprise. This brother-in-law had always had a bad temper and was even more indifferent to her step-brother. She didn't expect to be so polite to Jiang Xia.

...a little strange.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xun Zhuangping turned to look at Mrs. Xun: "I originally invited a detective to come here to discuss the commission, but who knew that guy was involved in a theft case and got into the police station, so he let me go - you are Mr. Jiang Xia. The current client, if your matter is not urgent, why not give the person to me first?"

Mrs. Xun nodded: "I'm not in a hurry, but..."

Xun Zhuangping had already turned to Jiang Xia and said, "Let's go, my office is over here. I have a commission that I want to ask you for help with."

Although he tried his best to show enthusiasm and politeness, he obviously did not give others room to refuse.

Jiang Xia looked him up and down and followed him decisively.

After taking two steps, he thought of something and looked back at Curaçao: "Miss Akiko, this Mr. Sohei Tatsumi is a senior in the legal profession. Don't you plan to ask him for an autograph or something?"

Curacao thought of the female high school student next to Uzo who had accumulated a stack of out-of-print autographs, and her eyes twitched slightly: "No, thank you. We in the legal profession don't pay attention to signatures, and we prefer to put admiration in our hearts."

Lawyer Xun was very excited after hearing this, and his eyes on this group of people became a little friendly. Just as the elevator arrived, he said, "You want to go back upstairs too? Let's go together."

As the elevator ascended, Jiang Xia and Lawyer Xun chatted casually: "Is your client scheduled to be discussed at the hotel?"

Lawyer Xun nodded: "I rented a suite in this hotel for a long time and used it as an office - I usually have many guests coming from all over the country, so I set up my office here. It just so happens that they can talk about things as soon as they check in, which saves money." It’s been a long time.”

Maya Hashimoto yawned and looked at this expensive five-star hotel, thinking that the profession of lawyer would be really profitable.

When it comes to his career, Maya Hashimoto can't help but feel sad: he was exhausted when he followed Ireland, but as a member of an organization walking in the dark, there will always be a trace of confusion in his heart when he is busy. With the chicness of a second grader.

But now he has a more qualified boss, and his life safety has become a big problem. The precarious days are passing day by day, and now he just wants to be an ordinary civilian away from disputes.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." If he had known this, he should have studied hard and worked in any industry. It would be better than falling into Uzo's hands now.

Just as I was thinking absentmindedly, there was a ding and the elevator arrived.

The first to arrive was Mrs. Xun's room.

Maya Hashimoto also lived here recently under the name of entrustment. He was about to sneak down with his three companions in a low-key manner. Just as he was about to take a step, a hand suddenly landed on his shoulder.

Maya Hashimoto: "!"

Jiang Xia introduced to the lawyer: "This is the assistant of our detective agency. Let him stay with us."

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Tsumi Zhuangping stared at this mixed-race man and frowned, looking up and down very critically.

After a while, it felt familiar.

He thought about it seriously, and actually remembered that when he accidentally watched the news, he had seen something about Maya Hashimoto - it seemed that he was some kind of heroic co-pilot? Why did you become a detective again?

Although he had some doubts in his heart, since Jiang Xia said this, Xun Zhuangping did not forcefully refute it.

He pressed the door button of the elevator and continued walking to the floor he reserved: "Then let's take a look together."

The elevator soon arrived at Sunzhuangping's floor.

Xun Zhuangping opened the door, revealing a spacious and bright business suite with floor-to-ceiling windows.

It seemed that he had lived here for a long time. When he came back, he felt as relaxed as going home and entertained two guests: "Would you like anything to drink?"

Seeing that he was planning to have a long conversation, Maya Hashimoto didn't want to have anything to do with the commission: "No, we'll leave after listening."

"Haha, don't be nervous." Xun Zhuangping looked at his watch, "The commission is not urgent. Let's talk about it slowly. It would be too boring if we don't have some drinks to pass the time."

With that said, he picked up the landline receiver at the entrance, called room service, and asked the hotel to bring coffee.

Maya Hashimoto looked at him and gradually felt something bad: when this man was looking for Jiang Xia just now, he looked very anxious, and he had been looking at his watch from the moment he went upstairs to now. Why was he not in a hurry after entering the room?

And judging from what he just said, Lawyer Xun made an appointment with another detective in advance, but that person was still unable to keep the appointment due to force majeure, so Xun Zhuangping hurriedly found Jiang Xia again - as if the important thing was not the detective or the commission, but this Time is the same as looking for a detective commission.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." There was one case the day before yesterday, two cases yesterday, and another case this morning. It won't happen again so soon.

What does Uzo want to do? Could it be that he was trying to show his new subordinate what it means to be a true King of Juan?

Maya Hashimoto broke into a cold sweat thinking about it, and some bad scenes gradually emerged in his mind: For example, when he went to Uzo to report his work, Uzo sat behind the large desk with his legs crossed, flipping through the pages in his hands. Case reports from this period.

Then the boss suddenly threw the thick stack of reports to him: "You have read a lot during this period, and you should have learned them all. From now on, this job will be handed over to you. Continue to follow this frequency." And make cases with this quality. If there aren't make the top yourself."

Maya Hashimoto's eyesight went dark.

He suddenly remembered that when he was in the five-story pagoda, Jiang Xia asked him to fast forward to solve the case before he could find a few clues.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." There are indeed similarities between the Tokyo version of Sherlock Holmes and the organization's version of Moriarty. To his subordinates, they are all devils.

Of course, the nature is different. Jiang Xia is sincerely creating opportunities for employees, but unfortunately she is an undercover agent whose identity cannot be revealed to the public.

Opposite me, Lawyer Xun felt that this detective assistant was a little strange. But now it's too late to change the client.

He looked at his watch: "I'm going to the bathroom, please."

He entered the toilet, and within two seconds, the phone in the entrance rang.

"Why did you call me at this time?" Lawyer Xun complained through the toilet door, "Can you answer the phone for me? Just say that I am busy and will call you back soon."

Jiang Xia nodded and patted Maya Hashimoto.

Maya Hashimoto stared at the ringing landline, took a deep breath, and moved over in small steps.

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