Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2062 2062【Loyal】

Lawyer Xun nodded. He searched for it in his bag, took out a photo, and pushed it in front of Jiang Xia against the table.

Jiang Xia picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was a single photo of a woman. The person above was young and beautiful. When paired with the bearded lawyer Xun, they looked more like a father and daughter than a couple.

Lawyer Xun: "This is my wife, Hemei."

Jiang Xia handed the photo to Maya Hashimoto and asked him to look at it too.

Maya Hashimoto took over. Finding cats and catching mistresses was the basic business of a detective. And compared to murder, he, a person who changed careers from an organization, is actually better at this.

In normal times, Maya Hashimoto would have taken the initiative to take over the job. But now he felt that there was something fishy about it, so he asked cautiously, "Is there any more detailed information?"

Lawyer Xun nodded and gave his wife’s name, address, frequent places and workplace.

Jiang Xia looked through the information and asked for details: "Are you already sure that she cheated and want to find the specific cheating partner, or do you just have doubts in your heart and there has never been conclusive evidence?"

Lawyer Xun thought: "Although I have never seen it, I feel that she must have it."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Is that true or not?

Jiang Xia: "Then do you want to find out the identity of the cheating partner, or get detailed evidence of your wife's cheating?"

Lawyer Xun: "Actually, she may not have really cheated on her. I still quite believe her."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Then why are you looking for a detective!

Jiang Xia grabbed a strand of iced black tea, sat down peacefully, and continued to ask: "Suppose she really cheated on her, what kind of feedback do you want to get?"

Lawyer Xun: "Well...actually, I would rather get the news that she didn't cheat. If she did cheat, it shouldn't be her fault."

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Che Zhuluan talked a lot back and forth, and Lawyer Xun seemed very confused. After grinding for an hour or two, they finally finalized the content of the commission.

——It seems that Lawyer Xun obviously knows about his wife’s cheating, but he doesn’t want to admit it. He still wanted to continue to maintain this marriage, so he asked Jiang Xia not to expose the investigation of Mrs. Xun, as long as he found out who was the mistress behind it.

After finishing the conversation and leaving Lawyer Tatsumi's room, Maya Hashimoto was already in a daze: He could talk about such a small matter for nearly two hours. Is this really something that a famous barrister can do?

Love brain is really scary.

...No, what exactly is this guy’s purpose is another matter.

Since Jiang Xia was still taking on other clients, and Lawyer Xun seemed to be in a dilemma, this nagging client did not directly ask to start the investigation now.

On the contrary, he was very kind and gave Jiang Xia enough time, agreeing to wait until the matter between Mrs. Xun and Xun Zhengmaru was over before conducting this investigation on cheating.

Jiang Xia was not in a hurry to investigate this. But unexpectedly, when the two of them finished their discussion and returned to the floor where Maya Hashimoto's room was, they happened to see Mrs. Tatsumi and Tatsuma Seimaru walking out together, as if they were planning to go somewhere.

"Have you finished chatting?" Mrs. Xun was startled when she saw them, and then smiled, "It's almost noon. We plan to go to dinner, let's go together."

Jiang Xia nodded, but then thought of something: "Where is Miss Akiko?"

Mrs. Xun: "She said she wasn't hungry."

Jiang Xia showed a worried expression: "If you don't eat, your body will collapse. I'll ask her to come with me - and she, the person who keeps the will of the head of the Xun family, is also vulnerable to attack. We should try our best to act together in the future."

With that said, he walked towards Curacao's room.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." I don't know why, Curacao is obviously with Uzo, but she doesn't seem to want to participate in these cases. Could it be that Uzo kept the script too secretive and even she didn't know the plot, so she was worried about being accidentally hurt?

Having said that, it would be easy for accidents to happen in a scenario like this where one acts alone without a team. Is she quite brave, or is this actually Uzo's request?

Jiang Xia ignored the new subordinates who were secretly wondering behind the scenes, and quickly went to Curaçao's room and knocked him out.

Curacao: “…”

...This person is really annoying!

Of course she knew that going solo could lead to trouble, but she actually planned to take this opportunity to leave temporarily, completely avoid Wuzuo's area, and then wait for the day when the will was made public before returning directly to Xun's house, avoiding a lot of trouble in the process.

...Unfortunately, before the idea could be put into practice, this guy Uzo came over persistently.

"I've never been involved in any of your cases, why do you have to take me with you?" Curacao couldn't help but whispered bluntly, "Isn't it enough to have those two?"

Jiang Xia was a little surprised and looked like she was doing her best: "You are usually busy with work. It is rare to have such an opportunity to have fun with public funds. Why don't you go?"

Curacao: "..." There have been four murders in just two days. The only people we interact with every day are police officers. Do you call this fun?

Her fist hardened.

Jiang Xia took a breath of fresh air and stepped out of the room: "Okay, don't wait any longer. If you do this again, I will report you to Rum for being passive and sabotaging your work."

Curacao: "..." Are you looking for Rum? Do you know what it means to beat a dog with a meat bun?

But suddenly I remembered what happened in the park earlier, and Rum who was still confident despite his injured hand...

Curacao was silent for a moment.

...or maybe it's a dog beating meat buns?

Suddenly a voice sounded next to him: "Are you scolding me in your heart?"

Curacao: "...I didn't."

Jiang Xia: "Then you are scolding Rum."

Curacao felt guilty for a while.

She walked out the door nonchalantly and interrupted the conversation with her actions: "Okay, hurry up and get to work. Aren't you going to have dinner with Mrs. Xun?"

Thanks to the efforts of the detective who loves unity, this small five-person tour group finally got together again.

The three of them went to have lunch and went shopping.

Maybe it was because yesterday's trip to the amusement park was too tight, but except for the case in the morning, there were no other incidents today.

Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but lag a few steps behind, muttering next to Curacao: "One incident the day before yesterday, two incidents yesterday, I thought there must be three incidents today. But now it seems there is only one incident?"

Curacao didn't look sideways, only his lips moved slightly: "I'm not interested in these."

Maya Hashimoto: "Stop pretending, you are here to help that devil... well, come to help my boss who is wise, powerful, wise and resourceful."

Curacao: “…”

For a moment, she didn't know whether to refute from the point of "wise and powerful" or start from the point of "she and Uzo are in the same group".

...Speaking of which, Hashimoto has become more and more courageous since he switched jobs to work under Usa, and he actually started to ignore her, a truly wise and powerful cadre.

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