Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2063 2063 [The Curse of Curacao]

However, thinking about Maya Hashimoto's dire life, Curacao understood again: a person who is almost losing his life probably can't care about managing workplace relationships. It is already difficult to survive under Uzo's hands.

Thinking of this, she immediately stopped caring about these trivial matters. She just turned her head and walked to the other side of Mrs. Xun, rejecting communication physically.

Maya Hashimoto still wanted to chat, but before he spoke, he suddenly noticed someone.

——In a street watch shop in front, a slightly fat middle-aged woman walked out angrily.

The woman held her cell phone and said angrily: "You were involved in a theft case and went to the police station? Why didn't you tell me in advance! I have already made an appointment, and now you suddenly let me go. In such a short time, where did you ask me to find someone else?" Detective!"

Jiang Xia paused and looked at this person, feeling that what she said was very familiar: Not long ago, Lawyer Xun seemed to have been dropped by a detective, and it was also because the detective was involved in the theft case and was forced to stay at the police station. Could this actually be the same detective?

Jiang Xia: "..." Who is so good at accepting commissions? After picking it up, the pigeon dropped. It’s really a blessing that I don’t know how lucky I am.

Just as he was thinking about it, Mrs. Sunda behind her said "Huh?" and stepped forward uncertainly: "Etsuko?"

Etsuko Furukawa hung up the phone heavily and was irritated when she heard someone saying hello to her.

She frowned and turned back, recognizing the person clearly, and put on a friendly business smile: "It's you. I'm really sorry. I was busy on the phone just now and didn't recognize you - why did you suddenly come to Tokyo? There's someone under my hand. The movie is also planned to be filmed in your ancient house. Are you free now? Let me treat you to a meal."

This man looked restless, and the topic was a little jumpy. Even Mrs. Xun could tell that she was absent-minded.

Mrs. Xun smiled softly and said kindly: "Did something happen? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"It's nothing serious." Etsuko Furukawa sighed, "Didn't my mother open a loan company? Someone suddenly injured her a few days ago. We don't know which debtor did it, so I made an appointment with a detective and wanted to ask him to find the guy who hurt people - but unexpectedly, the detective had something to do and couldn't come. My schedule is so busy, I have to rearrange it again."

Mrs. Xun was startled: "That's it..."

She thought of something and her eyes fell on Jiang Xia.

Etsuko Furukawa followed her gaze and was startled for a moment: "Your son has grown so big, how come he is getting more and more handsome as he grows, as if he has been reborn. The growth trajectory of a child is indeed unpredictable, even this can make him look like an ugly duckling. The story of becoming a white swan.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand to pat this junior on the head.

Next to him, Xun Zhengwan’s face turned blue: “Cough, cough, cough!”

Etsuko Furukawa glanced at him inexplicably: "This is..."

Mrs. Xun smiled awkwardly: "This is my son."

Furukawa Etsuko: "..."

When two people are embarrassed together, the awkwardness can cancel each other out.

So the topic was quickly picked up, and Mrs. Xun pulled Jiang Xia over: "This is the detective I hired. He is young but very good. If you don't mind each other..."

"Detective?" Furukawa Etsuko's confused mind came back to consciousness, and suddenly an idea flashed, "Oh, I wonder why you look so familiar! You seem to have a cameo in one of the films I'm working on."

Curacao thought of the critical attack he suffered innocently in the home theater, and his forehead jumped: "..." So it turns out that you produced that crappy movie?

Furukawa Etsuko didn't notice the faint murderous intention rising around her. She looked at the detective in front of her with some hesitation.

But after looking at the watch on her wrist, she thought for a while and finally made a decision: "My club has something to do in the afternoon, so I can't entertain you. If you don't mind, come to my mother's house at seven o'clock in the evening for a talk?"

Etsuko Furukawa seemed to be very busy. She wrote down her address and contact information for them and left in a hurry.

Mrs. Sunda belatedly remembered and introduced: "Etsuko is the president of a film and television production company. Her mother's loan company is also very famous. She has done several transactions with our family."

Jiang Xia read the address left by Etsuko Furukawa and nodded secretly. It seems that there are plans for tonight.

Because the time in the morning and evening was occupied, there was no place to go in the afternoon, so this became a rare rest time. After shopping and having a meal, they returned to the hotel to rest.

Maya Hashimoto and Curacao were lying in their respective rooms, unable to close their eyes at all: Is the afternoon really empty? No arrangements at all? Could it be that the hotel suddenly exploded?

Unlike Maya Hashimoto, who could only toss and turn, Curacao rolled twice on the bed, silently picked up her phone, and clicked on Uzo's email, hoping that the scriptwriter would give her the full story.

Then he suddenly turned off the screen and threw the phone aside.

Curacao: "..." No.

No matter how you think about it, the probability of that guy giving her the answer is infinitely close to zero.

And what if there was nothing wrong with her in the first place, but after such contact, Uzuo felt that she was interested in those stages and forced her to get a role in the show.

...Standing still is the best option.

I picked up and put my phone in Curacao several times, and finally made the decision to put it down completely.

At this time, she glanced at the door and found Mrs. Sun standing there, looking at her funny.

Curacao and Mrs. Sunda lived in a 2-bedroom, 1-living room suite. At this time, Mrs. Sunda passed by the door and saw what she had just done and laughed: "Are you in love?"

Curacao: "?"

Mrs. Xun pointed to the mobile phone that she had picked up and put down countless times.

Curacao looked over and stared at his phone. It took her half a minute to straighten out Mrs. Xun's thoughts, and she could hardly control her expression of horror.

...Who would fall in love with a guillotine that kills passers-by indiscriminately in the square!

Curaçao's expression disappeared at the whimsical idea: "I misunderstood."

Mrs. Xun covered her lips and smiled, as if she had come before: "My stepdaughter seems to have a crush on her target. She is always worrying about gains and losses, and dare not send messages to the other party - just send them if you want. The feelings are always mutual, and the other party Maybe I’m thinking of you all the time.”

Curacao: “…”

...You and I have no grievances, so why are you suddenly cursing me?

After Mrs. Xun left, she picked up the mobile phone that was thrown on the bed and placed it far away on the table, very worried that something would suddenly crawl out of it.

A few hours later.

A group of people gathered in the hall and prepared to visit Furukawa Etsuko's house.

Jiang Xia's eyes passed by Curacao inadvertently, then fell back and stared at her twice.

Then he said sincerely: "This is the first time I've seen someone take a nap to get rid of dark circles."

Curacao: “…”

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