Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2064 2064 [Vocabulary] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2064 2064 [Vocabulary] Asking for monthly votes ()

Maya Hashimoto also looked at this colleague with doubts, and was secretly alert: This is not normal. Could it be that Uzo had given her some task and she was busy setting it up at noon, so she was so tired and haggard?

...It seems that you have to be extra careful next time you go back to the hotel, as she might have set up a fatal trap somewhere. Don't be careless.

The group of people got into the car thoughtfully and rushed to Furukawa Etsuko's mother's house, preparing to talk about the attack on the old lady Furukawa.

When they were almost there, the car passed by the mansion next door. Maya Hashimoto looked out the car window and was suddenly startled.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." The single-family house next door actually has a nameplate with the character "Tatsuda" on the door. Could it be that the owner's surname is "Tatsuda"?

The surname Xun is not very common, so it shouldn't be such a coincidence.

He hesitated for a moment, said nothing, and silently followed Jiang Xia and the others out of the car.

Jiang Xia also glanced at the house when passing by, but quickly looked away and concentrated on the upcoming commission.

He walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

The intercom doorbell soon heard a buzzing sound, and someone answered from inside: "Who is it?"

Jiang Xia: "I am the detective who made an appointment with Miss Etsuko Furukawa."

Etsuko Furukawa obviously mentioned this matter to her mother's house. The young woman at the doorbell said quickly: "Okay, please wait a moment."

As she finished speaking, the electronic door clicked open, beckoning everyone to enter.

Passing by the yard, Maya Hashimoto accidentally looked up and found that a window facing the street on the second floor was wide open and there were no lights in the room.

He hesitated for a moment and didn't pay much attention: There are so many rooms in a wealthy family, and it's normal to forget to close one or two windows...well, probably.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Jiang Xia entering the house out of the corner of his eye, and Maya Hashimoto quickly walked a few steps to follow. Recently, he has gradually figured out the secret: no matter what, the longer he stays with the detective, the lower the probability of becoming a suspect. When conditions permit, the most important thing to save your life is to follow the titular detective boss closely.

Jiang Xia was too lazy to try to figure out the complicated thinking of his new younger brother. He just needed to harvest the murderous aura regularly.

But now there were obviously not many conditions for risking murderous intent, so Jiang Xia did not look back, but walked into the entrance hall and looked at the hall.

There was only one young woman busy in the spacious hall. The woman is wearing an apron and must be a servant in this house.

When she saw the guests coming in, she quickly took out her slippers and bent down to put them on them.

Finding Jiang Xia looking at the hall, the maid apologetically explained the reason why no master came out to greet the guests: "I'm so sorry, Miss Furukawa and Mr. Furukawa are not at home. The old lady is resting upstairs - she was attacked and injured three days ago. The injury is not fully healed yet.”

Tatsuma Seimaru is also about to be the president. His family club seems to be involved in similar business. Hearing this, he couldn't help but feel angry behind his back: "Is it so dangerous to be the president of a lending club?"

Curacao: "..." Other presidents are actually quite dangerous.

Mrs. Xun comforted her son: "Because people often fail to repay their debts, lending clubs sometimes have to take some tough measures, which can easily lead to retaliation - but it's still early for you to think about this. The club will leave those matters to professionals. Just learn to handle it slowly."

Xun Zhengmaru was relieved, fortunately he had a reliable support from his mother.

The maid didn't want to discuss old Mrs. Furukawa's household affairs, so she avoided it with a smile and went to pour them tea.

Jiang Xia glanced at her watch and found that it was already past 7 p.m.

The maid knew that they had made an appointment with Furukawa Etsuko to meet at 7 o'clock, but now Miss Furukawa was obviously late, so she helped smooth things over: "Miss Furukawa usually has a good sense of time, but she may have something to do today and can't leave. Her company has been very busy recently."

"It doesn't matter, we have nothing to do tonight anyway." Sunshengmaru waved his hand and took back the initiative. He looked at the TV in the corner of the room, "Where's the remote control? I'll watch TV to kill some time."

The maid looked even more apologetic: "I'm so sorry, the TV broke this morning."

Xunzhengwan: "..."

When he was in a bad mood, he became a little picky: "Although it is hard for you to manage such a big house by yourself, since it is work, you should do everything - the TV that broke in the morning has not been repaired yet, and there are still windows on the second floor. You forgot to turn it off, is this how you usually go to work?"

The maid said awkwardly: "This..."

Before she finished speaking, an arrogant laughter drifted from the door: "How dare she close the window on the second floor? That is the bedroom of the great Furukawa Lending Club president - Furukawa Katsue. That old woman wants to open it herself Who can close the window?"

Jiang Xia glanced at the door and saw a young man with an afro.

The young man was holding a cigarette and wanted to stride in. But before entering the door, he accidentally glanced at the sofa and saw a beautiful woman wearing a professional suit sitting there. So he immediately turned around and struck a pose leaning against the door frame.

Curacao: “…”

The actors chosen by Uzo all love acting.

So she had to do the opposite and minimize her desire to perform... Fortunately, she didn't have such a thing in the first place.

The organization cadre was silently taking notes in her mind, and next to her, Mrs. Tatsumi looked at this somewhat familiar person: "Are you Etsuko's younger brother?"

"My name is Koji Furukawa." The young man laughed. "The title 'Etsuko's younger brother' is really rare. Everyone usually calls me 'President Furukawa's son' - after all, compared to my man who makes a living by relying on loan sharks." Dou Jin’s mother and sister who are on the verge of bankruptcy are simply not worthy of the spotlight.”

He approached the maid carelessly and glanced at the maid provocatively as he passed her: "That window will be opened for a while every night for ventilation, right, Xiaozi."

Azusa Machida nodded and hid when he approached. It was obvious that he didn't like this young master very much.

Furukawa Koji didn't pay attention. He sat on the sofa, crossed his legs skillfully, and looked at Jiang Xia: "Are you the detective my sister hired? You actually invited a celebrity here, and her little broken film and television company can actually afford the commission. Fei——hey, don’t blame me for not telling you in advance, you were taken advantage of by her.”

Maya Hashimoto's heart skipped a beat when she heard this word. Nowadays, he is allergic to all words such as "conspiracy", "hidden plot" and "trick". Of course, "exploit" is also in his stage trigger vocabulary.

But before I had time to think too much, the doorbell rang first.

The maid hurriedly came over, pressed the switch, and greeted her skillfully: "Hello, who are you?"

"it's me."

A somewhat tired voice came. The fateful client whom I caught while shopping in the afternoon - Etsuko Furukawa is back.

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