Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2065 2065 [Gunshot]

Chapter 2065 2065

"I'm so sorry, I've been too busy recently..." She apologized as she walked into the room. When she saw her brother on the sofa next to her, Furukawa Etsuko was stunned, "Is that you?"

Furukawa Koji also turned to look at her, and the big gold chain around his neck clicked: "Hey! Sister, long time no see."

The relationship between the siblings seemed not to be very good. Furukawa Etsuko's smile disappeared: "What are you doing here? I remember that my mother just issued an expulsion order to you a few days ago, prohibiting you from visiting the house again."

Koji Furukawa exhaled a puff of smoke impatiently: "It's none of your business, this is my home, I can come back when I want!"

While he was talking, he caught a glimpse of the watch on Furukawa Etsuko's wrist. He was suddenly stunned as if he had discovered a new world, and then laughed mercilessly:

"What happened to your poor electronic watch? It was specially embedded in a metal case to show off - I know! Your Swiss watch worth more than 500,000 yuan was taken away, right? Because you borrowed a loan shark If you don’t pay it back, hahaha! I can’t believe that my excellent sister would have such a day.”

Etsuko Furukawa became angry as if her tail had been stepped on: "It's not your turn to laugh at me! The money you borrowed from outside is no less than mine - this time you came to your mother just to ask her to help you clean up the mess, and also Get rid of your gambling debts, you hopeless gambler!"

Furukawa Koji sneered: "I am a gambler, how can you be any better?"

He suddenly pointed at Jiang Xia with a cigarette between his fingers: "You suddenly came to the detective, didn't you just want to show off your filial piety in this way, so that my mother's stubborn cock will be moved by you and give you money? You are an emotional liar, Don’t think others can’t see through your tricks!”

The siblings quickly quarreled.

Jiang Xia took a sip of tea and said, "It's quite lively. Is what they say true?"

When the maid heard someone asking a question, she subconsciously whispered: "Miss Etsuko's club is on the verge of bankruptcy due to a broken capital chain. Mr. Koji does owe gambling debts, and is now being chased by debt collectors every day."

Xinshengmaru found it unreasonable: "Isn't their mother the president of the lending club? Why are they so short of money?"

The maid couldn't help but said: "Madam is obsessed with money, and she is very obsessed with collecting debts. She will not give a single yen to those who do not intend to repay the money, even her own sons and daughters. ."

After hesitating for a moment, she added: "The only exception is probably Young Master Hao'er. The old lady used to give him some money every three to five. But Young Master Hao'er has become more aggressive and it's like a bottomless pit. That's why the old lady finally couldn't bear it a few days ago and banned him from entering." Come in here.”

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Is this maid really not from Uzo? The secret of the master's family is revealed.

But after thinking about it, he suppressed his doubts: It wasn't the fact that "Uzo's minions were everywhere" that made him despair, but that people in Tokyo were almost all so enthusiastic - yes, it should be just a coincidence, don't Think more.

Apparently there was more than one person who heard the maid muttering.

At some point, the siblings stopped arguing and looked at each other with evil eyes.

Furukawa Etsuko scolded: "Xiao Zi, what are you talking about!"

Azusa Machida was startled, holding the tray and lowering her head to pretend to be mute.

Etsuko Furukawa had just been exposed and was embarrassed to be in front of her friends and detectives. She looked towards the second floor. Now that the detective has been invited, it's time to find the old lady and ask her about her situation on the day of the attack.

Etsuko Furukawa walked towards the stairs and glared at the maid: "Come here! Stop talking to the guests and go and ask mother to come down with me."

The maid responded submissively and was about to follow when Koji Furukawa smiled again: "You are not hired by my sister, so why should you listen to her orders? Instead of trying to please her, why not come here to please me - as long as Mom and I are beautiful With just a few words, the money you owe can be written off immediately."

Etsuko Furukawa stopped and sneered: "You have time to hook up with the maid, why not first think about how to coax your mother to change her mind - let's go, Azusa. Don't pay attention to such brainless things."

The two women went upstairs one after the other.

Only the guests and Furukawa Koji were left looking at each other in the living room.

Idle and idle, Jiang Xia put down the teacup and asked casually: "Listen to what you just said, does the maid owe money?"

"Yes." Koji Furukawa lit another cigarette out of boredom and gossiped casually: "She is cheap, but people are always clumsy. When I was cleaning the bedroom today, I soiled my mother's Persian carpet.

"The carpet that allowed my mother to lay it in her bedroom was not cheap. Her year-end bonus and salary were wiped out instantly. Unfortunately, the money was just a drop in the bucket. In order to pay for the carpet, she had to write an IOU.

"Haha, you said it's so funny. You came to work to make money, but ended up paying for it. And this happened more than once, and she had to pay for things several times before.

"After all, this little idiot didn't make any money at all from my house, but instead received a lot of money - I made a bet with my friend a while ago on how long she would last before resigning, but I didn't expect that she could endure it better than I thought. ."

Speaking of "gamble", Furukawa Koji hissed and remembered a fatal thing.

He got up and walked out: "Tomorrow is the repayment day again. I have to buy a small gift first and use today to coax the old woman."

Soon, several people in Furukawa's family left, leaving only a group of guests sitting in the living room, looking at each other.

Maya Hashimoto eased the atmosphere: "It's not easy for a wealthy family."

"What kind of wealthy family is this?" Sunshengmaru raised his chin with a look of disdain, "But brothers and sisters are really troublesome. They are useless except to steal the family property. Fortunately, although my brothers are not good people, my parents They’re all very reliable.”

Mrs. Xun smiled: "Don't say that, everyone is excellent."

Xun Zhengmaru snorted in his heart, but he knew that his mother, the stepmother, had to show her attitude, so she didn't say anything else.

At this time, upstairs.

The maid and Etsuko Furukawa went up to the second floor and walked to the door of the old lady's bedroom.

The two knocked on the door, but there was no response for a long time.

Etsuko Furukawa had no choice but to use some force, knocking and shouting: "Mom, don't sleep, we have a guest!"

There was no movement in the room. When I pushed the door, it was locked.

The maid frowned in confusion: "Madam used to be a light sleeper and would wake up as soon as she knocked on the door. Why did she sleep so deeply today?"

"Maybe you don't want to see me." Etsuko Furukawa laughed tiredly, took out a handkerchief and wiped her sweat, "Who told me..."

She lost her grip and dropped the handkerchief to the floor.

Furukawa Etsuko sighed and knelt down to pick it up.

At this moment, a "bang" shot came from the bedroom, which was extremely eye-catching in the night.

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