Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2066 2066 [What gun? do not know】

Living room downstairs.

Maya Hashimoto and Curacao's ears twitched and they sat up straight. The DNA of the outlaws reminded them that there seemed to be gunshots coming from upstairs, but after taking a closer look, they vaguely felt that something was wrong.

On the second floor, the two women who went to wake the old lady up were also shocked. Furukawa Etsuko slammed the door hard: "Mom? Open the door! Open the door!"

Jiang Xia heard the noise, got up and walked to the stairs: "What happened?"

Furukawa Koji, who had gone out just now, ran over from nowhere and asked with his face raised: "What's going on upstairs? It sounds like it's coming from my mother's house. What are you doing upstairs?"

Etsuko Furukawa ran to the railing, her legs weak: "There seems to be gunshots in mother's house!"


There was a gust of wind in the hall, and everyone rushed to the second floor. Only Tatsuma Seimaru and Mrs. Tatsumi couldn't react in time, and were left in the living room.

Sunshengmaru looked at the backs of those people, was stunned for a moment, and asked his mother in a low voice: "What's going on with them? If there are guns, doesn't it mean there are gun-wielding outlaws on the second floor? Aren't they afraid?"

Mrs. Sunda patted his arm to comfort him, and whispered: "There are many people in Tokyo and there are many cases. Maybe they are used to seeing it. Since we are here, we have to do as the Romans do, so let's go and see it together."

Xun Zhengwan: "..." What's so interesting about this custom? It sounds scary.

But my mother said so, and even the rich second-generation gambler rushed to her. In front of the beautiful lawyer and the lovely maid, he couldn't cowardly stay behind, so he had no choice but to follow them upstairs.

On the second floor, Jiang Xia was looking down at the bedroom door and asked the three Furukawa family members next to her: "The door is locked. Do you have a spare key?"

Etsuko Furukawa shook her head: "This door is specially made. My mother was afraid that others would come to the room and steal money, so she only left the only key. The key should be on her now."

"It seems that the only option is to break the door open."

A large group of people blocked the door and made a lot of noise. Seeing this posture, Sunshengmaru felt a little more confident.

He wanted to earn back the dignity of running slowly just now, so he volunteered to knock on the door. Furukawa Koji still remembers to please his mother, and as a filial son, it is natural for him to do so. The two second-generation rich people bumped against each other several times, but the special door did not move at all.

Jiang Xia looked at the door lock and stepped over while the two of them were taking a breather. The door clangs open.

Xunzhengwan: "..."

Furukawa Koji: "..."

Etsuko Furukawa was stunned for a moment: "You are quite skilled."

Jiang Xia said modestly: "My classmates taught me well."

Sunzhengmaru: "Ahem, actually we knocked the door loose, so it could be kicked open so easily."

Koji Furukawa chose a more direct way to claim credit: "Mom, I opened the door to save you! You..."

Halfway through his words, he stared at the dark bedroom, not knowing which direction to go: "Why don't you turn on the light?"

Jiang Xia took a look and turned on the switch on the wall.

The electric light was turned on, and the snow-white light poured down, illuminating a figure lying on the carpet. It was a woman wearing home pajamas. She fell on her back on the ground, with a bloody hole between her eyebrows, and her eyes full of crow's feet were wide open, and she refused to close her eyes.



When it got dark, a group of police officers who were about to get off work changed their direction and arrived at the door of Furukawa's house in a police car.

The Mumu Police Department thought nothing would happen after finishing the morning shift today: "..."

Jiang Xia knew that he had a lot to say, so he pushed Maya Hashimoto over to communicate.

After the police took photos and fixed the scene, he entered the bedroom and took a look at the current situation.

There was a string of muddy footprints in front of the deceased, going back and forth from the carpet to the window. Walking along to the window, looking down, you can see a ladder lying on the ground - the murderer probably invaded the room from that ladder.

Glancing further into the room, one could see the TV remote dropped under the table. Other than that, everything is very tidy and there are no traces of tampering. The murderer should have fired one shot and left immediately. He was not looking for money but only killing, and his goal was clear.

After worrying about the crime scene for a while, the police officers had calmed down when they returned.

Miwako Sato showed a hint of fatigue, turning her sleepiness into motivation for investigating the case. She found Jiang Xia with the information: "The deceased's name was Furukawa Katsue. He was 64 years old and was the president of a lending club. The cause of death was that he was shot in the head and died on the spot."

She turned another page and saw the bedroom photo taken above: "The series of muddy footprints in front of the deceased are exactly the same as the footprints next to the ladder below. In addition, the bedroom door is locked and there is no spare key. The murderer should It was invaded from outside.”

These traces seem to be able to clearly restore the scene: "The deceased paid great attention to health and health, and opened the windows every evening for ventilation. The murderer probably took advantage of this habit of hers - it happened that the deceased's room was close to the street, so the murderer prepared a ladder , climbed into the second floor while the window was open. After entering the house, the man shot the deceased and left the same way."

Koji Furukawa thought of something and his face turned pale: "My mother was attacked three days ago. That wave of people must have come again! - There were so many valuable things in the house, but they didn't take any of them. Is it just pure Are they here for revenge? After killing my mother, they won’t do the same to me, right?”

Sato Miwako yawned and comforted him: "Don't panic, as long as we find the murderer in advance, it will be fine."

As she spoke, she looked at Jiang Xia and hinted quietly with her big eyes.

Jiang Xia received the hint and then relayed it to the other side: "Hashimoto, what do you think? Have you found any obvious doubts?"

Maya Hashimoto, who deliberately slipped into his blind spot: "..."

...How do you know I'm here!

Being caught on the spot, he had no choice but to approach reluctantly: "If there is any doubt, I think the gun..."

The gunshots didn't seem right. Although I didn't think much about it, the feeling I had when the gunshot sounded was a little different from the previous times when someone fired a gun in the room.

Maya Hashimoto was thinking about it when he suddenly froze: No, how could a law-abiding citizen find out the problem from here? He should know nothing about guns or anything like that. Those are things that only outlaws can possess!

Next to him, Jiang Xia's eyes fell on him: "Gun? What's wrong with the gun? Keep talking."

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

He glanced at Jiang Xia quietly and saw that the detective's expression was calm and calm, as if he was just asking questions.

But when all this fell into Maya Hashimoto's eyes, he couldn't help but feel guilty: Could this be another temptation from the detective?

Don't be careless.


Maya Hashimoto's mind was spinning wildly. Just when Miwako Sato looked over suspiciously, he finally burst out with a desire for survival, and an idea flashed: "The location of the shooting is too strange. This must be the crime committed by an acquaintance!"

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