Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2067 2067 [Ghosts are innocent]

Curacao hid in the dark and took everything in sight, and was silent for a moment: "..." Being Uzo's subordinate is really a hard job.

Maya Hashimoto was forced to act as a detective: "The gun was on the head, and the deceased was facing the window and with his back to the door and fell on the carpet - the closest thing to the door in this room was the bed, and then there was the bed in the middle of the room. Carpet, and beyond that are the windows.

"A normal person is sleeping on the second floor and suddenly sees someone climbing through the window. He should instinctively feel that there is a thief intruding and run to the door. But the deceased not only did not run away, but instead took a few steps towards the window - she must be very Familiar people, so familiar that even if the other person climbed in through the window, the deceased would only find it strange, instead of suspecting that the other person was a gangster who broke into the house illegally."

Jiang Xia nodded appreciatively: "You are really looking more and more like a detective."

Maya Hashimoto smiled bitterly, and after a moment, she forced the corners of her mouth to raise, making the smile look like a real smile from the heart.

The Megure Police Department has a general impression of this new detective brother, mainly because Maya Hashimoto always appeared in his field of vision as a suspect in the past, and the deep-rooted concept cannot be changed for a while.

But now, since Jiang Xia also agrees with such a long list of analyses, it seems that Maya Hashimoto is right.

With this in mind, Megure Police Department summoned his equally tired subordinates and said to Sato Miwako: "Just in time, I remember that the deceased's son, daughter, and maid were all near the scene when the crime occurred. Maybe they will know some inside information, you go and find out. Ask about it.”

In the living room downstairs, the police quickly gathered several suspects, and Miwako Sato pulled Jiang Xia over. A wild inquiry room was thus formed.

"What was the situation when the crime occurred?" The maid rubbed her hands nervously:

“Because the old lady was attacked by unknown persons three days ago, Miss Etsuko was very worried about her and called a detective to track down the identities of those people.

"But after the detectives arrived, the old lady didn't come downstairs, so I went with Miss Etsuko to the bedroom on the second floor to look for her. The old lady's door was locked and couldn't be knocked open. She didn't respond when we called her. We were a little surprised. Then I heard gunshots suddenly coming from the room."

Furukawa Koji nodded: "I was with the detectives at that time. When I heard the noise, I went up and knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened, I saw my mother lying there..."

"You were not with us at the time." Sunshengmaru had long disliked this colleague who was flirting with beauties and ruthlessly exposed it, "You went out at that time, and only showed up in the living room again after the gunshots were heard - taking care of me Look, you are the murderer."

"Nonsense!" Furukawa Koji said angrily, "The murderers are obviously those bastards who attacked my mother three days ago. What does it have to do with me! When the gunshot rang out, I wanted to go out and buy a small gift for my mother, but when I left, Not long after I went out, I heard a strange noise here, so I quickly came back."

The Memu Police Department touched his chin, feeling that this dude was very suspicious: "We will investigate the nearby surveillance cameras later to verify what you said."

Furukawa Koji snorted: "Check it as you like! But I'm afraid you will be disappointed. There is no surveillance on this entire street."

Sato Miwako was a little confused: "There is no surveillance, shouldn't you be the one disappointed? Unless you don't understand at all..."

Furukawa Koji: "I mean just check it, but I didn't kill anyone!"

The Mumu Police Department was unsure for a moment, and touched his chin, a little hesitant.

At this moment, the door was pushed open with a bang, and Officer Takagi hurried in: "Jiang Xia! I asked for new information."

After saying that, he saw a fat policeman next to him. He twisted his tongue and said, "Policeman, you are here. I was about to report to you."

Mumu Police Department: "...If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Oh." Officer Takagi had visited the neighborhood before. At this time, he honestly reported the news he heard from his neighbors:

"The deceased old Mrs. Furukawa had a bad reputation among her neighbors. She was especially harsh on the servants. I heard that just this evening, she got angry at the maid for some unknown reason. After she left, the maid muttered, ' She must pay the price' and so on."


Furukawa Etsuko looked at the maid in disbelief: "Could it be you..."

Furukawa Koji: "Haha, I told you that you wouldn't be able to hold on, but I didn't expect you to end up in this way. So, did I win or lose the bet between my friend and I?"

The maid was stunned for a while, and then she came to her senses when she heard that they were adding insult to injury. She quickly said, "It's not me! Well, that's because I went to deliver tea to the old lady this evening, but accidentally knocked over the teacup in the small bowl. On the table. The cup of tea was very full, and the watch, TV remote control, newspaper, and the carpet under the table were all wet.

"I immediately wiped all the traces clean, but the old lady said that I had destroyed the Persian carpet and had to compensate. She not only withheld all my bonuses, but also asked me to write an IOU. The money was really not small, so I just said that in anger... But it was just a word! Who would kill their employer over such a trivial matter!"

Jiang Xia: "Apart from anything else, I have indeed seen several similar cases."

Maid: "..."

She gritted her teeth and said, "It's really not me! When the gunfire rang out, Miss Etsuko and I were in the corridor on the second floor. How could I shoot the old lady in the house through the door?"

The Memu Police Department was convinced: "That's right."

Then he discovered a wonderful thing: "You two were together at that time, wouldn't it mean that you both have alibi? Since you are not the murderer, then the only remaining murderer is..."

His eyes fell on Furukawa Koji who was watching the excitement.

Furukawa Koji was eating melon, but he didn't expect that Leng Buding's melon chopping knife hit him.

He said angrily: "I told you it wasn't me!"

Jiang Xia: "Remember what happened and think of anything that can prove your innocence."

Koji Furukawa never used his brain like this when counting cards. He grabbed his afro in annoyance and tried to remember: "What could have happened? I just went out, heard the sound, came back, and then knocked on the door with you. If you have to say something is wrong..."

Recalling it in this order, he really remembered one thing: "By the way, when I was going out, I accidentally looked at my mother's window on the second floor and saw a bluish-white light in the room - I was still I felt curious and wondered what my mother was doing alone in the house, but before I could think clearly, the gunshot rang out. I didn’t care to think about it anymore and hurried back.”

Etsuko Furukawa snorted coldly: "Blue-white light? The will-o'-the-wisp has been made up. You don't want to think that your mother was retaliated by those who forced her to die. You actually want to blame the murder on the ghost, in my opinion , the murderer is you!"

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