Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2069 2069 [Bourbon, hang up the street lights] Please vote for me

Etsuko Furukawa had already thought about this problem. Because of this, she dared to touch the remote control without wearing gloves. ●𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒈𝒍𝒆 Search 𝒔𝒕𝒐520.𝒄𝒐𝒎● She kept smiling: "I am a member of this family, and sometimes I visit my mother in the bedroom. Isn't it very reasonable to leave my fingerprints on her remote control?"

Jiang Xia: "But I heard from the maid before that you have been busy outside today and have not come back."

Etsuko Furukawa didn't know what the detective wanted to do, so she could only explain it first: "Yes, but I came here yesterday and the day before yesterday. I used to come here every now and then."

The maid thought of something and her face changed slightly: "When I went to deliver tea to the old lady this afternoon, I accidentally knocked the teacup over on the small table. The remote control on it was also stained with water, so I put it carefully. Wipe it carefully...Did Miss Etsuko come to the bedroom again after that?"

Furukawa Etsuko was stunned.

She stiffened for a moment, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "That's nonsense, you must be lazy, you just sucked up the water on it casually and didn't wipe it clean at all, right?"

The maid was also angry. Thinking about the sky-high price of the carpet she just owed this afternoon, she said loudly: "I wiped it very clean! No fingerprints will be left at all!"

Officer Takagi did not expect that things would develop like this. He quickly ran out to start a fight: "Don't get excited, everyone, look at the evidence. Everything depends on the evidence."

He flipped through the corresponding information in his hand: "The remote control at the crime scene, right? Let me take a does have the fingerprints of two different people on it, one of which is the first to fifth fingers of Miss Furukawa's left hand. The other group is the first to fifth fingers of the maid’s left hand.”

Jiang Xia nodded: "There are no fingerprints of the old lady on the remote control at all. As the owner of the bedroom, if the maid was lazy and didn't wipe it off, her fingerprints should be more or less sticky. In addition..."

A young police officer rushed in from the door like he was stepping on a spot: "Found it! There was Ms. Furukawa's car in the nearby parking lot. Through the car window, we saw a bag of clothes hurriedly thrown next to the back seat. If Can I take it out and test it..."


Thinking of the gunpowder smoke clinging to it and the mass of walls pressing down on the bottom, Etsuko Furukawa's eyes darkened and she lost her brightness.

After a moment, she sat down helplessly: "Everything...everything is that woman's fault!"

Tatsumi Seimaru: "..." Have these guys rehearsed? Their reactions and lines are almost exactly the same. Could it be that they did some research before committing the crime and found that this way could win more sympathy from the judges and public opinion, so they all followed this template?

...Useful knowledge has increased, write it down, write it down.

...No, why is he remembering this? He is a family head with a bright future, not one of those pitiful ants.

Xun Zhengmaru silently crossed out the notes in his mind again.

And his teacher on the case, Miss Furukawa, is still immersed in her own sad memories at this time.

"Recently, my club is having difficulty with its turnover and is on the verge of bankruptcy. I only need a small amount of money to tide over the disaster, but that woman refuses to give me a single yen."

Furukawa Etsuko's face was extremely ugly: "In all these years, I have started from scratch, and I have never asked her for money once. I originally thought that we are mother and daughter after all, and when our lives are at stake, she will definitely be willing to lend a helping hand - but no! She would rather Time and time again, she helps Koji fill the bottomless pit of gambling, but she doesn’t want to give me the money to do business. She is always so partial, and in this case, I can only take away her inheritance with my own hands!"

The police officers listened to the heart-wrenching story with sympathy or numbness, and after listening, they took Furukawa Etsuko away according to the procedure.

the other side.

A street away, a private car parked quietly.

Kazami Yuya's earphones buzzed, and Amuro Toru's voice came: "How is the situation?"

Kazami Yuya glanced around and whispered furtively: "I originally wanted to follow what you said and pretend to be the attacker three days ago and come to observe the Furukawa family's situation, but now the area is full of police cars. , I can’t get through it.”

"Police car?" Toru Amuro's first reaction was that Uzo was exposed and arrested.

But before he could gloat over his misfortune, another possibility engraved in his DNA made him lower the corners of his raised lips, and made his heart thump.

After a long silence, Amuro said: "Another murder case?"

Feng Jian Yuya: "Yes." Aren't you asking knowingly?

Toru Amuro: "..."

He couldn't tell for a moment whether this was Wu Zuo's handiwork or Jiang Xia's incident and physique.

But no matter what, his first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief: Fortunately, he had something to do and didn't go.

Toru Amuro: "..." No, how can you think like this.

It had nothing to do with the case or not. The main reason was that he had more important things to deal with now, so he had to miss the opportunity to follow up on these two cases. In fact, he really wanted to go, but his schedule was too busy and there was no way.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro said with relief: "Thank you for your hard work. It's getting late, so you don't need to continue following them. Just go and rest after they return to the hotel."

Before he finished speaking, a noisy sound came from the other side of the phone - the police cars had already driven away one after another just now, but judging from the movement at this time, it seemed that they had returned to the scene again.

Toru Amuro was startled, and instinctively wanted to cut off the call, but his reason made him stop and asked calmly: "What happened?"

Feng Jian Yuya stared blankly at the situation in front of him through the car window, his face turned blue.

After a moment, he took a deep breath: "It seems that another body was found - next door to Mrs. Furukawa. It seemed to be the accommodation of a barrister. At noon, the lawyer invited Jiangxia and Maya Hashimoto to come We talked about commissioning.”

Toru Amuro: "..."

Before Feng Jian Yuya had time to speak, he took the first step and said: "I'll leave the matter over there to you. Be careful not to expose it. I believe in your ability to work."

Kazami Yuya: "..." Wait, I don't believe it!

Before he spoke, there was a short "beep" sound from the phone - his wise and fearless boss actually hung up on him.

Kazami Yuya looked at the phone and was silent for a moment.

"Mr. Furutani must be too busy at work." He nodded secretly, helping his boss maintain the image he deserved, "As a subordinate, you have to work hard to share... But it's almost 9 o'clock now, am I right? It’s time to go have dinner.”

He looked at the police officers coming and going outside and hesitated for a moment, but did not dare to go out.

So in the end, Kazami Yuya rummaged around in the car for a long time, finally found a rice ball left over from the morning, and opened the package sadly.

Opposite the phone.

Tohru Amuro didn't completely lie to him, he did have something to do.

——Ireland suddenly sent him a message.


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