Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2070 2070 [Irish undercover]

Toru Amuro looked at the email from Ireland with a thoughtful look on his face. ●𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒈𝒍𝒆Search for 𝒔𝒕𝒐520.𝒄𝒐𝒎●

Ireland's character is somewhat unruly, in other words quite high-profile. But recently he has become so low-key that some people began to speculate whether he was poisoned by Uzo.

Amuro Toru thought that this person would have to stay dormant for a while, but he didn't expect that Ireland seemed to have encountered some opportunity and suddenly revived, vaguely feeling a little swollen.

"We have something to discuss." Toru Amuro repeated the key words in the email, thoughtfully, "What can we do?"

He still remembered that the guy from Ireland wanted to form an alliance with him not long ago, and that time, the two of them were almost burned to death in a fire in the warehouse. After escaping, they were blocked in the river by the police for an entire afternoon.

Just thinking about that experience made his nose itchy and make him want to sneeze. And Toru Amuro firmly believes that there is nothing wrong with him here, so there is only one truth - that guy in Ireland must be closely watched by Uzo, and his every move is under the control of his opponent... In this way, he actually dares to find someone to form an alliance. It's simply It's very harmful.

As a victim, Toru Amuro wanted to delete the email, then insult and block him.

But unfortunately, as an undercover agent who was trying his best to search for information about the organization, his responsibility and reason held his hand, forcing him to put the option of "continuing contact with Ireland" on the table.

"The risk of meeting him is too high." Tohru Amuro chose a compromise method, "Let's listen to what he has to say first."

He found a place that was secluded enough and broadcast it using an encrypted number.

On the other side, some time ago.

Toru Amuro's guess was actually somewhat vague.

Ireland has recently curbed his sharpness and secretly investigated clues related to Uzo and Gin. As he searched, he suddenly discovered something: his unlucky confidant, who was almost silenced, actually successfully passed the observation period and returned to society.

Moreover, the loyal Maya Hashimoto immediately resumed work as soon as he was freed. This confidant kept in mind Ireland's guidelines of "using Jiang Xia to deal with Uzo" and took the initiative to contact Jiang Xia, risking increased exposure to himself. Sneaked into the detective agency where Jiang Xia worked.

While Ireland was moved by this, a trace of guilt arose in his heart: He had known for a long time that Maya Hashimoto was a very potential and loyal person, but he did not expect that this subordinate would be so active, and he did not care at all that he had pushed him out before. As for the heroic co-pilot, he still works diligently for his boss.

"I'm sorry for him. But the opportunity is rare. Since we have sneaked into the vicinity of Jiangxia in this way, we can only continue." Ireland sighed:

"Give him adequate rewards and compensation afterwards. Maybe I can try to apply for a code name for him... It's not because the exposure is too big and it's inconvenient to let him continue to work under me, but this is the honor that Hashimoto deserves. .”

Also, Ireland remembered something else.

"Amuro Detective Agency, isn't this Bourbon's territory?" He thought, "Bourbon has forgotten that Hashimoto is my subordinate, so he allowed this peripheral member to enter. Or does he know about this and is working on it? Express your intention to cooperate with me through actions?"

In any case, since Maya Hashimoto is currently working in the territory of another cadre, his boss must also say hello. This is polite, and in this way, both parties can communicate better.

So Ireland sent a message to Tohru Amuro.

Then Toru Amuro called back.

The two had a brief trial and discussion on the matter, and then Toru Amuro discovered something important.

Toru Amuro: "..." Ireland thinks Maya Hashimoto is working for him?

Although Maya Hashimoto was indeed Ireland's confidant before, if I remember correctly, this guy has turned into a subordinate of Uzo.

... Could it be that Maya Hashimoto was sent by Ireland to work as an undercover agent for Uzo, and then Uzo sent him to his place?

This thought flashed through his mind and was quickly snuffed out by Toru Amuro.

——Let’s not talk about whether anyone can successfully work undercover at Uzo’s place. Even if you really go in, no one knows what comes out later. Ireland should be incapable of sending knives to its enemies.

"And judging from Ireland's current attitude, this guy has expressed his intention to cooperate with me both in and out of words."

Toru Amuro was dragging Ireland with words while sorting out the messy situation in his mind: "If I remember correctly, Maya Hashimoto followed the orders of his boss and specially dressed up as Shuichi Akai and wandered around in front of me. This This is not the attitude a collaborator should have. So the one who sent Hashimoto Maya must not be Ireland, but Uzo.

"But if that's the case, why does Ireland think that Maya Hashimoto is following his orders when she joins my detective agency?"

The clues connected together, and Toru Amuro immediately understood. He turned the pen in his hand like a knife: "Do you want Hashimoto Maya to get close to Jiang Xia, and then use Jiang Xia to deal with Usa?"

Seeing that he had guessed it, Ireland didn't hide it: "The detective you found is indeed a rare talent, very brave and very righteous."

When these words came out of the mouth of an organization cadre, they were certainly not pure praise, but rather filled with emotion and sarcasm. To put it simply, it is the joy of meeting someone who was taken advantage of by them.

When Toru Amuro heard these words, his eyes narrowed, and murderous aura surged through his body - the guy on the other side of the phone not only persecuted the justice detective and mentioned this kind of thing as a joke, but also poached his detective agency.

Faced with this situation, it seemed that he should have been angry.

But combined with his previous relationship, Tohru Amuro endured it again and again, and finally suppressed the ridicule and gloating that were about to escape his lips.

"I only cared about poaching other people's corners, but I didn't realize that my own corners had been leveled by Uzo." Toru Amuro laughed in his heart:

"It's so funny that this guy doesn't know about Maya Hashimoto being transferred. There must be an email notification for the transfer of exclusive subordinates. Ireland is probably so busy that he forgot to read it - his confidant hanging around him every day How could he bring down Gin and Uzo when he was transferred and didn't even realize it? It's really worrying."

He was happy to muddy the waters and did not expose the matter. He only said about Ireland's cooperation: "I am looking forward to it."

I hope that when Uzo is beating Ireland hard, he can reveal some flaws and let the oriole behind him pick it up.

Toru Amuro thought about the situation then, and the malicious smile on his face gradually widened.

In the distance, Curacao, who "accidentally missed sending" a transfer email under the coercion of some bad forces: "...sneeze!"

...Someone is talking about her?

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