Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 191 Did you really not hide the gun? Please vote ()

Then Nakamichi Kazushi only needs to invite Yumi Horikoshi out after the classmates go to the festival, and talk about business while playing table tennis, and then use the characteristic of "sudden death during exercise, stiffness will occur faster than usual" to confuse the time of death. He forcibly moved the time of Yumi Horikoshi's death to a time when a group of people were playing table tennis together, thereby clearing himself of suspicion.

——This is all the follow-up plan of Zhongdao Kazushi.

At this stage, except Jiang Xia, who can "predict", no one can see the intention of Kazushi Nakamichi's casual suggestion of "going to play table tennis".

Conan and Maori Lan didn't think much and followed Maori Kogoro.

Mao Lilan originally wanted to drag Jiang Xia over, but seeing that Jiang Xia was very attentive in reading and accompanied by an acquaintance, she finally did not speak and left quietly.

Before the festival started, Mouri Kogoro and others stopped playing and went out one after another.

Jiangxia and Toru Amuro were still sitting in the hall waiting for the writer.

During this period, Imazuki never went downstairs.

His companion Sasai Nobuichi left the hotel and headed towards the festival. Before leaving, Sasai Nobuichi went to the front desk to ask the time on the pretext that his watch was broken.

Jiang Xia glanced at him from a distance at that time, and Sasai Xuanyi also had a lot of murderous intent in him. This way of deliberately leaving an impression on others is obviously a reserve murderer who is trying to give himself an alibi.

Toru Amuro also noticed Sasai Nobuichi, but didn't pay much attention to it - as a detective in the science world, he was very insensitive to such anomalies before the crime.

As the time for the festival approaches, there are fewer and fewer people in the hotel.

More than ten minutes later, when the festival was about to begin, Toru Amuro glanced at his watch, then looked upstairs, and said uncertainly: "...Imatakechi will not forget that there is a festival today."

At this time, a well-covered man wearing sunglasses, a scarf and a hat pushed open the hotel door and walked into the room. Then he hurried to the second floor.

Jiang Xia looked at this person who didn't feel right. Although he didn't see the face, he knew it was Sasai Nobuichi who had just left.

The shikigami-making machines had all arrived. Jiang Xia stood up and looked at Toru Amuro: "Shall I go up to see the situation?"

Toru Amuro nodded.

He didn't go with him. Jiang Xia met the writer by chance. It could be considered a chance encounter. It would have been too deliberate for two people to go up at the same time.

Moreover, this hotel has more than one staircase. If Jiang Xia goes up, their target happens to come down from the other side, and Toru Amuro can accurately retain people if he stays in the lobby.

Jiang Xia went up the stairs to the second floor.

According to reports from ghosts, two murders were going on at the same time on the second floor.

In room 201, there were two classmates of Kogoro Moori - Kazushi Nakamichi and Yumi Horikoshi. Yumi Horikoshi used intimate photos to extort money from Kazushi Nakamichi. Kazushi Nakamichi just lied to her that he had just stolen her photos, so Yumi Horikoshi rushed back to the room and was rummaging through her backpack in the room.

Behind her, Nakamichi Kazushi aimed his gun at her, intending to shoot her the moment she turned around, and then disguise everything as a suicide.

In room No. 202, there were Imakichi and Sasai Nobuichi. These former friends started out on the same starting line. The former became famous instantly, but the latter became unknown. In the end, Sasai Nobuichi gradually became murderous, and he spent a year preparing for this murder.

In the festival here, bonfires in the shapes of "sky", "xia" and "one" will be lit on the top of the mountain in order.

A year ago, Sasai Nobuichi took a photo of himself with the two bonfires "Tian" and "Down" with an old-fashioned camera. This year, he plans to rush to the scene wearing the same clothes after shooting Imaki Satoshi, and ask a passerby to take a photo of him with the character "一". This way, he looks like he has been at the festival from the beginning and has an alibi.

Sasai Nobuichi returned to the room wearing a disguise and messed up things first. He wanted to disguise the scene as someone having invaded and robbed the house.

As a senior otaku, Imatake Satoshi is not interested in festivals. He came here today simply because Sasai Nobuichi insisted on meeting here and said he had important matters to discuss.

Suddenly hearing a movement in the room, Imatake Satoshi walked out of the room in confusion. At a glance, he saw Sasai Nobuichi standing at the door with his hands covered tightly.

Jin Zhuzhi said doubtfully: "What are you..."

Sasai Nobuhi smiled at him and pulled out his gun.

When Jiang Xia walked to the stairs on the second floor, through the corridor window, she saw fireworks set off at the festival from a distance.

At the same time as the fireworks exploded, a "bang--" gunshot was heard in the hotel.

It was actually two shots, but because they were fired at the same time, it sounded like there was only one gun.

Sasai Nobuichi shot Imakichi to death. He carried a bag of belongings, pretended to be a robber, and rushed out of the door.

A guest in the corridor poked his head out in confusion, unsure whether the noise just now was fireworks or gunshots. Sasai Nobuichi lowered his voice and shouted at the onlookers: "Get out of the way!"

Passers-by saw the gun in his hand and swooped back into the room.

After Sasai Nobuhi finished shouting, he glanced around and found that there was only one young man passing by in the corridor. It was Jiang Xia.

He observed vigilantly for a moment and found that although Jiang Xia did not retreat into the room, she had no intention of stepping forward to stop him.

Sasai Nobuichi didn't pay much attention to the passerby in his eyes and ran past Jiang Xia.

The moment he passed by, there was a heavy blow on his collar, and he was suddenly pulled into the air from behind, followed by a heavy blow on his wrist.

Sasai Nobuichi let out a scream and let go.

When the gun clicked to the ground, his whole body was swung around like a sack and hit the ground with a loud clang.

Sasai Nobuichi, a mental worker, was completely unprepared for this sudden attack. The moment he landed, he was knocked unconscious.

What fell from his body was not only a gun, but also a camera.

The camera drew an arc in the air and fell accurately to the door of Room 201, the room where Nakamichi Kazushi and Horikoshi Yumi were.

When the door was opened a crack, the moment the camera landed on the ground, a lump of clay-like object appeared out of thin air and hit the shutter invisibly. The camera made a clicking shutter sound. The sound was wrapped in clay and diluted by the sound of Nobui Sasai hitting the ground. It was not particularly noticeable.

After the camera has completed its mission, it continues to slide aside.

Just as it was about to roll down the stairs, a hand caught it - Toru Amuro heard the gunfire and ran upstairs vigilantly.

Behind him were Mao Lilan and Conan - these two people were already on their way to the festival, but on the way, Mao Lilan remembered that Horikoshi Yumi was not here and thought she was still sleeping in the room out of anger, so she took Conan back to find her. .

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