Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 192 Do you really want to argue with Detective × 3?

When Mao Lilan and Conan approached the door of the hotel, they also heard gunshots.

Conan thought it was fireworks at first, but soon, he remembered that Jiang Xia was still in the hotel, and his expression suddenly changed.

——Since Jiang Xia is here, it seems very reasonable for Jiang Xia to have a shooting or something like that...

Conan ran into the hotel door. He wasn't sure where the gunfire came from, but he happened to see Amuro Toru going upstairs, so he quickly followed.

Just now, Toru Amuro was sitting comfortably downstairs, waiting for Jiang Xia to lead the writer out.

Unexpectedly, instead of waiting for the writer, I waited for a gunshot.

Amuro Toru was immediately startled and stood up quickly. In his mind, the only dangerous people in this hotel were him and Jiang Xia. So when he heard the gunshot, he thought Jiang Xia had secretly obtained a gun from somewhere. When he went upstairs, he realized something was wrong, so he fired.

However, when he went up to the second floor, Toru Amuro saw the masked man being stepped on by Jiang Xia, and then looked at the gun and strange wallet that fell on the ground, and realized that he had made a mistake.

The truth is probably that an armed robbery occurred here, and Jiang Xia was just acting bravely.

...Thinking about it, Jiang Xia has always been quite law-abiding, and she really shouldn't have missed him so much just now.

Toru Amuro put on his gloves, picked up the gun on the ground, and looked at the camera he just caught: "Is this the stolen property he snatched?"

Otherwise it would be difficult to explain why a robber would carry a camera with him.

And if it’s stolen goods…

Toru Amuro glanced at the wide open door of Room 202, thinking that this camera might be Imtake Satoshi's thing that he had been planning to get.

Unexpectedly, it hit his hand directly, which was good luck.

Jiang Xia heard Toru Amuro's question and knew that Toru Amuro hadn't discovered that the robber who was flattened on the ground was Sasai Nobuichi, so he nodded: "Maybe."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xia poked Sasai Nobuichi who collapsed on the ground.

Finding that the man rolled his eyes and couldn't wake up for a while, Jiang Xia safely threw the man to the ground. He walked to the door of Room 202, took a look inside, and then frowned.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Toru Amuro also walked to Jiang Xia and looked inside.

Then I saw Imazhuzhi lying in the room with a bullet hole in his forehead. He was already dead.

Toru Amuro sighed with a complicated mood.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to find a reason not to silence this innocent author during this mission. Unexpectedly, Jin Zhuzhi was killed by passers-by...

When a person died, Mao Lilan immediately took out his cell phone and whispered to the police.

After calling the police, she remembered what happened to Yumi Horikoshi and knocked on the door of Yumi Horikoshi's room, but no one answered.

Seeing this, Jiang Xia looked like she was thinking, and moved the progress bar slightly: "There is so much noise outside, if Aunt Horikoshi is in the room, why should she come out and take a look... Could she have left?"

Hearing what he said, Toru Amuro looked at Room 201, which had been cracked open by the camera just now, and felt a little strange. If the person left, why didn't he lock the door?

He thought for a moment and walked over to open the door.

The door gradually slid open, and Tohru Amuro saw the situation inside the room clearly, and was slightly startled - directly opposite the door, Yumi Horikoshi was slumped on the ground against the wall, with blood flowing from her forehead, and a large amount of blood was also spattered on the wall behind her. .

There was no one else in the room.

Conan found the body and ran into the house quickly. Jiang Xia also walked in.

At this time, Kazushi Nakamichi was wearing a bath towel and was passing by the corridor in a steaming manner - he had just finished killing Yumi Horikoshi and noticed the strange movement outside the house, so he hurriedly posed for Yumi Horikoshi, then escaped from the window, and then escaped from the outside again. Went back to the corridor and pretended to be passing by.

Nakamichi Kazushi walked to the door and looked inside.

When he saw several people approaching Horikoshi Yumi's body, he suddenly shouted angrily: "Come out, don't touch her! Protect the scene and call the police. No one is allowed in until the police come!"

Nakamichi Kazushi is an active detective. At present, his relationship with Yumi Horikoshi is just an old classmate who is not familiar with each other. This kind of rational behavior amid grief was the reaction that he felt was most in line with the current character.

However, as soon as Nakamichi Kazushi finished speaking, he saw several people in the room turning back to look at him at the same time, each of them thoughtfully, their eyes making him feel hairy on the back.

Zhongdao and Zhi froze. They intuitively felt that something was wrong, but they didn't know where the problem lay.

Jiang Xia looked away, put on gloves, and brushed away Horikoshi Yumi's forehead hair.

A bullet hole was exposed underneath.

Toru Amuro took a closer look, then frowned and looked at Nakamichi Kazushi: "'Protect the scene'... You didn't even see the wound just now, so you are so sure that she is dead?"

Nakamichi Kazushi's heart tightened, and he stuttered a little: "Because... there was such a large amount of blood on the wall..."

Conan also felt something was wrong: "But uncle is a friend of Aunt Yumi. Even if there is only a slight possibility, as long as the person is not sure that he is dead, shouldn't he call for an ambulance first?"

Kazushi Nakamichi gritted his teeth and said, "I just said call the police? I remember I also said call an ambulance... Maybe everyone was too nervous and missed it."

Several detectives looked at him silently and said nothing, but began to think in their hearts.

The grand festival caused some traffic jams on the road, and it took nearly half an hour for the police to arrive.

Two people suddenly died in the hotel, and the store owner was also panicked, but still followed the detective's instructions and sent a few brave clerks to check on the scene.

Toru Amuro did not forget today's mission. He took advantage of the fact that most people's attention was on Jiang Xia, a famous detective, and sneaked into Imatake Chi's house and walked around, but failed to find the target photo.

So Toru Amuro focused his attention on the camera he just picked up.

He remembered that this camera fell from the "armed robber" when Jiang Xia threw it.

Since the person who was robbed was Imaki Satoshi, the camera is likely to belong to Imaki Satoshi.

This is a Polaroid, this one will generate photos immediately after taking them and store them in the box that comes with the camera.

Toru Amuro opened the back cover through his gloves and took out a stack of photos.

He took a cursory glance and didn't see the scene where "organization members caused an explosion" that he was looking for.

But when he saw the last photo, Toru Amuro's eyes froze.

Judging from the location, this photo is the latest one taken. The picture is a bit blurry, but you can still make out the scene above.

——It was Room 201 that was photographed. A large amount of blood was spattered on the wall of the room, and right below the blood stain, a bald man with his back to the door was stuffing a gun into Yumi Horikoshi's hand to fake a suicide scene.

Toru Amuro picked up this photo and felt a little sad.

How unlucky do you have to be to be able to record a crime scene by a camera that fell off...


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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