Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2078 2078 [Nightmare in Curacao]

Chapter 2078 2078

Maybe it was because she had seen so many police officers recently that she actually dreamed that she had turned into a heroic female police officer, leading her men to hunt down Uzo who accidentally revealed his secret.

Probably subconsciously, she felt that as long as she sent that guy in, she would be safe. A member of an organization in Curacao worked particularly hard as a policeman in the dream.

But it happened that Uzuo was able to run, hide and be cunning. She led people to chase him all night long but still couldn't catch him. Finally, he finally caught this guy's fox tail in a complicated alley.

However, the chase in the alley had just begun. Before she could run far, she was misled by Uzo and stepped into the cliff.

Curacao in the dream had no time to think about the question "Why did such a deep cliff suddenly appear in the alleys of Tokyo", just like she had no time to think about "When did I become a policeman" before - at this moment , all that remained in her mind was the scene of Uzo standing on the cliff, looking down at her against the light.

As the sun rose at dawn, the cunning criminal smiled at her: "Have a good rest and have a sweet dream."

The voice that sounded gentle at first was completely consistent with the "blessing" she heard last night.

Curacao's heart palpitated, her pupils dilated due to fear, her hand gripping the small tree on the cliff slipped, and then she suddenly fell...

He fell onto the fluffy carpet of the hotel room with a thud.

Jumping to her feet, Curacao realized that the extremely real feeling of falling just now was because she accidentally fell off the bed.


Thinking of this dream, Curacao just wanted to cover his head in pain.

To be fair, the process of leading the crowd to chase and intercept Wu Zuo was quite enjoyable. At least she saw a glimmer of hope.

But in fact, she didn't catch anyone until the end. Instead, she was so tired that she felt like she was exhausted.

...So is this a nightmare?

Facing Mrs. Sunda’s concerned inquiry, Curaçao finally nodded.

——Just because Uzo appeared in her dream, this was definitely a nightmare among nightmares!

After waking up, the group went to eat breakfast provided by the hotel one after another, and then suddenly met in the restaurant.

Curacao saw Jiang Xia and turned a corner quietly. Originally she wanted to go to the dessert area, but now she went to get a salad and a sandwich.

When Maya Hashimoto saw Curacao, she was startled and then suddenly became alert: the dark circles under this woman's eyes became even heavier.

This shows that during the last lunch break and last night, Curacao must not have slept, but was quietly doing other things behind everyone's back.

A quick calculation showed that with her ability, this period of time was enough to plant bombs throughout the restaurant.

Maya Hashimoto was silent for a moment, and began to observe and familiarize herself with the hotel's escape route for the Nth time.

Now he was not as panicked as he was yesterday. Because he was not idle last night, he placed an order overnight, paid more for the store to deliver two sets of high-altitude rappelling equipment, and then hid them very preciously - in case of emergency, this would be life-saving s things. It wasn’t that the store was out of stock, he even wanted to buy a few more sets.

Of course, it is easy to be suspected of being the murderer because of his suspicious behavior when something goes wrong in the hotel, but with Jiang Xia, this wise and powerful superficial boss present, no one can even think of slandering him!

Although he would definitely be taken seriously by the police in the process of being suspected, after so many days, he had actually gradually gotten used to it.

Maya Hashimoto thought as she took some random meals, not caring about the taste, and took the time to fill her stomach: Who knows when something will happen suddenly, and you need to be full to have the strength to deal with various emergencies.

After all, everyone is traveling together now, and of course they eat at the same table. In fact, two people wanted to sneak away quietly, but they were caught by the detective who was united, friendly and focused on team spirit.

Maya Hashimoto and Curacao just ate without saying a word.

Jiang Xia took the initiative to liven up the atmosphere at the table: "Where are you going to play today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole table became even more silent. Sunshengmaru choked on the toast and coughed for a long time before he managed to breathe.

"You want to go out to play??" Xun Zhengmaru said angrily, "We haven't played anything at all in the past few days. We have been encountering murder cases, solving cases and making confessions the whole time. Look at the crazy process you have planned!"

Curacao and Maya Hashimoto secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Jiang Xia felt that this was not very rigorous: "You didn't play anything? Did you watch the mermaid show?"

Tatsumi Seimaru: "I saw it, but a body came up in the second scene..."

Jiang Xia interrupted: "You must have watched the mask show too."

Tatsuma Seimaru: "I can't say that I didn't watch it at all, but I died in the river halfway through the show..."

Jiang Xia: "Have you entered the maze mirror room?"

Tatsuma Seimaru: "I entered, but just after walking halfway through, I found a corpse lying in the maze..."

Jiang Xia: "You also went to the five-story pagoda."

Xun Zhengmaru slapped the table: "I did go there twice, but who wants to see that kind of ghost story gathering place with hanging corpses?"

Jiang Xia couldn't understand: "I have visited all the guests and people I should visit. What are you dissatisfied with after such a fulfilling three days?"

Xunzhengwan: "..."

After being counted like this by him, it really can't be said that he didn't play anything.

It can only be said that every entertainment is accompanied by a murder case, sometimes even two, that is tailored to local conditions.

Xun Zhengmaru stuffed the last piece of fried goose egg into his mouth, slumped on his seat, and answered Jiang Xia's question: "I'm not satisfied with anything! I hate Tokyo, there is absolutely nothing good in the city!"

Next to him, guests at several tables looked over, their eyes dim, as if they were looking at an impolite bumpkin.

Xun Zhengmaru didn't care about these looks at first, and even wanted to use his temper to say "What are you looking at!".

...But thinking of a bloody case, he finally withdrew his gaze and closed his mouth.

Humph, don’t bother with Tokyoites.

Mrs. Sunda may be older and more experienced, but she did not react as enthusiastically as Sunda Seimaru. She just looked at Jiang Xia: "There is still a little time before the memorial ceremony for the succession of the head of the family. Do you have any recommendations?"

Just as Jiang Xia was about to speak, an email suddenly came to her phone.

Judging from the vibration pattern, it is someone who has been marked for special attention.

Jiang Xia immediately stopped talking and took out his mobile phone. When he clicked on it, it turned out that it was one of his good classmates, Suzuki Sonoko, who had sent a message.

Jiang Xia pressed the buttons to read it, and then realized one thing: "Today is actually the weekend."

Xun Zhengmaru glanced at the date on his phone and found that it was really like this: for people who neither go to class nor go to work on weekdays, life is inevitably a bit confusing.

Jiang Xia sent an email back to the other party. After a while, he saw the reply. He said to the two clients: "Since you are a little tired of Tokyo, how about changing your taste and going out for two days?"

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