Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2079 2079 [Ireland is indomitable] Please give me your monthly ticket oo

Chapter 2079 2079 [Ireland·Perseverance] Please vote for me o(〃'▽'〃)o

Several people at the table were startled: "Out of town?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "I have three...two classmates who plan to go to Huis Ten Bosch on the weekend. There are so many people and it's so busy, why don't we go together too."

Huis Ten Bosch is in Nagasaki, and Nagasaki was one of the earliest places to come into contact with Western technology during the Edo Seogu period. "Orchidology" was once popular there and was deeply influenced by Dutch culture, and Huis Ten Bosch is a replica of it. A resort area that depicts the scene of medieval European Netherlands.

This is the largest theme park in Asia, and it almost copied the "Huis Ten Bosch Palace" of the current Queen of the Netherlands. It was like copying and pasting a foreign neighborhood into Nagasaki - compared with the attractions they visited a few days ago, This is a serious tourist attraction.

Xun Zhengmaru was immediately moved: before he became the head of the family, he was the stepson of the previous head of the family. He had no blood relationship with anyone other than his mother, so he lived a very low-key life. He stayed at home and pretended to be good every day, and did not go anywhere.

Now I suddenly have the opportunity to travel far away, of course I must seize it. The most important thing is that there are no such terrible Tokyoites in Nagasaki!

"Just go there." Xun Zhengmaru made the final decision, "Leave today!"

He didn't want to stay in this miserable place for a moment.

And for some reason, he always felt that if he left too late, he might not be able to leave.

Both parties happily reached an agreement.

As for the other three, Mrs. Sunda doesn't make many decisions, and the other two are more low-key than the other.

So not long after, the five people packed their luggage and met three others at the Shinkansen station.

"Jiang Xia——!!"

Suzuki Sonoko dragged her suitcase and trotted over, patted him on the shoulder as if meeting him again after a long absence, and looked him up and down: "It's only been less than a week, but it feels like I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jiang Xia looked at her, then at Mao Lilan and Conan, who were also walking this way, and felt the same way.

Next to him, Maya Hashimoto stared at Conan and Suzuki Sonoko, quietly warning: Curacao alone is troublesome enough, and now there are other minions of Uzo who have sneaked into the team... Could it be that Uzo knew that they were going on a long trip? , specially sent two people to stabilize the situation?

"No, Jiang Xia received the email first and then planned to go to Nagasaki. Considering what happened this morning, it is likely that the person who sent him the message was Suzuki Sonoko."

Maya Hashimoto’s brain always moves very fast when he shouldn’t use his brain: “In other words, Usa may have already set the stage in Nagasaki, and the email this morning was actually the result of his borrowing Suzuki’s An invitation from the hand!”

...If this is the case, then this trip to Nagasaki may be difficult to go through.

Maya Hashimoto fell silent, suddenly feeling that she was too naive this morning who thought she could take a breath away from Tokyo.

Then he remembered something and turned to look at Tatsuma Seimaru.

Tatsuma Seimaru was in a good mood at this time. His eyes were bright, and his eyes were darting back and forth between Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, as if he was thinking about which one to choose.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Oh, stupid client, do you think you can escape the clutches of the case by leaving Tokyo? you are too naive.

With the companionship of fellow sufferers, Maya Hashimoto's mood gradually calmed down.

Soon a vehicle came into the station, several people got on the bus and found a seat to sit down.

At the same time, there was another crowded and chaotic platform.

A tall and burly man pressed the brim of his hat and got into another compartment of the same car among the crowd.

After Ireland got on the bus, he found a secluded corner and sat down where he could have a full view of the car. Then he looked at the people coming and going and snorted in his heart.

He suspected... No, he was sure that during this period, people in the organization were targeting him.

"Maybe I was a bit high-profile when I was investigating Uzo, which exposed my intention to avenge Mr. Pisco, so the organization that indirectly killed Mr. Pisco felt guilty, and in turn began to doubt me..."

Ireland snorted coldly in his heart: "There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Of course I know the organization's rules on confidentiality, so I only plan to settle the accounts with Gin and Uzo, the two bastards who induced Mr. Pisco to be exposed. The others will follow. What's the rush?"

But no matter what, after all, he was working under someone else's hands. If he wanted to survive in the organization safely and successfully take revenge, he could not ignore the tasks issued by his superiors.

Therefore, Ireland can only complete the task while carrying out his secret revenge.

If you want to investigate Gin and Usa, of course you have to stay in Tokyo.

But every time he finished his work, the organization immediately gave him a new task, and he needed to travel every time - he just came back from Hokkaido two days ago, and before that he just went to Kyushu, and before that he I have also been to Aomori, and I just received a mission to Nagasaki yesterday... I am being ordered to run back and forth from north to south every day, which is annoying to death.

But a determined man will certainly not collapse because of this setback.

Despite his busy schedule, Ireland was still determined to take revenge - his confidants sneaked into Jiang Xia's side very confidently, and he himself also found a capable ally.

"It's just that Bourbon's attitude didn't seem positive enough. That guy always gave me an attitude that it had nothing to do with him and just wanted to watch the show. He didn't have much sincerity in cooperation."

When Ireland thought of this unreliable ally, he couldn't help but frown: "But it doesn't matter. The existence of Bourbon itself is a weapon to distract Uzo. The less he takes this matter to heart, The more flaws it will reveal, the easier it will be for Uzo to take advantage of it - until then, it will be the best time for me to take action."

The stop time was over, and the Shinkansen carried a carload of people towards Nagasaki.

Ireland pulled back the brim of his hat and looked at the clear sky outside, his eyes full of indomitable ambition.

At the same time, in a carriage further forward.

It is completely different from the painting style behind. Ignoring the two people sitting in the corner holding mushrooms, this place is completely a happy atmosphere for a group of people traveling.

Jiang Xia thought of something and asked Suzuki Sonoko: "Why do you suddenly want to go to Huis Ten Bosch?"

Maya Hashimoto perked up and quietly pricked up her ears.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said: "My father's family friend is going to hold a wedding at his home. My parents are not free, so they asked me to go there on their behalf."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Family friend? It must be the enemy that allows you to take these people there specially.

Mao Lilan was flipping through the travel brochure he had just bought, replenishing his knowledge of Huis Ten Bosch.

Seeing the wonderful scenery and various exhibitions inside, she couldn't help showing a longing expression: "It's so romantic. In fact, I heard about Huis Ten Bosch a long time ago and always wanted to go there."

Tatsuma Seimaru looked at this innocent and lovely female high school student and couldn't help but interject: "What's so difficult about this? I'll treat you to whatever you want to play after we get there."

Conan was looking out the window in a daze, but when he heard these words, he suddenly turned his head: "?" Who is this?

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