Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2084 2084 [Ireland, your confidant has escaped] Please vote for me

Chapter 2084 2084 [Ireland, your confidant has escaped] Please vote for me ()

The messy dinner came to an end.

In any case, at the insistence of the only grandson of the Dahe family, no matter how many people objected, the wedding banquet on the second day could only go ahead as usual.

But Maya Hashimoto no longer cares about dinner or not.

——At night, after returning to the room, Maya Hashimoto took off her coat, and a folded paper suddenly fell from her body.

I picked it up carefully and unfolded it. I saw two lines of characters with no fixed form inside.

[Well done.

I didn't expect you to come to Nagasaki too. Let's meet tomorrow to discuss it in detail. ]

Maya Hashimoto seemed to have been hit head-on with a hammer and froze on the spot.

When others see this weird glyph, they may laugh out loud and wonder which elementary school student wrote it.

But Maya Hashimoto knew that this was a camouflage font commonly used in Ireland - it would allow those who should know to recognize Ireland's identity, but it would also make it impossible to identify the handwriting through his usual real font.

——In a word, this letter is written by Ireland!

This thought flashed across his mind. Maya Hashimoto held the piece of paper and felt like she was seeing the scythe of death.

It is a well-known fact that organizations do not resign or change jobs, they only die in the line of duty.

And now, as he finally gets used to his scary new boss, a ghost story strikes: the old boss is here!

"'Well done'? According to Mr. Ireland's habit, shouldn't he just write a threat like 'I'll kill you tonight'?... It's really terrible. He is so angry that he will be irritated with his subordinates."

"'Meet tomorrow to discuss in detail?' Does he want to kill me tomorrow? Or give his subordinates a knife and let me kill myself like the head of the ancient family?... But I always feel that according to his character, there seems to be something wrong with this process. .”

Maya Hashimoto looked at the letter, then at the window, and finally at the door. He always felt that Ireland would fall from the sky in the next second, and then Biu shot him away when he passed by his window.

Or maybe he pretends to be a room service employee, breaks in through the door, and snaps his neck.

This thought flashed across my mind, and suddenly, a sliding sound came closer and closer.

Maya Hashimoto stood up straight like a startled bird. He was standing in the entrance hall at this time. He pressed against the door and listened carefully to the movement outside. He was immediately convinced that it was the sound of a cart approaching.

...There are really "service personnel" coming.

Ireland is coming to claim its life!

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Although he is just a poor peripheral member who can't help himself, this does not prevent him from feeling guilty.

Before her brain could react, Maya Hashimoto's body had already taken out her phone with bated breath, and entered an email with her fingers flying.

——Only cadres can defeat cadres.

I don’t know if calling Uzo over now will give him a chance of survival.

Well, it's not that he betrayed Mr. Ireland, it's just that he feels that this incident is not entirely his fault, and he can explain it! But people can only explain it when they are alive, so he wanted to work harder and keep at it.

While he was thinking wildly, the cart outside the door came to his door.

Maya Hashimoto's hand on the keyboard froze, her breathing stopped, and she did not dare to make a sound.

The next moment, the car passed directly by his door and parked next door.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Huh?

Did Mr. Ireland go to the wrong room?

Speaking of which, isn't Jiang Xia living next door? Mr. Ireland doesn't want to kill Jiang Xia first.

Maya Hashimoto speculated on the movement of the person outside the door, hoping that he could spend more time with Jiang Xia: it was so late, how could the serious room service come to the door at this time. After all, Jiang Xia is a famous detective. He will be very vigilant. He will immediately guess that the visitor is evil, and then through the door...


A sharp sound of opening the door interrupted his thoughts.

——Jiang Xia opened the door.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Why do you dare to open anyone's door? Close it quickly! !

He almost wanted to cover his ears to block out the gunshots that were about to ring out.

However, unexpectedly, there was no gunshot. There was only a sweet voice outside Jiang Xia's door, and the waiter said: "Hello, I want a late night snack."

Jiang Xia glanced at it and found that there was only an upside-down dinner plate and a glass of orange juice on the cart.

He wondered: "The cocktail I ordered..."

The waiter looked apologetic: "According to the information you registered at the front desk, you are not yet old enough to drink alcohol legally, so we substituted freshly squeezed juice for you without authorization - if you have other drinks you want, please let me know. We’ll get ready right away.”

Jiang Xia: "..."

He sighed: "Forget it, that's it."

It’s not a big problem. Let Matsuda Jinpei drive the puppet for a ride later.

After handing over the midnight snack, the door clicked shut.

The waiter left without any delay and had no intention of staying to pry for information - she was really just an ordinary waiter.

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Did he witness an attempted illegal transaction?

Anyway, it's a good thing Ireland didn't come knocking.

Maya Hashimoto breathed a sigh of relief. He sat on the carpet, carefully worded his words, and sent Uzo a deletion, revision, and modification of the current situation.

It didn't take long for Uzo's email to come back.

For the first time, Maya Hashimoto longed for an email from her boss.

When I clicked it open, it read:

[Since he wants to talk to you in detail, then go ahead and talk, I don’t mind.

As far as I know, he doesn't know about your transfer yet, and it's up to you to decide whether to explain it or not.

PS: Go to the bar downstairs and pack a few specialty cocktails for next door. Remember to take the one that sells the most. ]

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Of course you don't mind, but I do! !


Mr. Ireland didn't know about the transfer?

Maya Hashimoto was stunned, and only came to her senses after a moment.

At this time, he re-read the note left by Ireland, and all the strange things were immediately explained again.

"It turns out that Mr. Ireland is not being weird, he just misunderstood the reason why I appeared near Jiangxia." Maya Hashimoto breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then brought it up again.

"I don't know how Uzo managed to hide the transfer... But the fire can't be concealed. I'm afraid this matter won't be hidden for long. During this period, the more contact I had with Mr. Ireland, the more information I got from him. The more information there is, the more he will suspect me of betrayal and betrayal of his information when things are exposed..."

ah--! ! !

Maya Hashimoto let out a tangled and desperate cry in her heart, without any rules at all.

Fortunately, he still had one night to think.

In this case, let’s do the simple things first.

Maya Hashimoto's dull eyes moved down and landed on the "PS".

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

...Wait a minute, buy wine and have it delivered next door?

Isn’t Jiang Xia’s room next door?


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