Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2085 2085 [Chaos of Minions]

Chapter 2085 2085 No wonder I was so wary of her just now.

And this order from Uzo...

"Is this a demonstration? Is it to show the detectives who have noticed his traces how well-informed he is? After all, if he can let his subordinates deliver food to Jiang Xia tonight, he can put poison in the food and kill him tomorrow night without anyone noticing. detective."

A drop of cold sweat fell from Maya Hashimoto's forehead: "Or, Uzo wants me to take a picture of the scene of delivering the wine, so as to get a handle on Jiang Xia's illegal drinking? ... No, if you don't say it, you won't! Even if you really need to take a picture to prove it, This part should also be taken care of by others, such as the waiter just now. I just need to be honest and buy the wine."

Thinking like this, he could only put the Irish affairs behind him for the time being and concentrate on this task - lest his boss change his mind when he was late and increase his workload.

Not long after, a figure sneaked up the stairs, put a pack of six bottles of different cocktails at Jiang Xia's door, and then sneaked back to the room.

When the door closed, Maya Hashimoto breathed a sigh of relief and sat down against the door: Very good, the task is completed.

I don’t know who will come to take pictures later and leave evidence that Jiang Xia stole wine.

I thought it would be the waiter again, but at this moment, a door in the corridor clicked open, but it was not Jiang Xia's door, but another door.

Maya Hashimoto was startled, then became alert: Here we come!

Not even a waiter. Judging from the direction of the sound... this seemed to be the room of the first grader.

He is indeed Uzo's child laborer!

in the corridor.

Conan just went to the bathroom, and as he approached the entrance, he accidentally heard the door opening and closing outside.

He alertly jumped up on the stool and peeked through the peephole, and saw Maya Hashimoto, wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask, carrying a bag of things and walking back fully armed, looking like she was planning to do something bad.

...There is indeed something wrong with this man! There must be another purpose for him to work as an assistant to Jiang Xia.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Maya Hashimoto heading straight to Jiang Xia's door, secretly putting down the bag of things, and then returned to the room.

Alarms started buzzing in Conan's head: What was that? bomb? Physical evidence for slander? ...Anyway, it’s definitely not a good thing!

After waiting for a while, Conan opened the door quietly and walked out because he was a little kid.

——He planned to go to Jiangxia's door to see what the package was, and then made a sound like "How strange!" and made everyone in the corridor noisy.

Next, when everyone was looking at the bag at the door in confusion, he could say in the innocent tone of a child, "When I was playing with the cat's eye just now, I saw Brother Hashimoto coming over and putting it here. Why did Brother Hashimoto do it?" Are you dressed so well to go out in the middle of the night? Why do you put these at the door of brother Jiang Xia's room?" and other words to violently break this conspiracy against old classmates.

However, just as he was getting closer and ready to lose his temper, Jiang Xia's door was suddenly opened from the inside. One hand stretched out, picked up the bag, and took it back to the room with lightning speed, and then the door slammed shut again.

It wasn't until the dust settled that the primary school student came back to his senses.

Conan: "???"

Jiang Xia, what are you doing? !

Conan touched his chin, and a series of reasoning quickly formed in his mind.

The hand that stretched out to take something just now clearly belonged to Jiang Xia, and the first-year detective who is good at observation would never admit it.

Then the problem arises.

——When a normal person sees a box of tightly packed unknown objects placed at his door, would he carry the thing back into the house without hesitation?

So Jiang Xia should know what it is.

Conan: "..." So what exactly is that?

As soon as my curiosity arose, I felt a cat-like scratching feeling in my heart.

After hesitating for a moment, Conan ran over and rang the doorbell.

Jiang Xia, who was unpacking the package in the room: "..."

...The little brat stayed up late at night and came to visit some door.

But thinking about Conan's strength, Jiang Xia felt relieved again and walked over to open the door.

Then before Conan could react, he carried the person into the house just like he had just carried the packing bag, so as to prevent the guy from running to find foreign aid, such as Mao Lilan or something.

As the door opened and closed, the primary school student disappeared into the room.

Maya Hashimoto heard Jiang Xia's door open and close twice, and quickly figured out the cause and effect: The first time must have been something Usa did, such as sending an email in someone else's name, telling Jiang Xia that there was wine at the door, so Jiang Xia took the things in.

The second time, Conan probably found an excuse to follow him in. He wandered around Jiang Xia's house and secretly took pictures of Jiang Xia's drinking, relying on the fact that he was a child and would not be easily suspected.

...Cunning, so cunning!

But now that someone else has taken over the work, it seems that Jiang Xia will have no use for him tonight.

Maya Hashimoto breathed a sigh of relief and no longer sat in the entrance hall. Instead, she went back to her room and began to think seriously about tomorrow.

Want to see Ireland?

If you meet him, should you tell him that you have changed jobs?

If he knew that he was being hunted in the future, how would he escape being silenced?

If he doesn't know, how do you avoid letting him know?

A long list of questions tangled up in his mind, and Maya Hashimoto wailed in her heart, regretting not buying herself two bottles of wine just now - escaping was shameful but useful, and she really wanted to get drunk and relieve all her worries.

On the other side, Conan entered Jiang Xia's house and looked at the bag of things seriously.

Then I discovered that inside were boxes of individually packaged freshly mixed drinks, sealed in exquisite glasses, very fancy and beautiful.

Conan: "..."

Jiang Xia picked a glass that didn't look very good and put it in front of him: "Here, here's this for you. If you drink this glass of wine, you will be an accomplice. You are not allowed to go out and talk nonsense tomorrow."

Conan took it over and smelled it, then took a sip curiously.

After a while, I felt something was wrong: "Maya Hashimoto put this at your door. What if it's poisonous?"

Jiang Xia shook her phone: "Who would poison someone with a real name? He just sent me an email and said that he saw that the wine in the bar was good, so he specially brought some for me - after all, it was a kind intention, and it would be okay to taste it. ."

Conan suddenly remembered that when he met Maya Hashimoto not long ago, the man helped them buy beer from a convenience store: "..." Cunning guy, so this is his method of getting close to Jiang Xia?

Quite practical.

Is there no other conspiracy tonight, just an operation to please the detective boss?

Conan couldn't help but take another sip and fell into deep thought: This wine is quite delicious, not too spicy, and tastes more like juice. No wonder Jiang Xia couldn't withstand the temptation of sugar-coated bullets.

...No, no matter how good the wine is, Maya Hashimoto’s starting point is definitely not good, so we can’t take it lightly!

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