Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2086 2086 [Alert]

Jiang Xia didn't drink much, but tasted a little of everything. When she woke up the next day, she felt refreshed. After washing, he left the room and planned to eat.

After walking only two steps, I met several other companions who had also left the door.

Jiang Xia glanced over and was slightly startled when his eyes fell on Maya Hashimoto and Curacao.

It seems that there is a law of conservation in everything, and the same goes for dark circles under the eyes.

——One night passed, Curacao's spirit returned to normal, and the dark circles under his eyes also disappeared.

But on the other side, the bruises around Maya Hashimoto's eyes were so thick that it felt as if someone had punched her face-to-face with two symmetrical punches.

"..." Jiang Xia couldn't pretend not to see it, "Are you okay?"

He just asked his younger brother to run errands and buy some wine. Those who didn't know better thought he had sent someone to dig mines all night.

Maya Hashimoto was shocked: "It's okay!"

When Conan looked up and saw his appearance, he was equally shocked: "...You don't look like you're okay."

Did this person do other things besides buying wine?

Did you give Jiang Xia wine specifically to make the detective next door fall asleep so that he could do some sneaky operations in the middle of the night?

This thought flashed through Conan's mind. At the same time, he was a little annoyed: he himself drank too much and fell asleep last night, and failed to notice the movements of Maya Hashimoto, giving this guy time to sneak around at night.

Maya Hashimoto actually didn't go anywhere at night. He was just thinking about various issues related to his former boss.

Realizing that everyone was looking at the dark circles under his eyes, he silently took out his sunglasses, put them on, and said haha: "Maybe it's because I'm in a new place and I'm a little acclimated. I didn't sleep all night last night... Don't worry, I'll be back later." Just catch up on some sleep.”

Curacao heard this and turned to look at him, his eyes slightly alert.

For a moment, her thoughts were subtly synchronized with the former Maya Hashimoto - what did this guy do last night? Could it be that he was secretly arranging something for Uzo's stage?

... After such a busy night, the scene may be quite big. It seems that I have to be more cautious recently.

Jiang Xia also considerately did not ask any more questions, and greeted everyone: "Let's go eat first."

After breakfast, with nothing to do, Suzuki Sonoko thought of something and snapped her fingers: "Let's go to the bridal preparation room and have a look!"

At most weddings, the bride would have various relatives and friends coming and going, but Akane Katori only brought herself to the wedding this time, and no one else.

"The groom's place must be very lively." Suzuki Sonoko remembered the melee at yesterday's dinner and decisively decided to avoid it. She said to Jiang Xia, "Let's go and cheer for the bride. It just so happens that you brought so many people, so don't use it in vain."

Xunzhengwan: "?"

I am the employer! I should be the one to use this detective, why do you mean he doesn't use it for us in vain!

He wanted to retort loudly like this, but when he thought of the Suzuki Consortium behind a female high school student, he calmly shut up: Forget it, let's not argue with the female high school student's career.

The group soon arrived at the bride's preparation room.

As expected, it was empty here. There was only Akane Katori and an assistant in the huge room.

The wedding styling has been finished, and Katori Akane is wearing a beautiful wedding dress and sitting in front of the dressing mirror. She had a circle of white flowers pinned to her veil, and the shoulder straps were decorated with green leaves and translucent floral gauze, which looked like a vibrant flower elf theme.

"so beautiful!"

The two female high school students came over generously and quickly started chatting with the bride.

After chatting for a few words, the two young men walked along the corridor towards the preparation room here.

Jiang Xia happened to be standing at the door. He looked up and saw the groom of the Oga family and the black leather glassmaker they met on the Shinkansen.

Conan saw them from a distance and couldn't help but mutter: "Why did these two people get together?"

Jiang Xia: "Oga Shinya's whole family is opposed to his marriage. Now he may be more able to talk to outsiders than his family."

Conan hesitated for a moment and whispered, "But don't you think the atmosphere between Mr. Takahashi and the bride is a bit strange?"

Jiang Xia: "You mean we just arrived here yesterday and the bride looked at him and was stunned when we met for the first time."

"You also discovered it." Conan scratched his head. He looked at the two people getting closer and lowered his voice, "Actually, there is another thing - at the fireworks display last night, I went to buy While having drinks, I saw the bride and Mr. Takahashi talking alone! And it wasn’t the kind of conversation between strangers, but more like they were arguing about something.”

This first-year detective seemed to want to start reasoning and hypotheses with him about this matter.

But Jiang Xia didn't think about it at all. After all, he was not a serious detective who loved solving mysteries.

It happened that the two young men were tall and had long legs, and they were walking very fast. I saw them getting closer and closer to the door. Jiang Xia raised her hand and pressed it on Conan's head, muting him manually.

He lowered his voice in a dignified manner: "Hush, they are coming."

This mysterious way of speaking was really bluffing. Conan immediately shut up and changed the subject. He pretended to be innocent as a child and chatted with Jiang Xia about something else: "The bride sister is so beautiful!"

Ohga Shinya heard these words as soon as he got closer and laughed: "Thank you! What a cute kid."

As he spoke, he touched Conan's head. And because he was about to see his bride, he was so excited that he failed to control his strength and pushed Conan's head against the door with a bang.

Conan: "..."

...I didn’t praise you, so why are you thanking me!

He rubbed the back of his head silently, and suddenly he could understand the elders of the Dahe family.

While talking, the two of them entered the door one after another.

Ohga Shinya: "The wedding will start soon! Akane, how are you preparing?"

The handsome guy with dark skin blurted out: "Xiao Qian, you are so dazzling today."

Jiang Xia: "..."

Conan: "..."

The two people turned their heads in unison and looked at the groom curiously.

The groom didn't react at all to this sentence - he was looking at the bride in front of the dressing table, his eyes straight.

Suzuki Sonoko also heard what she just said. She smiled and ran over to smooth things over and asked the groom: "How does the bride look like? Does it look good?"

The unmarried couples looked at each other, and Katori Akane lowered her head shyly.

The groom obviously wanted to say something, but the words in his mind whirled around half a circle, and finally he only came out with one sentence: "You are so beautiful!"

After a pause, I felt a little concise, and quickly expanded: "You are really beautiful today!"

Conan: "..."

...You might as well imitate the person next to you and praise her for her brilliance.

The Tokyo Melon-Eating Team looks at me and I look at you, with mixed emotions.

At this time, a cold snort came from the door.

Sister Dahe walked in on high heels: "It's really shameful to be obsessed with your fiancée like this - before the wedding starts, you should just go back to your lounge and wait, don't embarrass yourself outside. "

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