Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2099 2099 [Fighting for Uzo’s Theater] Asking for a monthly ticket

Chapter 2099 2099 [Fighting for Uzo’s theater] Please vote for me (`)

Mrs. Xun originally thought that Jiang Xia would not like that kind of environment, but the more she talked, the brighter Jiang Xia's eyes seemed to be.

In the end, the detective said categorically: "I'll go with you - how can you leave the client who has been through life and death together these past few days just because of a mere mobile phone signal?"

Maya Hashimoto nodded secretly: This lady still doesn't know Jiang Xia well enough. This high school detective dares to secretly fight with Uzuo for the sake of passers-by. How could a mere old house stop him? Even if Jiang Xia had no interest in it originally, he must definitely go now.

Just as I was thinking about it, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were idle beside me. When they heard that Jiang Xia was going, they immediately nodded: "I've been to so many scenic spots and I'm a little tired of it. Occasionally, I can go back to the original old house to visit. Of course it's better - if you don't mind, we can go together."

Having said that, Mrs. Sunda certainly couldn't turn away the guests, especially since there was also a daughter of the Suzuki Consortium among them. She could only say: "Then I'll trouble you."

Maya Hashimoto looked at Sonoko Suzuki and then at Conan: "..."

What were you two doing there? ?

Could it be that Uzo also intervened in the old house this time? That's right, cadres like Curaçao are disguised as lawyers of the Xun family. No matter how you look at it, this trip will not be peaceful.

Maya Hashimoto's heart just calmed down, but it immediately started to rise again. He quietly took a step back, trying to shrink his tall body in an attempt to reduce his presence.

There was no one in this group who had poor mobility. They immediately packed their luggage and prepared to go to the old house.

Before going out, they saw a luxury car at the door.

The driver's door opened, and an older but still graceful woman pushed the door open. She looked at Jiang Xia, then at Mrs. Xun and Xun Zhengwan, regretting to stay: "I'm going back now, why don't we play for a few more days?"

Mrs. Xun smiled politely and said, "Thanks to you, I've had a lot of fun these days."

Maya Hashimoto looked at the rich lady and felt vaguely familiar: "..." Who is this?

After a moment, he remembered: Isn't this the widow of Xu Shengyi!

In order to find Mrs. Xu to buy the piece of land in the center of the sea to build a theater, he and Jiang Xia were forced to accept the commission to protect the Sunda Seimaru, and then embarked on this long sightseeing trip.

For a moment, Maya Hashimoto felt like he was in another world: if Mrs. Tatsumi's distant cousin hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have almost forgotten why he accompanied the mother and son of the Tatsumi family to suffer.

——Fortunately, now, they are finally going to Xun's house.

This ordeal is about to end!

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto finally cheered up and felt that this trip was not all bad.

Mrs. Xun had business to do and failed to agree to her cousin's request to stay.

Mrs. Xu asked someone to take them to the station. When the bus departed, she returned to her luxury car, flipped through a stack of fresh statistics, and sighed.

"A lot of things did happen along the way, but none of them endangered them. The accuracy is too low. Could it be that my idea of ​​relying on detectives to eliminate competitors cannot be realized?"

Mrs. Xu felt that her little experiment was a bit of a failure. She turned the prayer beads on her wrist and muttered in her heart:

"Well, it turns out that metaphysics is not advisable. As a human being, you should still believe in science. Fortunately, I have already made preparations and never relaxed my training on commercial espionage... I should be able to use it after a while."

On the other side, Jiang Xia was unaware of the thoughts of his hidden client.

They drove several times and finally arrived at a place at sunset...a place that looked like a barren mountain.

A gust of mountain wind blew by, and several people who were rushing along the path next to the cliff wrapped their coats tightly.

Mao Lilan was trembling and whispered to two classmates: "Is this place haunted? I seemed to have seen a cemetery just now."

Jiang Xia sighed: "There are no ghosts."

Curacao glanced at him: "..." Why does it feel like you are quite sorry. A killer with a lot of blood on his hands actually wishes that there are ghosts in the world. Could it be that he wants those who died tragically on your stage to have a second life and have a post-mortem reflection?

She shook her head and continued to follow Jiang Xia.

That's right, behind Jiang Xia.

——One side of this road is a cliff tens of meters high, and the other side is close to a towering mountain wall. Whether it is a rockfall above your head or a collapse of the mountain road, it is a matter that can kill you in minutes.

At this time, it is indeed safest to stay with Uzo, lest he be sent away in an "unexpected accident".

A group of people who had just returned from a trip were walking along the mountain road with a grinding pace.

The servant of the Xun family who was holding a lantern in front turned back and glanced at them: "Everyone, please hurry up as much as possible, otherwise the sun will set before you get to the old house."

Jiang Xia glanced at him.

This is a thin, middle-aged man. He is wearing dark blue clothes with the Xun family pattern printed on them, and he is holding a paper lantern to guide the way. The whole person looked like an ancient TV shooting location, but it was a bit unprepossessing, and the whole body was filled with the aura of a passerby.

Xun Zhengmaru sighed and called him: "Sendian, when will this place be opened to traffic? When I become the head of the family, I won't have to climb the mountain road every day. It will be too tiring."

As the name suggests, Senda Saruhiko is like a taciturn monkey. The future head of the family asked him a question, but he actually dared not to reply and continued to walk forward in a dull manner.

"..." Xunzhengwan couldn't get angry at an old servant of the Xun family who had more seniority than him, so he could only smile awkwardly while being left alone. He could only curse in his heart: You arrogant old guy, you'll do it when I succeed to the throne. about you!

Even Mrs. Tatsumi, the stepmother, gave Senda Saruhiko some face and did not disturb him anymore, but introduced herself to the guests.

She pointed to a small basin below: "This is the village where our old house is located, Gardenia Village. Even though it is very remote, it actually has mountains and water, and the Feng Shui is very nurturing."

After crossing the cliff and walking across the suspension bridge hanging in front of the waterfall, it was already dark when we finally stepped onto the ground.

Senda Saruhiko had anticipated this, so he lit the lantern in his hand and led the way ahead with it.

It didn’t take long to arrive at the entrance of Gardenia Village.

There is a stone tablet with the name of the village erected at the entrance of the village, and two rows of human-shaped stone statues standing opposite each other behind it.

Each stone statue is more than two meters high and is carved from a samurai from the Edo period. The "warriors" were all wearing armor and veils, clasping their hands and looking towards the village entrance, staring at the tourists with stone inorganic eyes.

Mao Lilan yawned and looked up. Suddenly she found two rows of "people" looking at her. She was so shocked that her scalp almost exploded. She couldn't control the strength of her hands, and the handle of the suitcase made a crunching sound.

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