Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2100 2100 [No ghost]

Chapter 2100 2100

Just as he was thinking about it, Mao Lilan grabbed him with his free hand: "Gui Gui Gui... Yes...!"

Jiang Xia: "No, it's a stone statue."

As he spoke, he reached out and flicked the head of the nearest stone statue.

Xinshengmaru was shocked, and then he gloated: "Disrespect to the samurai will be punished by heaven. Be careful that the ghosts of the samurai crawl into your bed to look for you tonight."

Jiang Xia was pinched by Mao Lilan and felt that her arm was about to break. She blurted out: "Thank you."

He came to his senses only after the words came out, and changed his words calmly: "No, there are no ghosts in the world."

Mao Lilan drew strength from his firm voice, and then relaxed a little while holding his hand: "Really, really?"

Jiang Xia nodded firmly.

The merman who was lying on his head to catch up on his sleep was jolted twice. He sat up in a daze and looked around: "?"

In any case, Mao Lilan felt much more at ease with a materialistic detective beside him.

Everyone followed Senda Saruhiko's lantern and walked forward, quickly passing through the two rows of samurai who greeted them and entering the village.

After twisting and turning, everyone arrived in front of a courtyard.

Senda Saruhiko raised the lantern and briefly introduced: "This is the old house of the Tsun family. Guest rooms have been arranged. I will take you there."

This courtyard occupies a very large area, and within the courtyard wall is a magnificent Japanese-style building. At this time, the lights in every room are on, as if welcoming the owner home.

Mrs. Tatsumi and Tatsuma Seimaru went to their rooms, while Senda Saruhiko led the guests to the guest room to put down their luggage.

After that, he didn't rush to leave, but stayed at the door and politely asked them if they needed anything else. This old servant seemed to be much more polite to his guests than he was to the two previous masters.

Although the guest rooms of the Xun family are old, they are well repaired and have complete facilities. Suzuki Sonoko originally wanted to make a joke and say "only the signal is missing", but when she took out her mobile phone, she saw that there were still two bars of signal.

Senda Saruhiko glanced at her: "The signal here is only bad when it's cloudy and rainy. It's actually no different from outside at ordinary times."

After a pause, he remembered something: "The master of the house dismissed many servants before he passed away. Now we are short of manpower. We will be very busy these days. While there is still time, I will show you the way first, so that you don't have to leave." leave."

Several guests did not refuse. After all, Senda Saruhiko said "to avoid getting lost", but everyone could hear that what he really wanted to say was "to prevent you from wasting manpower to look for it if you get lost."

So soon, several guests went out again.

Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan were a little scared at first, but since they discovered that there was a signal here, they became a little bolder.

Jiang Xia also wanted to walk around more. He reminded: "Although it seems to be very late to the body, you can see by looking at the watch that it is only eight o'clock." - This is not late at night, this is completely nightlife. The prologue has just begun.

When Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan heard this, they felt more at ease. After all, "going out at eight o'clock in the evening" and "going out in the middle of the night" are two completely different feelings. The former sounds much safer.

Curacao was yawning behind him. When he heard this, he suddenly became alert: What do you mean? What does this person want to do? ? Is something going to happen again tonight?

...Fortunately, she followed her in a moment of thought, otherwise, if she had continued to stay in the room, a bloody case might have occurred in the old house while a few high school students were happily strolling around, and then she would have been attacked or the suspect would have been identified.

Senda Saruhiko was unaware of people's chaotic thoughts.

He took the guests around the Xun family's old house and got to know the way. Later, perhaps because he felt that several of the guests did not look like honest people and might run around, he simply led the team out through the side door and introduced them along the main road.

After a while, a torii gate appeared on the roadside. Looking along the stone steps, I saw a shrine on the top of the mountain.

In front of the stone steps stands a stone tablet with the name of the shrine - Samurai Shrine.

"...We worship samurai here, don't we? There are both stone statues and shrines." Suzuki Sonoko thought of the two rows of scary stone statues when she entered the village.

She looked along the long steps, and when her eyes fell on the end of the stone steps, she suddenly saw a vague figure there.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, her eyes widened in fear: "Ghost-!!"

Jiang Xia looked over immediately, and then sighed: "He is a human being, but he is dressed a little strangely."

Maya Hashimoto also squinted and looked over there. He had recently gained a lot of stage knowledge, so he recognized it at a glance: "Is this Kabuki Kuroko's costume?" Why is this person dressed like this? Could it be... …Uzo’s tool man? !

Kabuki is a drama that originated in the early Edo period, and "Kuroko" is the backstage staff responsible for carrying props when the stage changes.

When they go on stage, they will wear black clothes and cover their faces with black cloth. They will be completely black, pretending that they are just shadows. The audience in the audience will also pretend not to see them, assuming that these "spots" do not exist.

As if being disturbed by Suzuki Sonoko's scream, "Kuroko", who was looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle, glanced down at them, then took a few steps back, and his figure quickly disappeared.

"Did I scare him away?" Suzuki Sonoko was stunned again, "He is indeed a human being. Speaking of which, he is wearing a sunspot outfit in the middle of summer. Doesn't this person feel hot?"

Jiang Xia: "Maybe it's the village custom."

Mao Lilan shivered among them: "Yes, or we should go back and wait until daytime tomorrow to go out for a walk."

Senda Saruhiko didn't force it: "Yes, but I have to work during the day, and there is a festival held in the village. There is no one to lead the way, so you'd better not wander around."

"Okay, okay." Mao Lilan thought that it would be okay if there was no one to lead the way. She didn't want to come to this scary village at all. From tomorrow on, she would stay at the Xun family's old house and never leave.

So the group returned to the Xun family's big house.

Mrs. Xun came out of the main room and waved when she saw them: "Come and have something to eat. I didn't even have time to eat properly on the way."

The servants cooked some food, and while everyone was eating, the door was pushed open. A middle-aged man in a suit and glasses was attracted by Senda Saruhiko.

Mrs. Sun saw him, got up and left, and the two went to a room next door.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes began to sparkle with gossip: "Who is that?"

Tatsumi Seimaru: "Fuyuki Rintaro, the only doctor in our village—my mother has always felt uncomfortable since she received that threatening letter, so she often comes to see him for treatment."

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