Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2103 2103 [Disgraceful]

When members of the two organizations were confronting each other, Jiang Xia looked at Maya Hashimoto and then at Curaçao. Suddenly he seemed to understand something from their conversation just now, and his expression became weird: "Closet?"

He looked at the patterns on Maya Hashimoto's face: "Did you sleep in the closet last night?"

Looking at Curacao again: "You too?"

Curacao: “…”

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

...Oops, it's all Curacao's sudden ridicule. He actually forgot that Jiang Xia was still around!

Just at this time, several other guests came out of the room one after another, and a group of people happened to hear Jiang Xia's words.

Suzuki Sonoko was extremely surprised. She looked at Maya Hashimoto and her favorable impression of this handsome mixed-race guy suddenly dropped. Then he couldn't help but leaned into Mao Lilan's ear and whispered:

"Forget it Miss Shirai, I didn't expect Mr. Hashimoto to be so timid. Next time someone says you are afraid of ghosts, just use him as an example - a person of that age will be scared by the 'Cursed Samurai' and run to sleep in a closet. , wouldn’t it be very reasonable for us female high school students to be more timid!”

Maya Hashimoto: "..." If you want to whisper something, say it well! Everyone in the corridor can hear it at this volume!

...The abominable Juan Wang No. 2 never forgets to ruin the reputation of his colleagues.

As expected, Juan Wang No. 1 did not let go of the opportunity. Conan looked at him with suspicious eyes: "Whether it was the previous attack or what the old lady said, it can be seen that the 'cursed warrior' is aimed at the Xun family. .Uncle Hashimoto is not a Sundanese, why are you so scared?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

The terrible multiple-choice question appeared.

Either admit that you are suspicious or admit that you are cowardly.

The culprit of all this is obviously the woman next to him, Curacao - if she hadn't suddenly pointed out the pattern on her face, the scene would not have developed into what it is now!

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Wait, maybe she also wants to win Usa's favor, so she is also involved secretly.

For a moment, Maya Hashimoto felt that the whole world was his enemy, and he was surrounded by his hateful colleagues who didn't want him to live well.

In this cold workplace, only the enthusiastic detective has a little warmth around him.

Jiang Xia: "Mr. Hashimoto has just come into contact with the detective industry. It is when he is most motivated. Maybe he wants to hide in the closet and catch the opponent off guard when the 'Cursed Samurai' attacks."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Thank you for helping me out. It would be better if you could find a more reasonable excuse.

Sure enough, when I looked to the side, I saw a group of people with complex expressions of "It goes without saying that we all understand."

At this time, Jiang Xia looked at Curacao: "I didn't expect Miss Shirai to be afraid of the souls of samurai. I thought lawyers would be staunch materialists."

As soon as these words came out, Curacao suddenly became the focus of everyone again.

Bearing the reputation of being "cowardly" that had nothing to do with her, she gritted her teeth in shame: Was she afraid of the souls of the dead? It was obviously a late-night killer move by some shameless script writer.

...It's a pity that I can't say a word of this, I can only swallow it silently.

Curacao: "...Actually, I dropped something in the closet and asked Mr. Hashimoto to help me find it."

Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses, and the two men who were fighting each other with murderous intent to gain fame for the rest of their lives reluctantly reached an agreement: "Yes, yes, I accidentally bumped into him and left a mark."

Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand smartly: "Aren't you just afraid of sleeping in the closet? Such a trivial matter is worth arguing over and over again? Go and eat quickly. I went to bed early yesterday and I'm hungry now."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Of course you think it's a trivial matter, and it's not you who is embarrassed!

But it was rare that he came down the steps, so he didn't refuse and rolled down the steps silently.

A group of people went to the dining room.

Although the children in the Xun family had bad tempers one by one, they had tutors after all, and their biological clocks were set, so they went to the restaurant early as soon as it was time for dinner.

Each person ate at a small table. When he was about to finish eating, Jiang Xia glanced around and found that a table had been empty.

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke also saw it and said dissatisfied: "That guy named Akunuma is still sleeping? He actually asked the host to wait for him. It's really uncultured - speaking of which, when he came to the door yesterday, he actually dressed up as 'Kuroko' He looks so nagging, could it be that his face is too ugly to be seen?"

"Don't say that. After all, he was your father's friend during his lifetime." Mrs. Xun sighed, "I'll invite him over."

She walked out the door, closed the screen and left.

After she left, Tatsumi Ryunosuke snorted: "Not long after dad died, she brought another man home. She couldn't wait any longer."

Xun Zhengwan was startled: "What do you mean!"

Tatsumi Ryunosuke sneered: "I mean, that Kuroko is not a 'friend of my father's life' at all, but was brought back by your mother - she planned to make that man a man immediately after you take over. Your stepfather, right?"

Xun Zhengmaru was furious: "Shut up!"

He rushed over and knocked Tatsumi Ryuunosuke over with one punch, causing the food on the small table to scatter on the floor.

Tatsumi Ryunosuke covered his face and was stunned.

This unrelated brother, who had always been submissive in front of him, now dared to hit him. After being confused, the next thing that came to my mind was rage.

Tatsumi Ryuzuki jumped up, ran to the wall and took off the shotgun hanging there: "A bloodless person dares to show off his power in our Tsun family!"

He pointed the gun at Tatsuma Seimaru opposite him: "I'll kill you!"

When Maya Hashimoto saw the gun, she tightened her grip on the dining table and instinctively wanted to lift it up as a shield, then rolled and hid outside the house.

But in the end, he could only take a deep breath, stop the reaction that an ordinary citizen should not have, and only pay attention to the movement of the shotgun to avoid accidentally injuring himself.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something: How would other colleagues react?

Glancing quietly from the corner of his eye, he saw that several high school students had no intention of hiding, while Curaçao had moved behind Jiang Xia at some point.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." The cunning minions actually want to use the innocent detective to block the gun!

Jiang Xia didn't seem to mind this. He stood up, as if he wanted to go over and start a fight like a serious detective.

At this moment, the barrier slid open, and Mrs. Sunda who went to call someone came back.

As soon as Mrs. Tatsumi opened the door, she saw Ryunosuke Tatsumi holding a shotgun and pulling the trigger, pointing at Tatsuma Seimaru and roaring: "Go to hell!"

Her pupils shrank suddenly and she shouted sternly: "Stop! What do you want to do!"

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke and Tatsuma Seimaru were stunned at the same time.

Although Mrs. Xun was the first wife of the previous head of the family, as a step-mother, she had always been mild-tempered and looked down upon the family head's children.

This was the first time that everyone had seen her look so furious.

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