Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2104 2104 [Uzo, Five Good Bosses] Please vote for me

An honest person always looks particularly terrible when he gets angry.

When Mrs. Tatsumi stepped on the tatami and walked up to Tatsumi Ryunosuke, Tatsumi Ryunosuke was so frightened that he took a step back and loosened his hand on the trigger.

Mrs. Sun raised her hand and looked like she wanted to hit him, but in the end she just grabbed the shotgun and glared at the stepson.

It wasn't until Tatsumi Ryunosuke was disarmed that he finally came to his senses. He spread his hands in embarrassment and said with a smile: "It was just a joke, why do you take it seriously?"

Sometimes, killing is just impulsive. Tatsumi Ryuunosuke made no move and slowly released a mass of murderous aura.

Jiang Xia poked the ghost next to her. Miss Spider understood and ran over to take the murderous spirit away.

Mr. Akanuma dressed as "Kuroko" still hasn't come over, but after this incident of almost killing someone with a gun, no one remembers this unimportant guest now.

They finished the rest of the meal in a few mouthfuls, and soon parted unhappy, each going about his or her own business.

During the day, as soon as it gets dark, the originally gloomy mountain village suddenly changes, and the scenery looks particularly bright.

However, so many things had just happened, and everyone gradually stopped thinking about going out for sightseeing.

Suzuki Sonoko thought of the guest who was absent at breakfast, and regretted: "In the end, Mr. Akanuma didn't come over to eat. I also want to see what he looks like under the veil - how about we find an opportunity to secretly Come over and take a look?"

Conan: "Then you have to be careful. The time he appeared yesterday was just after the 'cursed warrior' attacked Ms. Tatsumi - the timing is too coincidental. Maybe he is the 'cursed warrior'."

Suzuki Sonoko was startled when she thought of the huge knife marks on the door, but she became even more curious.

She struggled for a moment, then grabbed Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan to gain courage: "It's not a big problem. If he is really the murderer who wrote the threatening letter, just let Jiang Xia and Xiaolan take him down!"

Mao Lilan thought of the terrible warriors he met along the way: "..." Me, I may not be good at it.

At this time, the landline phone in the guest room suddenly rang.

The Xun family members were all doing their own things, busy preparing for the succession. Jiang Xia happened to be closest to the phone and picked up the phone.

A strange voice came from inside: "Are you the famous detective in Tokyo?"

Jiang Xia responded and asked politely: "Who are you?"

"I'm Akanuma." Opposite him was the person they were discussing just now.

The mysterious man said bluntly: "If you want to know the true identity of the 'Cursed Warrior', then you and Mrs. Xun come to me late at night."

"Remember, it can only be you two. If a third person knows about this..." He threatened coldly, "You will never know the truth."

The signature on the threatening letter was "cursed warrior", and this matter seemed to be closely related to the ancient legend of the Xun family. Of course, Jiang Xia had no intention of refusing and agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head and met several curious eyes next to him.

"Who called?" Suzuki Sonoko was close to the receiver and her ears were sharp. "I seemed to hear 'Akanuma' - could it be that mysterious 'Kuroko' looking for you?"

Jiang Xia seemed to have a very professional ethics and looked like the secret should not be leaked: "This matter can only be told to the client."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed regretfully: "Okay." It's better to wait a few days and read the news directly. Those reporters have written more case reports, and their writing is getting better and better, no worse than some mystery novels.

...No, this matter may not be on the news yet.

No, no, obviously something may not happen here.

Suzuki Sonoko silently clasped her hands and prayed instead that nothing would happen to the Tatsumi family. After all, the transportation in this place is terrible, and there is only one doctor in the whole village. If something happens, it will be too late for first aid...

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xia belatedly remembered his commission and went to find the two clients, who then rushed him to stare at Tatsumi Ryunosuke.

Tatsumi Ryunosuke glanced at him, with a hint of defensiveness, and upon closer inspection, he felt a little guilty. Leave Jiang Xia behind and want to leave alone.

Just chasing and escaping, the day passed quickly.

Late at night, when everyone was asleep, Jiang Xia followed the request of the phone call and pushed out the door and went to Mrs. Xun's room.

Footsteps passed by, startling the two people sleeping in the closet.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." The door to Jiang Xia's room rang just now. What was Jiang Xia going out for? Could it be because of the phone call I received during the day?

He couldn't help but feel a little curious.

...But this trivial curiosity was quickly beaten to the ground by the desire to survive.

A second later, Maya Hashimoto wrapped herself tightly in the quilt and turned over, pretending to sleep silently. She was glad that Jiang Xia didn't call him - it was very dangerous to go out alone in such a gloomy old house at night.

Jiang Xia dared to go alone instead of waking up his detective assistant to accompany him... He was simply the best boss in the world.

Maya Hashimoto was so moved that she fell asleep.

A house apart.

Another person who found Jiang Xia going out could not close his eyes no matter what.

Curacao rubbed his sleepy eyes, and a question popped up in his mind: What was that guy doing out there in the middle of the night?

It seems that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. I hope the danger will not spread here.

...No, once Uzo leaves, won't the guest room be more dangerous?

Is there going to be an explosion here, or is there going to be a fire? She wouldn't be suddenly trapped in the closet.

Thinking of this, Curacao immediately opened his eyes and once again confirmed the strength of the closet.

Confident that he could dismantle the closet with his bare hands if necessary, or even dismantle this room with his bare hands and escape to survive, Curacao breathed a sigh of relief and lay down again.

Curacao: "..." But I definitely won't be able to sleep.

It’s better to wait until Uzo comes back and everything settles before going to sleep.

So she closed her eyes and rested her mind, while she pricked her ears and listened carefully to the movements in the corridor.

On the other side, Jiang Xia found Mrs. Xun and went out with her.

Mrs. Xun had obviously also received the news. At this time, her face looked worried and she was listless.

The two of them went to the "Pinmen" where Akanuma was located - yesterday the guest who called himself "Akanuma" came here to stay overnight. Because the guest room was no longer available, he stayed in the room called "Pinmen".

Jiang Xia followed Mrs. Xun with a flashlight and walked along the corridor for a while, then found that there was a dead end in front of her.

Mrs. Xun came to her senses and introduced softly: "The 'Pingmen' is behind the wall - this is the secret room built by the ancestors of the Xun family. Because it is occasionally used for living, it can barely be used as a guest room."

As she spoke, she had already walked to the wall.

When I reached out and pushed, the wall rotated around the center, just like the revolving door commonly used in hotels, except that the glass door was replaced by a wall.

Jiang Xia pushed the door open with her and came to a thick iron door.

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