Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2108 2108 [Curaçao doesn’t want to act]


It took Curacao some time to find the lost shoes among the dead leaves: "...Why did they fall so far?"

She recalled what happened just now, vaguely remembering that after someone stepped on her shoes, she took advantage of the chaos and kicked her shoes away.

Thinking of this, Curaçao suddenly felt bad: Is all this a bit deliberate?

Could it be that that guy Uzo secretly gave her a role without her knowledge?

"I really thank him." Curacao cursed and put on his shoes in a hurry.

Suddenly she felt something was wrong. When she looked back, she found that there was a silent figure on the empty road behind her.

——A warrior wearing armor and covering his face separated from the marching warrior group at some point and returned here alone.

...And at first glance, it was aimed at her.

Curacao silently clenched his fists.

However, just as she was about to punch or kick him, she suddenly remembered the words of an unscrupulous director - if I were you, I would carry out the image of a lawyer to the end.

Curacao: "..." What does it mean to follow through to the end? Could it be that he was referring to the current situation?

A series of thoughts quickly flashed through her mind: Uzo also has his own principles. He should not use straightforward and unintelligent instructions such as "You step on the trap" to trick others, which will lose a lot of fun.

So... how about... just pretend to be a weak, pitiful and helpless female lawyer and see what this guy is going to do?

Since Curacao determined its life-saving policy, it has been extremely low-key these days.

And this kind of low-key was very effective. After she disappeared for a long time, someone in the team looking for Tatsumaru said in confusion: "It always feels like something is missing."

Suzuki Sonoko looked left and right, counted on her fingers, and suddenly realized: "The lawyer lady is missing!"

Maya Hashimoto suddenly became alert: Missing? She must have left on her own initiative. What was that guy planning? !

The originally ordinary forest seemed to suddenly become dangerous.

Jiang Xia: "Maybe she was obsessed with watching the scenery and accidentally got separated? It would be troublesome if she got lost. Let's go find her."

Xun Menghuang touched the cat in her arms, and her voice was as ethereal as a ghost: "Maybe she was taken away by a curse and lost forever in that tragic history."

Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at her: Why is this middle school girl's cat so good?

Even a dry cat can't help but run around, but her cat always stays in her arms and only gets a few pats on the head when she needs it to enhance the atmosphere.

He poked his cat: learn from it.

Ganfanmao: "..."

For outsiders who advocate science, just listen to the curse. Of course, if you lose someone, you can't give up looking for it.

The group of people spread out in twos and threes and looked around.

Maya Hashimoto was not very interested in finding Curacao. After all, if a member of the organization wanted to hide, this dense forest was simply a natural barrier.

Therefore, he fished extra hard, wandering here and there. When he looked back, he found that everyone else had disappeared at some point.

Maya Hashimoto realized in hindsight: "..." I lost it too?

But he soon discovered that the problem was not big: he knew this section of road, it was exactly the place he had just walked. He was not a roadie. He walked out of the woods easily.

Just as he was thinking about it, Maya Hashimoto suddenly felt strange.

He looked down at the ground and saw that the soil here was extremely messy, with many messy footprints.

"This shoe print..." Maya Hashimoto compared, and then looked at the pattern, "Aren't these shoes from Curacao? Why did that guy stay here for so long? Could it be that she set a trap here. "

"And the footprints covering her shoe prints next to them, why are the lines so strange?" Maya Hashimoto observed carefully and understood, "These are straw sandals, they should have been stepped on by a samurai dressed as a villager. But didn’t they just pass us by and then go straight away? Why did some of them come back again?”

Two kinds of messy footprints on the ground appeared in Maya Hashimoto's mind, gradually adding up to a fictitious picture.

There seemed to be two conspirators in front of Maya Hashimoto's eyes: "There are also people from Usa among the samurai? Is Curacao contacting them?"

...In this case, the matter has nothing to do with him.

Maya Hashimoto immediately cut off her curiosity, decided to pretend she didn't find anything, and turned around to run away.

However, at this moment, the phone vibrated, and an email arrived delayed due to signal fluctuations.

[Since I am a detective assistant, I should do what an enthusiastic detective would do. ]

No signature.

But who the sender is is very obvious - except his powerful boss, who can plan everything in the dense forest?

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

Although he was reluctant, his brain reflexively started reading comprehension.

"Enthusiastic detective, detective assistant..." Maya Hashimoto was tired and desperate, but she could only do what she said, "According to what those detectives would do, I have to investigate the clues alone and find the missing lawyer like a hero. Come?"

The hero's death rate is high.

But the death rate of disobedient Uzo is higher.

After much thought, Maya Hashimoto quietly took up the banner of an enthusiastic detective.

"Isn't it just to find someone?" Maya Hashimoto wiped her face, "You haven't seen a pig running, haven't you eaten pork? After watching Jiang Xia for so long, no one knows how to be a detective better than me!"

Maya Hashimoto roughly distinguished the order of the footprints and walked in the direction the samurai left.

Then he discovered that gradually only the samurai's footprints were left in front of him, and Curaçao's shoe prints disappeared. And the warrior's footprints became much deeper.

He began to feel something was wrong: Could it be that the two people were not conspiring, but that the samurai took Curacao away?

Walking along the footprints, we soon reached the grass and lost track of him.

But this setback is nothing to the members of the organization who are good at tracking. Maya Hashimoto looked around and quickly locked onto a nearby shrine - the Warrior Shrine.

He took a deep breath, tried his best to replace the enthusiastic Jiang Xia, and then rushed up the long stone steps with all his strength.

As soon as he stepped onto the last step of the stone steps, he suddenly heard the sound of armor clashing.

Maya Hashimoto followed the sound and saw a man dressed as a samurai holding an unconscious woman on his side, walking towards a gloomy cave from afar on the side of the shrine.

Maya Hashimoto's stepped foot paused, and after a moment, he silently retracted.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Curacao is already lying down, what else is he going to give? Otherwise, just run away.

At this moment, he noticed that Curaçao quietly turned his head this way.

——It seems that someone is coming and is observing in secret.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." This cunning woman is actually pretending to be faint!

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