Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2109 2109 [Endurance Competition] Please vote for me oo

Chapter 2109 2109 [Endurance Competition] Please vote for me o(〃'▽'〃)o

Upon discovering this, Maya Hashimoto immediately stopped running away.

——If he was the only one here, he could use the excuse of "no clues found and no way to save people" to make a strategic retreat.

But now Curacao sees him. If this woman made a shameless snitch on Uzo...

"I'm just an enthusiastic detective assistant. Of course I have to run to save people when something like this happens..." Maya Hashimoto took a deep breath and tried to hypnotize herself, "The hot air balloon looked so dangerous not long ago, but in the end it wasn't Is it okay? It's not a big problem! Even if Uzo wants to kill me, he will definitely not use such a non-technical method."

Thinking like this, Maya Hashimoto gritted his teeth and followed the cave that looked very problematic.

In the evening, everyone couldn't find Xun Zhengwan, so they went back to Xun's house to eat and rest.

As a result, the servant placed the small table, but a problem arose - two tables were empty. Not only was Tatsuma Seimaru missing, but Maya Hashimoto and the "Lawyer Shirai" were also missing.

When Yamamura Cao heard the unfortunate news, his head swelled, and he rushed to the police and said: "Hurry and look for it! By the way, also go to other villagers' homes and ask. These two are outsiders, maybe they are just be lost."

However, after asking every household, there were no clues.

Dr. Fuyuki heard the news and rushed over with a lantern: "Two more people are missing?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

Mrs. Xun's face was extremely pale: "Could it be the 'cursed warrior'... It's all my fault. If I hadn't asked you to help, these things wouldn't have happened."

When Yamamura Cao heard "cursed warrior", her face suddenly turned whiter than hers.

Although Shancun Police Department is a policeman, he has listened to his grandmother telling all kinds of strange stories since he was a child, so he is not a firm materialist at all.

"The threatening letter sent to the new head of the family was signed 'Cursed Samurai'. Before Aknuma died, he shouted in the secret room 'Cursed Samurai' to kill him... You guys are 'Cursed Samurai' and 'Curse Samurai' every day. What the hell is this?" what is this."

Yamamura Cao lowered his voice and looked at the two people in front of him who obviously knew a lot: "Hurry up and tell me everything you know, otherwise it will be regarded as obstructing the investigation - don't forget, there are two innocent passers-by who are doing this because of this." The whereabouts of the ghost are unknown!”

...Of course, those who are not investigating or not will be put aside first.

The main thing is that if the "cursed warrior" is really powerful, then he can describe the situation and ask for more people to be sent - hundreds or eighty people, bring enough weapons, and firepower in this haunted little village It should be reasonable to cover it.

I don’t know whether it was the two missing innocent passers-by that affected Dr. Fuyuki’s thoughts, or he was vaguely aware of the crisis because of some crazy police department idea.

In the end, Dr. Fuyuki relented: "Okay, actually everyone in the village knows about this, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

He thought for a while and sorted out his words: "That happened four hundred years ago during the Battle of Sekigahara. At that time, a defeated general fled to this place with dozens of his bodyguards. In the village - the military commander's name is Hiiragi Kaneharu.

"The military general sent an envoy to the village, hoping that the village would take him in. The village chief agreed and asked them to go into the cave to discuss in detail.

“However, when the generals left, the people in the village rushed out and killed them, wanting to use their lives to show their loyalty to Tokugawa Ieyasu.

"The general and his men all died in the village. Before his death, the general placed a curse on the village. He said he would turn into a spirit of resentment and live here forever, cursing everyone who participated in the robbery and their descendants... …”

When Dr. Fuyuki was telling this ordinary and bloody story to several outsiders.

On the other side, in the cave near the shrine.

A man wearing bright armor and covering his head with a "cursed warrior" helmet was sitting on a seat in the cave.

He looked down at the two prisoners on the ground who had been knocked unconscious by him, and waited leisurely for them to wake up.

But one hour, two hours, three hours...

Nearly ten hours have passed since the two were caught, and the two people on the ground are still motionless.

Cursed Warrior: "..." Dead?

He had to confirm the pulses of the two people again, and found that they were still alive. He turned around and walked to his original position, posing tiredly and waiting for the two people to wake up.

The moment he turned his back, the two people on the ground opened their eyes at the same time, looked at each other, and then closed them silently.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." This woman is too patient, isn't it uncomfortable to lie on the ground? Hurry up and "wake up" and try out what the cursed warrior wants to do! Otherwise, the ground in the cave is so cold that my legs will get cold if I continue to use it any longer.

Curacao obviously had the same idea, wanting the other party to wake up and advance the stage, so that he could be a less dangerous marginal person.

However, she also didn't expect that Maya Hashimoto could be so calm.

But cadres are cadres, and their ability to act is incomparable to others.

When the Cursed Warrior turned her back to this side, she suddenly raised her leg and kicked Maya Hashimoto.

With a thud, Maya Hashimoto was caught off guard and was kicked from lying on her side to lying upright.

This sound made the cursed warrior turn his head and look over in great surprise.

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

At this time, it was obviously too late to lie back to the original position. After all, everyone had been staring at each other for more than ten hours, and the Cursed Warrior probably even counted every hair on their head.

What's worse is that he was kicked suddenly just now, and he instinctively opened his eyes to defend himself. The moment he opened his eyes, he was faced with the cursed warrior.

If he pretends to be sleepwalking and acts erratically now, people may not believe him.

Extending the head and shrinking the head are also the same. Sooner or later, the process must be pushed forward. Hashimoto Maya had no choice but to grit his teeth, pretend to have just woken up, and sit up from the ground in a daze.

The cursed warrior let out a long laugh, his voice sinister and eerie, hiding a hint of surprise waiting for them to finally wake up.

He moved his stiff body and said in a loud voice, "I have something for you to check."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Just say what you say, and use some ancient sayings. Don't think that others will treat you as an undead.

But when he said that, he was really curious.

Maya Hashimoto's eyes moved and fell on what the cursed warrior wanted them to see.

——The Cursed Warrior was sitting on the seat at the innermost side of the cave. There were two candles lit beside him, one on the left and one on the right. There was a small table between the candles, and on the table was a pink package.

Seeing Maya Hashimoto looking at the conspicuous pink bag, the cursed warrior laughed darkly, raised his hand and untied the laces.

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