Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2110 2110 [Cruel Uzo]

Chapter 2110 2110

——One day later, Tatsumi Seimaru reappeared in front of Maya Hashimoto. In a rather mini way.

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

As a member of a murderous organization, Rao couldn't help but get goosebumps on his back when he saw this scene, and he had a new understanding and knowledge of Uzo's ferocity.

After all, although Maya Hashimoto has also made or disposed of corpses, members of the organization rarely use methods such as dismemberment and beheading that leave a lot of blood stains. Most of the corpses are left intact and peaceful, or they are turned into ashes directly. They didn't watch the burning process... In short, compared to the previous peaceful farewell, the current scene was a bit ahead of his time.

And even if they turned around, they still lost two at once - in the early hours of this morning, Akanuma's head had just been cut off, and this evening, Tatsuma Seimaru's head was gone.

Maya Hashimoto was suddenly glad that when he was transferred to Uzo, he accepted the new job decently without any resistance. Otherwise now... he might not have the opportunity to experience this, but would exist in the police in a very fragmented way. in the file.

Next to him, Curaçao heard the slightly changed breathing of his colleague, and couldn't help but become curious, and quietly took a look under his eyelashes.

Seeing that head, she felt a chill in her heart.

Although Xun Zhengmaru was originally one of the targets she wanted to eradicate in this mission, seeing a person who had been dangling in front of her for several days suddenly appear in such a way that only her head was left, this still made her heart beat slightly faster and her brain... Uzo's innocent face appeared in the center.

——I don’t know why, but Curacao always felt that Wuzuo didn’t seem to hate this young master of the Xun family who always spoke rudely to him.

This also made her think about whether it would cause Usa's displeasure if she wanted to kill Tatsuma Seimaru.

As a result, before she could finish grappling with the problem, Uzo simply stabbed the man himself.

...Perhaps the "appreciation" or "not dislike" shown by Uzo before was not at all due to Tatsuma Seimaru's behavior, but just because of this person's value on the stage?

When he thought that when Uzo looked at Tatsuma Seimaru with a smile, he saw not a living person bossing him around, but an indispensable stage prop, Curaçao felt a chill in his heart.

"I still underestimated Uzo's acting skills. When Uzo reminded Tatsuma Seimaru the day before yesterday, I thought he really didn't want this person to die, but wanted to keep him and play with him slowly." Curacao warned himself in his heart. , "But now it turns out that Uzo's thoughts cannot be figured out. When you are around this person, you never know what he will do at the next moment... You must never be deceived by any of his external performances in the future!"

"Curse Samurai" saw the reaction of the two people and smiled proudly. The effect was so shocking that it was worth waiting for for more than ten hours.

He said in a deep voice: "I am Jianchun. It was the ancestors of the Xun family who took away our lives - everyone who has anything to do with the Xun family should be killed!"

As he said that, the "cursed warrior" stood up with a long katana in hand, the blade reflecting the cold light: "Those who hinder my revenge can only be given death! - Savor the curse that comes from us!"

Maya Hashimoto: "???"

It looks like there will be two more people losing their heads.

But that never happened.

The "cursed warrior" quietly released the anesthetic gas by lifting the knife. When the two people in the cave "passed out" again, he put away the knife and left with Tatsuma Seimaru's head.

Not long after, Dr. Fuyuki, who was familiar with the terrain of the village, joined the police search team, led people to find the cave, and rescued the two unlucky strangers.

"What happened?!"

Maya Hashimoto's skill at pretending to sleep was slightly inferior. After returning to the Tatsumi family mansion, she was unfortunately exposed by Dr. Fuyuki.

He had no choice but to "wake up leisurely", covering his head and recalling what happened with a painful look on his face: "When I was looking for Miss Shirai, I accidentally discovered the warrior shrine because Miss Shirai's footprints disappeared near the shrine. I went to the shrine to check out the situation.

"Then I saw a man dressed as a samurai taking Miss Shirai into the cave. I followed in, but was also knocked unconscious. When I woke up again, I saw the samurai sitting in front of me, with a Mr. Tatsumaru’s head.”

"?" The Shancun Police Department's hands trembled with fear, and they moved behind Jiang Xia, "...Show, what are you showing?"

Maya Hashimoto: "Tatsumasamaru-san's head."

Yamamura Cao: "?!" Don't say such a shocking thing in such a calm tone! Why didn't you give me a warning? !

He was about to utter a condemnation like this, but suddenly there was a scream of pain next to him. Mrs. Xun covered her face, leaned over and cried bitterly.

Dr. Fuyuki was startled and quickly supported her: "You have been very tired these past two days. Go and take a rest first! - When I went to look for someone just now, I didn't see any human heads. The cave was very dark, maybe it was Mr. Hashimoto and the others. I saw it wrong."

Mrs. Xun was helped to rest.

Jiang Xia grabbed the mountain village police department who also wanted to take the opportunity to run away, and then said to Maya Hashimoto: "Recall your experience in the cave carefully, and don't miss any detail - that may be the clue to solve the case."

Maya Hashimoto wanted to fall asleep, but at this moment Jiang Xia spoke, and he could only rack his brains to think about it as his superficial boss said.

Yamamura Cao was held down by Jiang Xia and couldn't run away. He could only sit beside him and tremble while taking notes, acting as a coolie.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were huddled further away, shivering, the three of them walking in unison, looking like they were late to meet each other.

Conan was not afraid of these brutal cases. He sat next to Maya Hashimoto and asked questions while listening: "But there is one thing that is strange - that person took all the trouble to capture you, why did he let you come back alive? Didn't he say Do you want to kill everyone who hinders his revenge?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Oh, today's colleague Juan Wang is also using every opportunity to curse me.

It's a pity that Lord Uzuo thinks I'm still useful. As long as he doesn't want me to die, the curse of a mere brat is not worth mentioning.

Maya Hashimoto originally wanted to show off like this, but he didn't dare to reveal the slightest information about Uzo. In the end, he said dryly: "I don't know about that. Maybe it's just my luck."

This was a very perfunctory answer.

However, as a person who has just "escaped from death", this is considered an extraordinary performance - and anyway, he has completed the dangerous work assigned by Lord Uzo, his performance has reached the standard, and he can rest!

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