Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2111 2111 [Stealing the scene]

Chapter 2111 2111

But soon, another puzzling thing appeared.

At noon, Yamamura walked in refreshed and cleared his throat: "Ahem! That's right, I have completely seen through this case!"

Maya Hashimoto: "?" Actually faster than Jiang Xia? Uzo’s new nemesis emerges?

He silently moved a little further away from Yamamura Cao, fearing that a series of discussions and tests would soon befall this ignorant police force.

Curacao looked at Yamamura Cao and then at Jiang Xia: "..." What, are you planning to retreat behind the scenes this time?

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance." Suzuki Sonoko spoke more straightforwardly. She asked, "Do you really know? Are you not just guessing?"

Shan Cuncao snorted and held his head high: "What are you talking about! Of course I only spoke out because I had evidence! - I am very sure that the murderer is among this group of people in the Xun family's old house!"

Suzuki Sonoko was silent for a moment: "Well, when the 'cursed warrior' came to cut down the door on the first night, Jiang Xia seemed to have already said this."

"Ah, that's it." Yamamura Cao blushed.

He originally wanted to pass it off, but now he had to be more frank and said again: "In short, I already know all the criminal's methods! - Come with me to the crime scene, and I will expose them one by one. the truth."

A group of people were skeptical and followed him through the wall and came to the secret room where Akanuma had his head cut off.

"As we all know, the secret room cannot be a real secret room. The murderer must have found a way to escape from here."

Yamamura Soo walked towards the window with three iron railings embedded in it: "Didn't the wise police department discover that the middle railing can be removed when I came here last time?"

Ryunosuke Tatsumi was called over at noon, and he was very impatient: "What's wrong? After taking it off, the gap in the window is also quite narrow, and there is a cliff outside this window, and there is a river at the bottom of the cliff - even if the murderer comes from If you get out of here, there is only one way to die."

Yamamura shook his finger: "No, no, no, as long as a certain tool is used properly, the murderer can leave smoothly."

As he spoke, he put on his gloves and took off the railing again.

Then he took out a crossbow from nowhere and raised it loudly for everyone to see: "The murderer used this to cross the river outside the window!"

Xun Menghuang came holding her cat. The middle school girl who came to join in the fun saw the crossbow, touched the cat's head and asked, "When did you steal my father's crossbow?"

Yamamura Cao: "What is stealing? This is called evidence collection!"

He raised his finger and pointed outside the window, and saw a thick old tree standing there directly opposite the window.

"I found a deep arrow mark on the trunk of that big tree."

Yamamura Cao started his performance: "So I was smart and immediately thought that the murderer left here with the help of a crossbow!

“The day before the crime, the murderer sneaked into the house quietly when the deceased was not in the room.

"He tied the humble fishing line into a rope loop, tied it to the arrow handle of the crossbow, and shot the arrow into the opposite tree trunk.

"Then he went to the other side, found the big tree, untied the fishing line from the crossbow, and tied it around the tree again. In this way, one end was wrapped around the big tree, and the other end was connected to the railing of the window of the secret room. The rope loop that goes around.

"In this way, after it gets dark, the murderer can untie the fishing line, tie one end of the fishing line to a strong hemp rope, and pull the other end of the fishing line. The original fishing line is not strong enough but concealed enough, and Replace with a hemp rope noose that is strong enough to bear human weight.

"This creates a temporary rope bridge."

Tatsumi Ryunosuke walked to the bed, looked at it, and made some gestures. He found that the gap between the window railings was only big enough for him to stick his head out.

"So, the murderer is a woman or a child?" Tatsumi Ryunosuke laughed, and for the first time he felt that his tall and thick figure came in handy, "In short, I can be ruled out - not to mention there are two railings on the window. Even if the two railings are removed, I can't get through such a narrow gap."

Yamamura Soo shook his head mysteriously: "As long as the body is thin enough, a man can also complete this escape. Yes, I am talking about your servant - Senda Saruhiko."

Suzuki Yuanzi was startled, and the name sounded familiar. She quietly asked Jiang Xia: "Is this the person who took us into the village before?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

Conan also remembered it very clearly: "Yesterday when Sunshengmaru didn't show up, Mrs. Sunda said that Sunshengmaru went out with Senda Saruhiko. And Senda Saruhiko said that not long after they went out together, Sunshengmaru went away. He left alone. And then Tatsuma Seimaru..." became a head on the hand of the "Cursed Samurai".

In this way, Senda Saruhiko was the last person to see Tatsumaru, and everything seemed to fall into place.

On the side, Yamamura Cao apparently secretly investigated a lot of information in order to surprise everyone.

He cleared his throat, glanced at the cheat sheet, and then continued: "According to the police investigation by Ying Ming Shenwu, Senda Saruhiko was dismissed by the Tatsumi family for a period of time. During that time, he worked as an oddball in a folk art troupe and learned acrobatic skills.

"A person with such skills can easily get out of a window or cross a river with a rope. So there is only one truth! The murderer of Tatsuma Seimaru, the 'cursed warrior', is the servant of our Tatsumi family—— Senda Saruhiko!”

Yamamura Soo originally wanted to be like those brilliant detectives, point his finger at Senda Saruhiko, and then ask his subordinates to catch the panicked murderer on the spot. Then when he saw the murderer fell to his knees, covered his face and cried bitterly.

However, the script was written, but the subordinates took no action.

Yamamura Cao said dissatisfied: "What are you doing standing still? Arrest people!"

The young police officer whispered: "But Mr. Xianda is not here at all."

Yamamura Cao: "???"

...How could anyone reject his perfect reasoning and not come here to listen?

No, that person must have known that he would expose him, so he ran away in advance.

He suddenly became anxious: "Why don't you keep an eye on this person!"

The young police officer hesitated to speak: "Just now we asked you who the murderer was. You said that the secret must not be leaked and that he must be exposed in front of everyone, so..."

So they stared at the people present for a long time, especially Tatsumi Ryunosuke, who had the most motive... Who knew that the murderer was an inconspicuous domestic servant.

"What are you doing standing there? Go and chase him. He must be afraid of crime and abscond!" Yamamura Cao began to sweat profusely. If someone really ran away, he would be blamed. "The traffic here is not good, and he can't run far. Get him immediately." Catch him!"

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