Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2112 2112 [Bourbon’s Serial Disasters]

Chapter 2112 2112

This incident made everyone shudder.

And things are often not the worst, only worse - the maid with a low sense of presence trotted over on wooden clogs, and she said in horror: "The gun... that shotgun is missing!"


Yamamura Cao's eyesight went dark.

If he had known that he would let a gun-wielding murderer escape in a moment of delay, he would not have let this happen even if he threw his face to the ground and stepped on it.

Yamamura Cao: "..." Why, why is the detective's highlight moment so easy, but it is so difficult for him to solve the case!

The unlucky police department cried bitterly in their hearts while being forced to ask for instructions from their superiors for reinforcements.

In the woods.

Toru Amuro did not expect that in just two days after he stopped tracking, an incident occurred in Nagasaki in which organization cadres were trapped in a high-altitude hot air balloon.

Thinking of the benefits he might get from this matter if he followed, Toru Amuro regretted it. At the same time, I blamed myself very much: How could I let such an important opportunity pass because of some illusory incident?

It shouldn't, it really shouldn't.

Therefore, as a competent undercover agent, Toru Amuro learned from the experience and did not dare to neglect it. This time when Jiang Xia and the others came to Xun's house, he also followed them quietly.

In the first two days after arriving, the stalking life was very pleasant. And because it is too far away from Tokyo and the signal is not very good, Toru Amuro had to turn down some work.

This made his life more leisurely, turning the crisis-ridden surveillance into a kind of joy like camping. Toru Amuro even had the expectation that time would be longer.

However, happy days are always so short. Not long after, he found some police cars coming to the village, and the police began to search in the woods - it was said that an overnight guest was beheaded at Xun's house, and the suspect might have escaped. In the dense forest.

The police search made Toru Amuro feel that things were starting to get a little troublesome, but fortunately, it was easy for him to evade a few detectives in the vast woods.

He hid like this for a while, enjoying the misery.

Who would have thought that this happiness would be even more short-lived - gradually, not only were there not fewer people searching, but there were even more people searching.

Moreover, they have changed from ordinary criminal police officers to fully armed special forces. Everyone is armed with a gun, and their level of vigilance is not comparable to the former.

Toru Amuro: "..."

They actually attracted so many people. What on earth did Wu Zuo's new subordinate do in this village?

Could it be that the police who came to investigate the case were killed? ...Well, that idiot police officer who is afraid of ghosts does have an unlucky look on his face that he may not live long.

Toru Amuro continued to hide while inquiring for information. This time he had to brace himself up, and his whole body quickly became exhausted.

Jiang Xia took Gui to the woods to help the police search, and harvested several pots of coffee by the way.

When we returned to the resting point and happily counted the harvest, a gunshot suddenly rang out in the woods.

Curaçao followed the sound and raised his eyebrows with interest: "..." I hope someone discovered the bourbon hiding inside and had a conflict with the police while escaping, so he used the gun on his body - it makes no sense. She looked haggard after being tortured by Uzo, but that guy from Bourbon was able to play house leisurely in the woods.

However, Curacao was disappointed.

I hurried to the location of the gunfire and saw search personnel forming a circle.

Following the excited Yamamura Soo, he rushed to the front and saw Senda Saruhiko in the center, lying lifelessly on the ground with a pool of blood on his pillow.

He held a shotgun that had just been fired, and his head was penetrated by a bullet, leaving a horrific bloody hole—a serious injury that did not even require calling an ambulance.

"Senda Saruhiko's death was probably caused by the shotgun misfiring."

Half a day later, a group of people gathered at Xun's house and listened to Shan Cuncao explain the situation with a haggard look: "I didn't expect this cruel guy to die so easily. Maybe God also thought he was guilty... But why did he want to Kill those two people?"

Yamamura Cao touched his chin and suddenly looked at Tatsumi Ryunosuke: "It couldn't be someone who instigated it, right?"

Tatsunosuke Peng slapped his palm on the coffee table: "What do you mean!"

Yamamura Cao shrank back again: "No, it's not interesting."

Jiang Xia, a good helper of the police, helped smooth things over. He pointed to a long and narrow cloth bag next to Yamamura Cao: "What is that?"

"Oh, this." Yamamura put on his gloves and took it. "It's a relic that Senda carries with him."

He untied the cloth bag and pulled down the bag, revealing a heavy and simple samurai sword.

Jiang Xia looked at the handle of the knife, where something like a copper button was embedded.

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke was stunned: "The crest of the Hiiragi family?! How come Senda has this thing in his hands!"

"Hiiragi?" Suzuki Sonoko, who was sitting next to Jiang Xia while eating melon, suddenly remembered, "Isn't this the last name of the samurai who was killed four hundred years ago!"

"That's it!" Yamamura Cao suddenly realized, "I understand, I understand everything!"

Jiang Xia was almost hit by the handle of his knife, and tilted his head back: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Yamamura Cao stood up excitedly: "Xiantian is the descendant of the murdered general. In order to avenge his ancestors, he sneaked into the Xun family and became a domestic servant here.

"He lay dormant year after year, waiting for the best opportunity to take action. His hard work paid off, and finally he waited for the 'battle for the successor of the Xun family'!

"Xiantian then referred to the curse left by his ancestors and gave himself the nickname of 'Cursed Warrior'. Then he killed the next generation of the Xun family head, hoping that there would be no heirs to the family!"

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke was stunned: "Tatsuma Seimaru is dead, isn't there still me? What do you mean by having no successor...Wait a minute, could it be that my father already knew about Senda's conspiracy? In order to protect me, he took the head of the family away. The position was passed to the unfortunate guy Tatsuma Seimaru who has no blood relationship with him?"

He suddenly became excited and turned to Curaçao: "Hurry up and take out the other will!"

Curacao: "...What will?"

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke clicked his tongue: "Of course, if Tatsumaru cannot succeed, he will make me the head of the family. Dad must have left it, right?"

Curacao: "Sorry, I only have one will here, the one I read before."

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke was irritated: "You must have had an affair with Tatsuma Seimaru, so you hid the will!"

"..." Curacao's fist hardened.

Jiang Xia picked up some aloe vera and interrupted: "What about Akaneuma who died in the secret room?"

Yamamura Cao scratched his head and quickly filled in this small loophole with his active thinking: "That Akanuma god is mysterious and can tell a lot of things at a glance - it must be because he accidentally knew about Senda's curse. Because of his identity as a samurai, he was silenced by Senda!"

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