Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2114 2114 [Want to resign] Please vote for me

Chapter 2114 2114

Then, after thinking of the headless corpse and the headless corpse not long ago, he quickly calmed down and buried the thought in the ground overnight and stamped it hard.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Resign? What job should he resign? His favorite job is working under Mr. Uzuo!

Isn’t it just one or two annoying colleagues? Not a big problem. Moreover, my age is almost the combined age of these two kings. It is very reasonable for the two of them to team up to deal with me.

After spending a few seconds to stabilize his mentality, Maya Hashimoto snorted in her heart and quickly entered her room.

The next day happened to be the day when the samurai festival in the village ended.

Originally, today was the day when Tatsumi Seimaru took over as the head of the family, but as the "cursed samurai" in the threatening letter said, he did not survive until the end of the samurai festival.

When the person designated by the will dies, according to common sense, the heir becomes the eldest son of the previous head of the family, Tatsumi Ryuunosuke.

So early in the morning, the Xun family's old house started to get busy.

In the chaos, a dark figure slipped into the kitchen at the back. He sprinkled some medicine into the drink and smiled sinisterly.

In the hotel.

A group of people looked at the bustling village and sighed.

Just then, a black cat glided through the revolving door, stopped on the way, and turned to look at them.

The dry cat next to Jiang Xia suddenly sat up straight, raised its paw and poked its owner: "Look, her cat is also running around, but it only pretends to be well-behaved when there are people around!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Seeing him staring at the cat, Suzuki Sonoko also looked over and said in surprise: "Is this the cat from Xun Menghuang? Why did it escape?"

"Maybe they are free-range." Jiang Xia seemed to suddenly think of something and stopped Yamamura Cao who was about to get into the police car. His face was as solemn as a detective who suddenly discovered an important clue. "We have to go back to Xun's house as soon as possible."

The old house of the Xun family.

The immediate family members and industrial managers of the Xun family wore formal attire and knelt in a row on the tatami in the main hall.

The host announced: "Then next, the eldest son of the late Mr. Tatsumi - Ryuunosuke Tatsumi will take over the position of head of the Ren family."

The smile on Tatsumi Ryunosuke's lips finally couldn't be suppressed. He looked at Mrs. Tatsumi and deliberately said politely: "You have no objection, right?"

Mrs. Xun lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly: "No."

The host breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly glad that the two people did not fight. He unfolded an ancient scroll and said to Tatsumi Ryuuzuke: "Then, please ask the next head of the family to write his name here and put a blood seal on it."

Ryunosuke Tatsumi stepped forward with joy and wrote his name.

He was about to cut his thumb with a knife and press the handprint. However, at this moment, a voice interrupted him: "Wait a minute."

Xun Menghuang stood up and pushed over a dining cart with a tray on it. There was a teapot on the tray and several glasses of red wine next to it.

"Before pressing the blood seal, why don't you have a drink first?" Xun Menghuang changed into a beautiful dark purple dress today and looked particularly well-behaved. "I remember yesterday, my brother said he wanted to have a glass of celebratory wine."

Everyone was stunned, worried that the brother and sister would suddenly start fighting again.

But no.

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke snorted coldly, but was surprisingly patient and did not refuse: "Okay, the head of the family will be mine sooner or later, no matter how long it takes these few minutes."

Xun Menghuang drank the wine one by one.

When she came to Mrs. Xun, she did not hand over the wine, but poured a cup of black tea: "I remember that you can't drink alcohol. In this case, please drink tea."

Mrs. Xun nodded and took it.

With each person holding a drink, Tatsumi Ryunosuke stood up and raised the wine glass in his hand: "Then let's have a drink. I wish the Tatsumi family a bright future and greater success under my leadership!"

Everyone raised their glasses, and suddenly, the door was forcefully opened.

Yamamura Cao broke in and shouted: "Wait! No one is allowed to move!"

Everyone in the hall: "...?"

Tatsumi Ryunosuke was stunned: "Didn't you guys leave? Why did you come back suddenly?"

Suzuki Sonoko put her hands on her hips and said mysteriously like a detective: "Because the case is not over yet."

Tatsumi Ryunosuke: "Are you suffering from Alzheimer's disease? The case was obviously closed yesterday!"

"You have Alzheimer's disease." Suzuki Sonoko snorted, "I heard from Jiang Xia on the way here that yesterday's 'solved case' was actually part of the real murderer's design - even Senda Saruhiko's Death, and the response of the Yamamura Police Department were completely under the control of the real murderer!"

Yamamura Cao stood aside, his face flushed: I didn't expect that he would finally have a highlight moment, but the murderer escaped again, and the murderer committed suicide. In the end, even his reasoning became a part of the prisoner's play.

...Dear prisoner, he will never let that guy go!


Yamamura Cao looked at Jiang Xia: "Who is the murderer?"

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel sour in my heart: Why is it okay for the detective to tell the truth, but he will get into trouble if he tells the truth?

Maya Hashimoto also looked over with bated breath: Could it be that this time, Uzuo finally made a mistake and was caught by Jiang Xia?

"Wait a minute, will Jiang Xia find out that I am also an important actor among them?" Maya Hashimoto felt bad, but soon felt a strange sense of relief, "By the way, besides me there is Curacao! We are both unlucky together, maybe we can work together to escape from the police siege, it won’t be a big problem!”

Jiang Xia glanced at the assistant's face, which was turning green and white, and while grabbing the murderous aura, he said slowly: "The Yamacun Police Department believes that the murderer is Senda Saruhiko, who died from a gun fire, but in fact, Senda Saruhiko has no way to escape from that. Escape from the secret room.

"Although he was thin and could get through the bars of the window in the secret room, he couldn't climb over the river valley - he must be afraid of heights.

"When he went to pick us up outside the village, his reaction was a little strange when we passed the cliff mountain road and the suspension bridge. And the day before yesterday, when Senda Saruhiko was pruning the trees in the yard, he used a pair of gardening shears two to three meters long.

"The tree is not very high. You can easily reach the top of the tree by stepping on the scaffolding next to the tree. However, he only stepped on the lowest two steps and chose to use long-arm scissors that were more difficult to control to make up for the distance - -Of course this is not to show off his skills, but because he does not dare to climb higher.

"The valley outside the secret room has a huge drop. It would be impossible for him to use a rope ladder to climb over to the other side after killing people."

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke really didn’t know that Senda Saruhiko was afraid of heights.

But now he was thinking about succeeding as the head of the family, and he was tired of these outsiders who interrupted him: "Everyone is dead, let alone being afraid of heights, even if you say he turned into a ghost, he will only accept it - is there any evidence? No Just don’t make trouble!”

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